It seems theren are many problems with IE7 and IE8.bbtestman wrote:Who has solved the problem with mchat AND internet explorer 7 en 8 ?
Because with opera and firefox members are displayed in the box and with IE7 OR IE8 not.
I refer to ... teie7.aspx
Therefore I have searched this solution has been implemented. It is !
In styles\yourstyle\template\mchatbody.html is stated at line 6
So it should consider using IE8 like IE7, it doesn't do the job.<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />
So it should consider using IE8 or IE7 like IE5 or 6, it doesn't do the job either.<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="4" />
I suspect the codelines in other php's are not well interpreted in IE7 or IE8.
So when THE PHP-lines will be leaded and ended with
it should be interpreted well. Before making this complicated editing, I will like to know your opinion about this.<?php
Furthermore the problem with quiting mchat when clicking on the minichat-button. I have resolved this by purging the internetcache of the browser IE8 and Firefox.
Now the chat will not logg off.
In Firefox all works well as it should be my choice. Firefox rocks
See also ... #p11042035
- No display of mchat when not logged in
No display of mchat when logged in, but like the members-link there is a miniChat-link
When using the miniChat-link, you enter in the exclusively page with miniChat and still be logged on.