examples of errors:
Code: Select all
authorise > authorize
administer > administrate
localise > localize
localised > localise
Code: Select all
authorise > authorize
administer > administrate
localise > localize
localised > localise
so?Lumpy Burgertushie wrote:actually, authorize and localize are correct spelling for US english
I did read it very carefully and it looks to me like he is saying thatarod-1 wrote:so?Lumpy Burgertushie wrote:actually, authorize and localize are correct spelling for US english
please read the OP again and ask yourself what did he say, exactly.
this would be good behavior.ToonArmy wrote:You should contact the translator and submit your changes. Neither should you have removed his name from the language files either. Please see our rules as well: http://www.phpbb.com/rules/#rule8a
Yes I got quite the kick out of it myself one or two weeks ago when I got a look at it for the first time while helping someone out. As an American myself, born and raised in NY I must say the en_us *translation* does not really do it for me, but then again the translator is Frencharod-1 wrote:...from a rudimentary look, it seems that the gentleman changed "colour" to "color", "authorise" to "authorize" and some 2 or 3 more trivial changes, in a small number of files.