[color=#BF0040]This mod is not for green hand phpbb admins![/color]
Modification Name: FIND
Author: PoPoutdoor
Modification Description: Forum Integrated News Delivery - post news from external feed to your forums.
Modification Version:: 1.1.0-r2 (BD3)
- php >= 5.4 with at least 128M RAM
- php setting "allow_url_fopen = on" and SimpleXML support.
- mysql >=5.5 (recommended, a must if you need 4-byte unicode support)
- Change mysql data table to utf8mb4, if and only if the version >=5.5
- with ability to create/access/execute schedule jobs.
- ACP module to configure import source and posting forum.
- Use Bot user as poster (select posting language for the feed source)
- Imported text formatted with BBcode in language file(You can customized the formatting BBCodes by modify language file find_posting.php)
- ACP option to validate source and configure posting properties.
- ACP PCRE filter for fixing some source issues.
- PHP scripts support scheduled feed(s) import, with native error mail notification by CRON (Linux, other OSes may provide native support too).
- optional: Google feed support. Content reformatted, more suitable for forum post.
- optional: If the feed source in CJK encoding with posting bot language in CJK, automatic single-width punctuation spacing fixing for easier reading. Current code only test with Chinese(all variants), should works with other CJK encodings.
IMPORTANT: Read contrib/readme.html from download first!
Screenshots: N/A
Mod support policy
Read contrib/readme.html from download.
Current bugI port this mod because I need the features before I upgrade my phpbb 2.0.x.
I release this mod because I think many others might need this.
If you think this mod is useful and like to see it gets improved, you have to post every piece of needed information stated above, these help me or others to follow your issue.
None reported.
*Please post bug report to Github first for easier tracking.
My English is not good, please post with simple English, thanks!