Since i noticed a lot of topics about how to recolour prosilver , i though a topic like this would be useful.
Before we begin we turn the cache of , so it will prevent that you always must refresh your theme or prune your cache.
It can be done very easily, just go to your Administration Control Panel -> Load settings ( you will find that link on the left bottom side of the begin page of your Administration Control Panel index page ) -> Recompile stale style components: -> and set that option to Yes.
That's all , are you ready with styling just turn the option to no

Table of Contents
- 1) change the white background
- 2) Recolor the header image
- 3) Recolor the forum pages
- 4) Recolor the forum list pages
- 5) Recolor the links
- 6) Recolor the forum links
- 7) Recolor the navbar
- Glossary for other useful links to customise your prosilver.
Lets begin

First we go to the stylesheet directory, the will be the ground work

The directory /styles/prosilver/theme/ are heading for, you will notice the next files:
- bidi.css
- buttons.css
- colours.css
- common.css
- content.css
- cp.css
- forms.css
- index.htm
- large.css
- links.css
- medium.css
- normal.css
- print.css
- stylesheet.css
- theme.cfg
- tweaks.css
1) change the white background
Let change the withe background

Open: styles/prosilver/theme/colours.css
Code: Select all
html, body {
color: #536482;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
2) Recolor the header image
You will see at the top of your board a blue header , where you see the site name, description and on the left your board logo.
That is controlled by the colours.css, when you open it you will find the next thing:
Code: Select all
.headerbar {
background-color: #12A3EB;
background-image: url("{T_THEME_PATH}/images/bg_header.gif");
color: #FFFFFF;
You can recolour the image bg_header.gif , that you will find on the directory /styles/prosilver/theme/images/, but keep on mind, when you change (recolour) that image the viewforum.php page will also be a different colour, the blue is also controlled by that image.
Second way you can create a own image , and upload it to the /styles/prosilver/theme/images/ directory , the only thing that you must change is the css code that i posted above.
After you change/recolour the image , you will notice on the bottom that it is still blue! no problem, just change the background-color on the css , what is written above to the right colour (" the next code i mean background-color: #12A3EB; ").
Save the files and upload it , on some cases you must enter CTRL + F5 on your web browser to see the difference.
3) Recolor the forum pages
New you on the index page and you will notice the blue rounding by the forums.
Lets going to change that

Again we open the file : /styles/prosilver/theme/colours.css
you will search for the next code:
Code: Select all
.forabg {
background-color: #0076b1;
background-image: url("{T_THEME_PATH}/images/bg_list.gif");
When you have done that , don't forget to change the "background-color: #0076b1;" to the right colour of your images.
When you are looking at the viewforum.php, you will notice a blue line , that right you must again change on colours.css the next thing:
Code: Select all
.forumbg {
background-color: #12A3EB;
background-image: url("{T_THEME_PATH}/images/bg_header.gif");
New you also see that that on the viewtopic.php pages some blue , light blue.
That are the bg colours, on colours.css you will find this:
Code: Select all
.bg1 { background-color: #ECF3F7; }
.bg2 { background-color: #e1ebf2; }
.bg3 { background-color: #cadceb; }
A little site note here: when you change the bg3 header, you much change the tab images that are located on /styles/prosilver/theme/images/ since otherwise you will have a other colour of the tabs. (the images are bg_menu.gif , bg_tabs1.gif, bg_tabs2.gif).
And after that you must change for the ucp panel the next value on the colours.css
Code: Select all
#navigation a {
color: #333;
background-color: #B2C2CF;
background-image: url("{T_THEME_PATH}/images/bg_menu.gif");
4) Recolor the forum list pages
You will noticed the blue row, on the forum list page, lets change that image

That image on the index page, where you see the forum name, description etc etc.
Is also controlled by a image , only that images is calling gradient.gif and that you can find on /styles/prosilver/theme/images/
On the colours.css you will find the next value that controls that row.
Code: Select all
ul.forums {
background-color: #eef5f9;
background-image: url("{T_THEME_PATH}/images/gradient.gif");
When you are have changed the images , and the background-colour , you will notice that the border bottom a blue line, lets change that

Open again /styles/prosilver/theme/colours.css
Code: Select all
li.row {
border-top-color: #FFFFFF;
border-bottom-color: #00608F;
Code: Select all
border-bottom-color: #00608F;
But you don't like the yellow mouse over on that row

That whe can change open again: /styles/prosilver/theme/colours.css
Code: Select all
li.row:hover {
background-color: #F6F4D0;

It is also possible to change it with a image, you upload your image to the directory:
And you replace
Code: Select all
background-color: #F6F4D0;
Code: Select all
background-image: url("{T_THEME_PATH}/images/yourimage.gif");
Let's change the links colours (this is not for the forum links) !
open: styles/prosilver/theme/colours.css
Code: Select all
a:link { color: #105289; }
a:visited { color: #105289; }
a:hover { color: #D31141; }
a:active { color: #368AD2; }
6) Recolor the forum links
Let change the forum_links colours

open: styles/prosilver/theme/colours.css
Code: Select all
a.forumtitle {
color: #105289;
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
a.forumtitle:hover {
color: #BC2A4D;
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
a.topictitle {
color: #105289;
/* a.topictitle:visited { color: #368AD2; } */
a.topictitle:hover {
color: #BC2A4D;
a.topictitle:active {
color: #105289;

7) Recolor the navbar
The navbar is the bar where you see board index , FAQ , etc etc.
open: styles/prosilver/theme/colours.css
Code: Select all
.navbar {
background-color: #cadceb; /*narbar background color*/
Knowledge Base - Fixed width prosilver
Knowledge Base - Prosilver: Profiles on Left
Knowledge Base - Tools needed to set up and customise phpBB
[HOW TO] Add Liquid/Dynamic Rounded corners to your style
[How To] Modify prosilver's header
Get the style
colorize your own prosilver without editing the files!
Enjoy phpBB