You can use custom profile fields with reCAPTCHA.GameVixenZone wrote:I am currently using re-captcha on a large forum. I get so much spam signups I feel like it's even more so than the gd captcha. Is there a way to set the board to have QA with recaptcha without installing a QA mod (since one already exists within 3.0.6)
Same concern:whoman69 wrote:I've been hit hard by spammers of late on my small board. New members are invited so I know the email address of a new user before they even get on and have them with a user name that will be recognized. I have 6-12 spammers register everyday so I went to the measure that they would have to be admin approved to start posting. I don't find it any harder to do that than to have to delete their accounts anyway. If I simply ignore the requests to become active by these spammers will the backlog do anything bad to my forum? There should also be an option to deactivate the account instead of just one to activate.
Do you ever watch Anthony Bourdain's travel/food show? He did an episode in Hawaii where he talked to the locals and discovered that Spam plays a big part in a lot of local recipes (he generally avoids tourist traps and tries to find out what the "natives" eat in any given place he visits).Mixstar wrote:LOL, no, in fact since the word 'spam' has been coined to mean the abuse of electronic messaging sales of Spam the product (since 1937) have rocketed.Joshuaxiong1 wrote:I was surprise to see one of those Spam food today at the store. I thought they were 1950's.
I personally don't like the visual CAPTCHA systems. I use the Q&A CAPTCHA plugin and my spam signups are pretty much nonexistent lately. I have a rotating group of questions; the trick is that I use (very simple) mathematical word problems. If you use a math problem written like a grade school drill, like "2+2*8", then bots can easily work through that. But if you use a simple mathematical word problem like "Cheryl buys two packs of Girl Guide cookies for $2 each and pays with a $5 bill; how much change should she get back", then bots seem to choke on it. The Q&A CAPTCHA can accept multiple questions too, so you can have four or five rotating questions (it randomly picks one each time).GameVixenZone wrote:I am currently using re-captcha on a large forum. I get so much spam signups I feel like it's even more so than the gd captcha. Is there a way to set the board to have QA with recaptcha without installing a QA mod (since one already exists within 3.0.6)
You are almost certainly rightDarth Wong wrote:As some have pointed out to me, it's possible that certain low-IQ humans might choke on a question like that too, but I quite frankly always thought a board would be better off without such stupid people being able to join anyway.
Please tell me you E-mailed them back saying "Get smarter friends"Mixstar wrote:You are almost certainly rightDarth Wong wrote:As some have pointed out to me, it's possible that certain low-IQ humans might choke on a question like that too, but I quite frankly always thought a board would be better off without such stupid people being able to join anyway.I have had users email me:
"my friend tried to join today and couldn't work out the anti-spam question(s)"