en_us translation has errors

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en_us translation has errors

Post by sevenalive »

I went over the en and en_us language files with WinMerge and compared the files. I found a few spelling and grammatical errors. I will post a corrected version soon.

examples of errors:

Code: Select all

authorise > authorize
administer > administrate
localise > localize
localised > localise
Here is a proper version of US English
Last edited by ToonArmy on Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Removed zip
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Re: en_us translation has errors

Post by RMcGirr83 »


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localised > localise
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Re: en_us translation has errors

Post by ToonArmy »

You should contact the translator and submit your changes. Neither should you have removed his name from the language files either. Please see our rules as well: http://www.phpbb.com/rules/#rule8a
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Re: en_us translation has errors

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

actually, authorize and localize are correct spelling for US english

however, there are several places in the us translation that are not consistent with that spelling.

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Re: en_us translation has errors

Post by arod-1 »

Lumpy Burgertushie wrote:actually, authorize and localize are correct spelling for US english
please read the OP again and ask yourself what did he say, exactly.

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Re: en_us translation has errors

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

arod-1 wrote:
Lumpy Burgertushie wrote:actually, authorize and localize are correct spelling for US english
please read the OP again and ask yourself what did he say, exactly.

I did read it very carefully and it looks to me like he is saying that
authorise being changed to authorize is incorrect etc.

If that is not the meaning then maybe I misread it.

since the zip file was removed ( I understand why) it is hard to figure out exactly what the OP is trying to say.

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Re: en_us translation has errors

Post by arod-1 »

ToonArmy wrote:You should contact the translator and submit your changes. Neither should you have removed his name from the language files either. Please see our rules as well: http://www.phpbb.com/rules/#rule8a
this would be good behavior.
however, the same should apply to the "translator" of the en_us package himself.
from a rudimentary look, it seems that the gentleman changed "colour" to "color", "authorise" to "authorize" and some 2 or 3 more trivial changes, in a small number of files.
he then put his name on *each and every* php file of the en_us package, including the majority which are not changed at all (except, of course, the addition of his name and contact info). imho - not cool.

@lumpy: it's the other way around. the OP was saying that these terms *need* to be "translated" as he shows.
i too did not see the zip, but this is apparent by the current content of the en_us "translation".
like RMcGirr83, i also am baffled by the
localised > localise
most probably it should have read
localised > localized

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Re: en_us translation has errors

Post by narqelion »

arod-1 wrote:...from a rudimentary look, it seems that the gentleman changed "colour" to "color", "authorise" to "authorize" and some 2 or 3 more trivial changes, in a small number of files.
Yes I got quite the kick out of it myself one or two weeks ago when I got a look at it for the first time while helping someone out. As an American myself, born and raised in NY I must say the en_us *translation* does not really do it for me, but then again the translator is French :P

I'm toying with the idea of making my translation available publicly from my site for anybody who wants it. It at least goes further correcting the numerous improper (in America at least) word choices and poor grammar found in the default British LP. Administrate my ass, Administer or die! :D

@sevenalive, if you believe you can put together a better American English language pack you should do so and submit it. If it is better or more "American" and users are more comfortable with it then there is no reason it should not be accepted. ;)
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Re: en_us translation has errors

Post by Qiaeru »


Please send me the list of corrections to be applied, then I could fix this ;) .
And I am open to all proposals. Unfortunately, few people contacted me for that.

You can also apply as translator to participate actively in the localization ( :P ).
If you are serious and motivated, there is no problem for me to add you!


EDIT: Language pack updated, thanks to you.
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Re: en_us translation has errors

Post by sevenalive »


I was looking into the whole debate over administer vs administrate. They are both accepted, but administer is correct. Which i find odd since it just looks funny to me.

This grammatical error is in my files (you know administrate sounds better!)

@Xaphos, thanks for uploading my set, since there was more corrections then i stated in my post. I have pmed you the fixed zip correcting administrate to administer.

The attachment that was posted (now removed) was re-done. (which i was also incorrectly accused of violation of phpBB rules). I took the en set and did a find > replace, then i went over line by line to make sure it was done correctly.

If i could, it would be ok with me to be the maintainer for en_us.

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