[ALPHA] Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.1.2

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Re: [BETA] Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0

Post by joebart72 »

I've edited old quiz with accents but it doesn't work...
I learn English with phpbb.com :)
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Re: [BETA] Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0

Post by mtrs »

I edited for utf8 normalization, by making input chars similar to

Code: Select all

utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('message', '', true))
It can be seen at wiki Request_var Example #6 Getting Multibyte chars

It is the quiz.php file below, that I modified. The PHP notices in my tests are from this file usage.

Code: Select all

* @package phpBB3
* @version $Id: quiz.php
* @copyright (c) 2008, 2009 battye, CricketMX.com
* Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License

* @ignore

define('IN_PHPBB', true);
$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './';
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_quiz.' . $phpEx);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/quiz_stats_class.' . $phpEx);

// Start session management

// Grab data
$mode = request_var('mode', '');
$action = request_var('action', '');
$category = request_var('category', 0);

if( !$user->data['is_registered'] )

	// Find which mode is set
	if ($mode == 'submit')
	// submit quiz

	// Sort bbCode
	$uid = $bitfield = $options = '';
	$allow_bbcode = $allow_urls = $allow_smilies = true;

	// uid - $uid, bitfield - $bitfield, options - $options


		if( $action == 'submit' ) // The actual submission to the database stage
		$data_array = array();

		$full_correct_array = array();
		$full_correct_array_count = 0;

		$number_of_questions = request_var('number_of_questions', 0);
		$this_quiz_id = quiz_latest_id() + 1;
			if (!($number_of_questions > 0))

			for ($e = 1; $e <= $number_of_questions; $e++) // Just a trial run to make sure all questions are submitted
				if (!request_var('question_name_' . $e, ''))

			for ($i = 1; $i <= $number_of_questions; $i++)
			$question_name = utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('question_name_' . $i, '', true));

				if (request_var('answers_' . $i, '', true)) // input answer or multiple choice
					$correct_answer = utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('mc_' . $i, '', true));
					$multiple_answers = utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('answers_' . $i, '', true));
					$multiple_answers_array = explode("\n", $multiple_answers);

				else if (request_var('tf_' . $i, 0) != 0) // true/false
					$correct_answer = (request_var('tf_' . $i, 0) == 1) ? $user->lang['TRUE_FALSE_TRUE'] : $user->lang['TRUE_FALSE_FALSE'];
					$multiple_answers_array = array($user->lang['TRUE_FALSE_TRUE'], $user->lang['TRUE_FALSE_FALSE']);

					// Update questions table

					generate_text_for_storage($question_name, $uid, $bitfield, $options, $allow_bbcode, $allow_urls, $allow_smilies);

					$question_array = array(
    					'quiz_question'			=> utf8_normalize_nfc($question_name),
    					'quiz_related_id'		=> $this_quiz_id,
						'quiz_uid'				=> $uid,
						'quiz_bitfield'			=> $bitfield,
						'quiz_options'			=> $options

					$question_sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . QUIZ_QUESTIONS_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $question_array);
					//$that_question_id = $db->sql_nextid() - 1; // This is the ID of the question submitted now.
					$that_question_id = $db->sql_nextid();
					// Now the actual data
					$multiple_answers_array_number = sizeof($multiple_answers_array);
						// For those people who submit too many choices
						$key = 0;

						if( $multiple_answers_array_number > $config['quiz_submit_max_multiple_choice'] )
							$key = array_search($correct_answer, $multiple_answers_array);
							$how_many_further = $multiple_answers_array_number - $config['quiz_submit_max_multiple_choice'];

						$stop_further_checks = 0;

						for ($k = 0; $k < $multiple_answers_array_number; $k++)
							// If key is set, we need to remove one of the incorrect answers
							if ($key > 0 && $stop_further_checks != 1)
								if ( ($key-1) != $k ) // If it is not the correct answer then we remove this one
									$remove_question = 1; // yes
									$how_many_further = $how_many_further - 1;

										if ($how_many_further == 0)
											$stop_further_checks = 1; // don't check any more

											$stop_further_checks = 0; // keep going

									$remove_question = 0;
									$stop_further_checks = 0;

							if ( $remove_question != 1 )
							$correct_true_input_question_answer = ($multiple_answers_array[$k] == $correct_answer) ? true : false;

							generate_text_for_storage($multiple_answers_array[$k], $uid, $bitfield, $options, $allow_bbcode, $allow_urls, $allow_smilies);

								$data_array[] = array(
    								'quiz_question_id'		=> $that_question_id,
    								'quiz_answer' 			=> utf8_normalize_nfc($multiple_answers_array[$k]),
									'quiz_correct'			=> $correct_true_input_question_answer,
									'quiz_uid'				=> $uid,
									'quiz_bitfield'			=> $bitfield,
									'quiz_options'			=> $options,

						$remove_question = 0;

			// End the looping of the separate questions					

		$db->sql_multi_insert(QUIZ_DATA_TABLE, $data_array);

		// Insert into main quiz table.
		$quiz_category 	= request_var('select_category', 0);
		$quiz_name 		= utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('quiz_name', '', true));

		$quiz_array = array(
    		'quiz_author'				=> $user->data['user_id'],
    		'quiz_category'				=> $quiz_category,
    		'quiz_name' 				=> $quiz_name,
			'quiz_date'					=> time(),
			'quiz_number_of_questions' 	=> $number_of_questions,
    		'quiz_views' 				=> 0

		$quiz_sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . QUIZ_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $quiz_array);

		trigger_error(sprintf($user->lang['QUIZ_SUBMISSION_SUCCESSFUL'], '<a href="' . append_sid('quiz.'.$phpEx) . '">', '</a>')); // The quiz was successfully entered into the database

		if( $action == 'verify' )
			$number_of_questions = request_var('number_of_questions', 0);
			$true_false_questions = '';

			if (!($number_of_questions > 0))

			// ready to submit?
			if( request_var('final_verification', 0) )	
			$readiness_fv = 1; // true by default

				if( !request_var('quiz_name', '') || !request_var('select_category', '') )
					// We are not ready
					$readiness_fv = 0; 
				else // check the questions that answers have been selected
					for ($r = 1; $r <= $number_of_questions; $r++)
						if( !request_var('tf_' . $r, 0) && !utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('mc_' . $r, '', true)) )
							// Not ready here either
							$readiness_fv = 0; 

				if( $readiness_fv )
					for ($r = 1; $r <= $number_of_questions; $r++)
					// Define the quiz type
					$reveal_multiples_row = '';

					if( request_var('tf_' . $r, 0) )
						$reveal_quiz_type = $user->lang['IS_TRUE_FALSE'];

					else if ( strpos(request_var('answers_' . $r, ''), "\n") )
						$multi_list = explode("\n", utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('answers_' . $r, '', true)));
						$alternates_list = '';
						for ($b = 0; $b < sizeof($multi_list); $b++)
							$multi_list[$b] = ($multi_list[$b] == utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('mc_' . $r, '', true))) ? '' : $multi_list[$b];
							$alternates_list .= ($multi_list[$b] != '') ? ', ' . $multi_list[$b] : '';
						$alternates_list[0] = ''; 
						$alternates_list[1] = '';

						$uid = $bitfield = $options = '';
						$allow_bbcode = $allow_urls = $allow_smilies = true;
						generate_text_for_storage($alternates_list, $uid, $bitfield, $options, $allow_bbcode, $allow_urls, $allow_smilies);

						$alternates_list = generate_text_for_display($alternates_list, $uid, $bitfield, $options, $allow_bbcode, $allow_urls, $allow_smilies);

						$reveal_quiz_type = $user->lang['MULTIPLE_CHOICE_QUESTION'];
						$reveal_multiples_row .= $alternates_list;

						$reveal_quiz_type = $user->lang['INPUT_ANSWER_QUESTION'];
					// Create bbCode for question

					$reveal_name_of_quiz = utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('question_name_' . $r, '', true));

					$uid = $bitfield = $options = '';
					$allow_bbcode = $allow_urls = $allow_smilies = true;
					generate_text_for_storage($reveal_name_of_quiz, $uid, $bitfield, $options, $allow_bbcode, $allow_urls, $allow_smilies);

					$reveal_name_of_quiz = generate_text_for_display($reveal_name_of_quiz, $uid, $bitfield, $options, $allow_bbcode, $allow_urls, $allow_smilies);

					// Create bbCode for correct answer
					$reveal_correct_answer_for_question = request_var('mc_' . $r, '', true);

					$uid = $bitfield = $options = '';
					$allow_bbcode = $allow_urls = $allow_smilies = true;
					generate_text_for_storage($reveal_correct_answer_for_question, $uid, $bitfield, $options, $allow_bbcode, $allow_urls, $allow_smilies);

					$reveal_correct_answer_for_question = generate_text_for_display($reveal_correct_answer_for_question, $uid, $bitfield, $options, $allow_bbcode, $allow_urls, $allow_smilies);

					$template->assign_block_vars('question_row', array(
					'QUESTION_ID'				=> $r,
					'QUIZ_TYPE'					=> $reveal_quiz_type,
					'QUESTION_NAME_REVEAL'		=> $reveal_name_of_quiz,
					'QUESTION_NAME_HIDDEN'		=> '<input type="hidden" name="question_name_' . $r . '" value="' . utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('question_name_' . $r, '', true)) . '" />',
					'QUESTION_ANSWER_REVEAL'	=> (request_var('tf_' . $r, 0) != 0) ? ((request_var('tf_' . $r, 0) == 1) ? $user->lang['TRUE_FALSE_TRUE'] : $user->lang['TRUE_FALSE_FALSE']) : $reveal_correct_answer_for_question,
					'MULTIPLES_REVEAL'			=> $reveal_multiples_row,
					'QUESTION_ANSWER_HIDDEN'	=> (request_var('tf_' . $r, 0) != 0) ? '<input type="hidden" name="tf_' . $r . '" value="' . request_var('tf_' . $r, '') . '" />' : '<input type="hidden" name="answers_' . $r . '" value="' . utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('answers_' . $r, '', true)) . '" /><input type="hidden" name="mc_' . $r . '" value="' . utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('mc_' . $r, '', true)) . '" />',

        		$s_hidden_fields = build_hidden_fields(array(
            		'number_of_questions'		=> $number_of_questions,

				$template->assign_vars( array(
					'S_SUBMIT_QUIZ_ACTION' 		=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}quiz.$phpEx", 'mode=submit&action=submit'),
					'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS'			=> $s_hidden_fields,
					'U_STEP_SUBMIT_QUIZ'		=> $user->lang['SUBMIT_STEP_3'],
					'U_CHECK_INITIAL' 			=> false,
					'U_VERIFY_ANSWERS'			=> false,
					'U_FINAL_VERIFY' 			=> true,
					'U_QUIZ_NAME'				=> utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('quiz_name', '', true)),
					'U_SELECT_A_CATEGORY'		=> quiz_category_list(request_var('select_category', 0)),

					'body' => 'quiz_submit_body.html')


		if( !$readiness_fv && !request_var('final_verification', 0) )
			// let's check to make sure all of the questions have been filled out. Also that multiple choice is correct
			for ($q = 1; $q <= $number_of_questions; $q++)
				// is the question/answer actually filled out for all questions?
				$verify_ok = ( utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('question_name_' . $q, '', true)) != '' && ( utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('answers_' . $q, '', true)) != '' || request_var('is_true_false_' . $q, 0) == 1 ) ) ? 1 : 0;	// 0 represents something is empty

				$multiple_choices = ( utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('answers_' . $q, '', true)) ) ? explode("\n", utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('answers_' . $q, '', true))) : '';
				$number_of_multiple_choices = sizeof($multiple_choices);
				$mc_alert = ($number_of_multiple_choices > $config['quiz_submit_max_multiple_choice']) ? sprintf($user->lang['TOO_MANY_CHOICES'], $config['quiz_submit_max_multiple_choice']) : '';
				if ($verify_ok == 0 || $number_of_multiple_choices > $config['quiz_submit_max_multiple_choice'])

		if ((!$readiness_fv && !request_var('final_verification', 0)) && (!$verify_ok || $number_of_multiple_choices > $config['quiz_submit_max_multiple_choice']))
		$submit_quiz_action_figure = "verify";
		$final_quiz_verification = false;

			for ($i = 1; $i <= $number_of_questions; $i++)
				$template->assign_block_vars('question_row', array(
				'S_HIDDEN_ANSWERS'	=> $hidden_field,
				'QUESTION_ID'		=> $i,
				'QUESTION_NAME'		=> utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('question_name_' . $i, '', true)),
				'QUESTION_TF_CHECK'	=> (request_var('is_true_false_' . $i, 0) == 1) ? 'checked="checked"' : false, // Display true or false option
				'QUESTION_ANSWER'	=> request_var('answers_' . $i, '', true),

			// Deciding the error message
			$ef_error_msg = ( !$verify_ok ) ? $user->lang['EMPTY_QUIZ_FIELDS'] : $mc_alert;
			$verify_ok = false; // Just in case it was the multiple choice that caused this, to be used later on

			$template->assign_vars( array(
				'U_EMPTY_FIELDS'		=> true,
				'U_EMPTY_FIELDS_MSG'	=> $ef_error_msg, 
				'L_SUBMIT_INFORMATION'	=> sprintf( $user->lang['SUBMIT_INFORMATION'], $number_of_questions, $config['quiz_submit_max_multiple_choice'] ),

		$submit_quiz_action_figure = "verify";
		$final_quiz_verification = true;

		// If we are on Step 2 "retry", ie. referred back to this page, we need to check for the existance of true/false questions
		$tf_questions_expl = explode(',', request_var('true_false_questions', '', true));

			for ($i = 1; $i <= $number_of_questions; $i++)
				if ( utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('question_name_' . $i, '', true)) || utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('answers_' . $i, '', true)) && ( !request_var('final_verification', 0) && (request_var('is_true_false_' . $i, 0) == 1) ))
					if (request_var('is_true_false_' . $i, 0) == 1)
						$true_false_questions .= $i . ',';

						$hidden_field = '<input type="hidden" name="answers_' . $i . '" value="' . utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('answers_' . $i, '', true)) . '" />';
						$multiple_choices = ( request_var('answers_' . $i, '', true) ) ? explode("\n", utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('answers_' . $i, '', true))) : '';
						$number_of_multiple_choices = sizeof($multiple_choices);
						//$mc_alert = ($number_of_multiple_choices > $config['quiz_submit_max_multiple_choice']) ? sprintf($user->lang['TOO_MANY_CHOICES'], $config['quiz_submit_max_multiple_choice']) : '';

						if ($number_of_multiple_choices == 1) // If the quiz is input answer, this will apply
							$multiple_choice_lineup = $multiple_choices[0] . '<input type="hidden" name="mc_'.$i.'" value="' . $multiple_choices[0] . '" />';

						else // for deciding multiple choice options
							$multiple_choice_lineup = '';

							for ($x = 0; $x < $number_of_multiple_choices; $x++)
								$multiple_choice_lineup .= '<input type="radio" name="mc_'.$i.'" value="' . $multiple_choices[$x] . '" /> ' . $multiple_choices[$x] . '<br />';

					if ( !$true_false_questions && request_var('true_false_questions', '') )
						$true_false_questions = request_var('true_false_questions', '');

					$question_tf_vp = false;

					// is_numeric must be used in case it is the 0th item in the array
					if( request_var('is_true_false_' . $i, 0) == 1 || (!((!$readiness_fv && !request_var('final_verification', 0))) && is_numeric(array_search(($i), $tf_questions_expl))) )
						$question_tf_vp = true;

					$template->assign_block_vars('question_row', array(
						'S_HIDDEN_ANSWERS'	=> $hidden_field,
						'QUESTION_ID'		=> $i,
						'QUESTION_NAME'		=> utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('question_name_' . $i, '', true)),
						'QUESTION_TF'		=> $question_tf_vp, // Display true or false option
						'QUESTION_MC'		=> $multiple_choice_lineup, // Display a list of multiple choices or the input answer
						// 'QUESTION_MC_ALERT'	=> $mc_alert,

        	$s_hidden_fields = build_hidden_fields(array(
            	'number_of_questions'		=> $number_of_questions,
				'true_false_questions'		=> $true_false_questions,
				'final_verification'		=> $final_quiz_verification,

			$template->assign_vars( array(
				'S_SUBMIT_QUIZ_ACTION' 		=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}quiz.$phpEx", 'mode=submit&action=' . $submit_quiz_action_figure),
				'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS'			=> $s_hidden_fields,
				'U_STEP_SUBMIT_QUIZ'		=> $user->lang['SUBMIT_STEP_2'],
				'U_EMPTY_FIELDS'			=> ((!$readiness_fv && !request_var('final_verification', 0))) ? false : true,
				'U_EMPTY_FIELDS_MSG'		=> $user->lang['EMPTY_RADIO_BOX'], 
				'U_CHECK_INITIAL' 			=> false,
				'U_VERIFY_ANSWERS'			=> ((!$readiness_fv && !request_var('final_verification', 0))) ? $verify_ok : true,
				'U_QUIZ_NAME'				=> utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('quiz_name', '', true)),
				'U_SELECT_A_CATEGORY'		=> quiz_category_list(request_var('select_category', 0)),

			if (!request_var('number_of_questions', 0))
			// initial "choose number of questions screen"
			// quahappy's suggestion to use a drop down box
			$num_drop = '<select name="number_of_questions">';	

			for ($d = $config['quiz_submit_min']; $d <= $config['quiz_submit_max']; $d++)
				$num_drop .= '	<option value="' . $d . '">' . $d . '</option>';

			$num_drop .= '</select>';

				$template->assign_vars( array(
					'L_SELECT_NUMBER_EXPLAIN'	=> sprintf($user->lang['SELECT_NUMBER_EXPLAIN'], $config['quiz_submit_min'], $config['quiz_submit_max']),
					'S_SUBMIT_QUIZ_ACTION' 		=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}quiz.$phpEx", 'mode=submit'),
					'U_STEP_SUBMIT_QUIZ'		=> $user->lang['SUBMIT_QUIZ'],
					'U_CHECK_INITIAL' 			=> true,
					'U_NUM_DROP'				=> $num_drop,

			// actual adding questions and answers screen
			// check to make sure it is within required parameters
			$number_of_questions = request_var('number_of_questions', 0);

			if (!request_var('number_of_questions', 0) || $number_of_questions < $config['quiz_submit_min'] || $number_of_questions > $config['quiz_submit_max'])
				trigger_error( sprintf($user->lang['OUTSIDE_QUESTION_PARAM'], $config['quiz_submit_min'], $config['quiz_submit_max']) );

				for ($i = 0; $i < $number_of_questions; $i++)
					$template->assign_block_vars('question_row', array(
						'QUESTION_ID'	=> $i + 1,
    	    	$s_hidden_fields = build_hidden_fields(array(
        	    	'number_of_questions'    => $number_of_questions,

				$template->assign_vars( array(
					'S_SUBMIT_QUIZ_ACTION' 	=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}quiz.$phpEx", 'mode=submit&action=verify'),
					'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS'		=> $s_hidden_fields,
					'L_SUBMIT_INFORMATION'	=> sprintf( $user->lang['SUBMIT_INFORMATION'], $number_of_questions, $config['quiz_submit_max_multiple_choice'] ),
					'U_STEP_SUBMIT_QUIZ'	=> $user->lang['SUBMIT_STEP_1'],
					'U_CHECK_INITIAL' 		=> false,
					'U_SELECT_A_CATEGORY'	=> quiz_category_list(''),
					'U_MAX_MULTIPLE_CHOICE'	=> $config['quiz_submit_max_multiple_choice'],

			'body' => 'quiz_submit_body.html')

	if ($mode == 'play')
		if ($action == 'submit')
		// The save type - "save" or "submit".
		$save_type = request_var('submit', '');
		$quiz_id = request_var('quiz_id', 0);

		$current_quiz_in_progress_check = find_current_live_progress_id($quiz_id, 1);

			if (!$current_quiz_in_progress_check)

		$find_number_of_questions_in_quiz = find_number_of_questions_in_quiz($quiz_id);

		$quiz_start_time = find_current_live_progress_id($quiz_id, 2); // When "2", the unix timestamp of the start time is given
		$time_taken_to_do_quiz = time() - $quiz_start_time + find_current_live_progress_id($quiz_id, 3);

			if ($config['quiz_save_enabled'] == '1' && $save_type == $user->lang['QUIZ_SAVE'])
				if ($config['quiz_time_limit_per_question'] != '0')
					if ($time_taken_to_do_quiz > ($config['quiz_time_limit_per_question'] * $find_number_of_questions_in_quiz))
					$db->sql_query("UPDATE " . QUIZ_PROGRESSIVE_TABLE . " SET quiz_in_progress = 0 WHERE quiz_progress_id = " . $current_quiz_in_progress_check);

					trigger_error(sprintf($user->lang['QUIZ_TIME_EXCEEDED'], $time_taken_to_do_quiz));

			$saved_input = '';

				// Essentially a rehash of what is below, but saved.
				$sql = "SELECT quiz_question_id
						WHERE quiz_related_id = " . $quiz_id;
				$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

				while ($question_id_array = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
				$give_question_id = $question_id_array['quiz_question_id'];
				$given_user_input = utf8_normalize_nfc(request_var('question' . $give_question_id, ''));
				$user_given_answer = (!is_numeric($given_user_input)) ? $given_user_input : correct_answer_for_id($given_user_input, 2);

				$saved_input .= $give_question_id . ':/\:/\:/\:' . $user_given_answer . ';/\;/\;/\;';

					SET quiz_progress_saved = '" . $db->sql_escape($saved_input) . "',
					quiz_progress_stop_time = " . time() . " 
					WHERE quiz_progress_id = " . find_current_live_progress_id($quiz_id, 1);


			else if ($save_type == $user->lang['SUBMIT'])

			$time_results_summary = sprintf($user->lang['TIME_SUMMARY'], $time_taken_to_do_quiz);
			$submit_quiz_progressive_id = find_current_live_progress_id($quiz_id, 1);

			// Before we do anything, let's see if the time limits stuff is alright
			if ($config['quiz_time_limit_per_question'] != '0')
				if ($time_taken_to_do_quiz > (($config['quiz_time_limit_per_question'] * $find_number_of_questions_in_quiz) - find_current_live_progress_id($quiz_id, 3)))
					$db->sql_query("UPDATE " . QUIZ_PROGRESSIVE_TABLE . " SET quiz_in_progress = 0 WHERE quiz_progress_id = " . $submit_quiz_progressive_id);

					trigger_error(sprintf($user->lang['QUIZ_TIME_EXCEEDED'], $time_taken_to_do_quiz));

			$number_of_correct_answers = 0;
			$number_of_incorrect_answers = 0;

			$show_answers = array();
			$statistical_sql = array();

				$sql = "SELECT quiz_question_id
						WHERE quiz_related_id = " . $quiz_id;
				$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

				while ($question_id_array = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
				$give_question_id = $question_id_array['quiz_question_id'];
				$given_user_input = request_var('question' . $give_question_id, ''); // raw input

				$user_given_answer = (!is_numeric($given_user_input)) ? $given_user_input : correct_answer_for_id($given_user_input, 2); // the answer the user chose or gave
				$actual_correct_answer = correct_answer_for_id($give_question_id, 1); // the correct (database) answer

					if (utf8_case_fold_nfc($user_given_answer) == utf8_case_fold_nfc($actual_correct_answer))
						if ($config['quiz_show_answers'] != '0') // Should we show the answers to the user? Err...
							$show_answers[($number_of_correct_answers + $number_of_incorrect_answers)] = sprintf($user->lang['SHOW_RESULTS_CORRECT'], $user_given_answer);

						$statistical_array = array(
  							'quiz_question_id'			=> (int) $give_question_id,
							'quiz_id'					=> (int) $quiz_id,
  							'quiz_correct'				=> 1,
  							'quiz_answer'				=> $user_given_answer,
  							'quiz_player'				=> (int) $user->data['user_id'],


						if ($config['quiz_show_answers'] != '0')  // Should we show the answers to the user? Err...
							$show_answers[($number_of_correct_answers + $number_of_incorrect_answers)] = sprintf($user->lang['SHOW_RESULTS_INCORRECT'], $user_given_answer, $actual_correct_answer);

						$statistical_array = array(
  							'quiz_question_id'			=> (int) $give_question_id,
							'quiz_id'					=> (int) $quiz_id,
  							'quiz_correct'				=> 0,
  							'quiz_answer'				=> $user_given_answer,
  							'quiz_player'				=> (int) $user->data['user_id'],


				$statistical_sql[] = 'INSERT INTO ' . QUIZ_STATISTICS_TABLE . '
								     ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $statistical_array);


					// the basic stats (right/wrong in a quiz for quick reference)
					$statistical_overview_setup = array(
						'quiz_id'			=> (int) $quiz_id,
  						'quiz_correct'		=> (int) $number_of_correct_answers,
  						'quiz_incorrect'	=> (int) $number_of_incorrect_answers,
 						'user_id'			=> (int) $user->data['user_id'],
 						'quiz_time'			=> (int) $time_taken_to_do_quiz,

				$statistical_sql[] = 'INSERT INTO ' . QUIZ_STATISTICS_OVERVIEW_TABLE . '
								     ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $statistical_overview_setup);

			$results_summary = sprintf($user->lang['RESULTS_SUMMARY'], $number_of_correct_answers, $number_of_incorrect_answers);
					if ($config['quiz_show_answers'] != '0') // Ctrl+V. I mean, " // Should we show the answers to the user? Err..."
						$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . QUIZ_QUESTIONS_TABLE . "
								WHERE quiz_related_id = $quiz_id
								ORDER BY quiz_question_id ASC";
						$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
						// Loops the questions, so we can display the answer
						$n = 0;
						while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
							$question_formatted = generate_text_for_display($row['quiz_question'], $row['quiz_uid'], $row['quiz_bitfield'], $row['quiz_options']); // does this look familiar? lets format the question
							$user_result = $show_answers[$n];

							$template->assign_block_vars('results_row', array(	
								'QUESTION'			=> $question_formatted,
								'RESULT'			=> $user_result,


				$template->assign_vars( array(
					'SHOW_ANSWERS'				=> ($config['quiz_show_answers'] != '0') ? true : false,
					'TIME_SUMMARY'				=> $time_results_summary,
					'RESULTS_SUMMARY'			=> $results_summary,

					'body' => 'quiz_results_body.html')

			// Delete all temporary/progressive data and update the view count of the quiz
			// We'll use the stats array as it looks nicer, and loosely related anyway
			$statistical_sql[] = "DELETE FROM " . QUIZ_PROGRESSIVE_TABLE . " WHERE quiz_progress_id = $submit_quiz_progressive_id";
			$statistical_sql[] = "UPDATE " . QUIZ_TABLE . " SET quiz_views = quiz_views + 1 WHERE quiz_id = $quiz_id";

			// Insert statistics
			$size_statistical_sql = sizeof($statistical_sql);
				for ($u = 0; $u < $size_statistical_sql; $u++)



	$quiz_id = request_var('q', 0); // get the ID for this quiz being played

	$current_progressive = find_current_live_progress_id($quiz_id, 1);

	if ($current_progressive > 0)
		$sql = "SELECT quiz_progress_saved, quiz_progress_time, quiz_progress_stop_time
				WHERE quiz_progress_id = $current_progressive";
		$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
		$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);


		$progress_saved = $row['quiz_progress_saved'];
		if ($config['quiz_time_limit_per_question'] != '0' && ($row['quiz_progress_time'] + (find_number_of_questions_in_quiz($quiz_id) * $config['quiz_time_limit_per_question'])) < time())

		$progress_time_used = $row['quiz_progress_stop_time'] - $row['quiz_progress_time'];

		if ($progress_time_used < 0)
			$progress_time_used = 0;
		$questions_saved = explode(';/\;/\;/\;', $progress_saved);
		$questions_saved_size = sizeof($questions_saved);

		$saved_information = array();

		for ($w = 0; $w < $questions_saved_size; $w++)
			$question_given_answer = explode(':/\:/\:/\:', $questions_saved[$w]);

			$saved_information[$w]['question_number'] = intval($question_given_answer[0]);
			$saved_information[$w]['given_answer'] = ($question_given_answer[1]) ? $question_given_answer[1] : '';

	$progress_array = array(
  		'quiz_player_id'			=> $user->data['user_id'],
   		'quiz_progress_time'		=> time(),
		'quiz_id'					=> $quiz_id,
		'quiz_progress_saved'       => '',
		'quiz_in_progress'			=> 1,		

	// Enter the data into the progressive data, important to know later on if a user has paused
	// a quiz and wants to resume. Also helpful for admins with time limits enabled.
	$progress_sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . QUIZ_PROGRESSIVE_TABLE . '
					' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $progress_array);


	// Get the questions and loop the loop
			WHERE quiz_related_id = ' . $quiz_id;

	$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

	$quiz_answers_list = array();
	$quiz_answer_row_id = array();
	$question_count = 0;

	while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
	$question_formatted = ''; // reset values to avoid a continual build-up of options
	$answer_select_output = '';

		$quiz_question_id = $row['quiz_question_id']; // This is needed to match to results from the data table
		$question_formatted = generate_text_for_display($row['quiz_question'], $row['quiz_uid'], $row['quiz_bitfield'], $row['quiz_options']);

		$answer_sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . QUIZ_DATA_TABLE . '
					   WHERE quiz_question_id = ' . $quiz_question_id;

		$mc_answer_result = $db->sql_query($answer_sql);
		$a = 0;

		while ($answer_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($mc_answer_result))
			$answer_formatted = generate_text_for_display($answer_row['quiz_answer'], $answer_row['quiz_uid'], $answer_row['quiz_bitfield'], $answer_row['quiz_options']);

			$quiz_answers_list[$quiz_question_id][$a] = $answer_formatted;
			$quiz_answer_row_id[$quiz_question_id][$a] = $answer_row['quiz_data_id'];

	$sizeof_mc_array = sizeof($quiz_answer_row_id[$quiz_question_id]);

		if ($sizeof_mc_array > 1)
			$answer_select_output = ''; // The input fields that are shown to the user
			for ($i = 0; $i < $sizeof_mc_array; $i++)
			$checked_input = '';

				// If we are grabbing saved answers
				if ($current_progressive > 0)
					if (is_numeric($saved_information[$question_count]['given_answer']))
					$checked_input = (intval($saved_information[$question_count]['given_answer']) == intval($quiz_answers_list[$quiz_question_id][$i])) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
					$checked_input = (utf8_case_fold_nfc($saved_information[$question_count]['given_answer']) == utf8_case_fold_nfc($quiz_answers_list[$quiz_question_id][$i])) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';

				$answer_select_output .= '<input type="radio" name="question' . $quiz_question_id . '" value="' . $quiz_answer_row_id[$quiz_question_id][$i] . '" ' . $checked_input . ' /> ' . $quiz_answers_list[$quiz_question_id][$i] . '<br />';

		$value_input = '';

			// If we are grabbing saved answers
			if ($current_progressive > 0)
				$value_input = $saved_information[$question_count]['given_answer'];

			$answer_select_output .= '<input type="text" name="question' . $quiz_question_id . '" value="' . $value_input . '" /> ' . $quiz_answers_list[$quiz_question_id][$i] . '<br />';

		$template->assign_block_vars('play_row', array(	
		'QUESTION'			=> $question_formatted,
		'ANSWER'			=> $answer_select_output,



	// Time limits stuff
	// Javascript from http://www.java-scripts.net/javascripts/Countdown-Timer.phtml (thanks to author Thomas).
	if ($config['quiz_time_limit_per_question'] > 0)
		if ($progress_time_used && $progress_saved)
		// Reset the start time - we have already noted the time already used
		$db->sql_query("UPDATE " . QUIZ_PROGRESSIVE_TABLE . " 
						SET quiz_time_used = " . $progress_time_used . ",
						quiz_progress_time = " . time() . ",
						quiz_progress_stop_time = 0
						WHERE quiz_progress_id = " . $current_progressive);

		$total_time_allowed = ($progress_time_used) ? (($config['quiz_time_limit_per_question'] * $question_count) - $progress_time_used) : $config['quiz_time_limit_per_question'] * $question_count; // time (seconds) allowed to complete the entire quiz

		$s_hidden_fields = build_hidden_fields(array(
			'quiz_id'						=> $quiz_id,

		$template->assign_vars( array(
			'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS'				=> $s_hidden_fields,
			'S_SUBMIT_QUIZ_ACTION'			=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}quiz.$phpEx", 'mode=play&action=submit'),
			'TIME_LIMITS_ENABLED'			=> ($total_time_allowed) ? true : false,
			'TIME_ALLOWED'					=> $total_time_allowed,
			'SAVE_ENABLED'					=> ($config['quiz_save_enabled'] == '1') ? true : false,

			'body' => 'quiz_play_body.html')

	if ($mode == 'stats')
	// view statistics
	$stats = new quiz_stats;
	// $stats->high_percentage_correct_answers();

			'body' => 'quiz_statistics_body.html')


	else if (!$mode)
	// index and categories

		if( $category )
		// list quizzes in a certain category
		$category_title = get_category_name($category);

		$sql 	= "SELECT * FROM " . QUIZ_TABLE . " WHERE quiz_category = $category";
		$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
			while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
				$user_info = "SELECT username, user_colour
							  FROM " . USERS_TABLE . "
							  WHERE user_id = " . $row['quiz_author'];
				$user_info_result = $db->sql_query($user_info);
				$user_info_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($user_info_result);


				$template->assign_block_vars('quiz_row', array(	
				'QUIZ_LINK'				=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}quiz.$phpEx", 'mode=play&q=' . $row['quiz_id']),
				'QUIZ_NAME'				=> $row['quiz_name'],
				'QUIZ_AUTHOR'			=> get_username_string('full', $row['quiz_author'], $user_info_row['username'], $user_info_row['user_colour']),
				'QUIZ_DATE'				=> $user->format_date($row['quiz_date']),
				'QUIZ_VIEWS'			=> ($row['quiz_views'] == 1) ? sprintf($user->lang['NUMBER_OF_QUIZ_VIEWS_SINGLE'], $row['quiz_views']) : sprintf($user->lang['NUMBER_OF_QUIZ_VIEWS_PLURAL'], $row['quiz_views']),

			$template->assign_vars( array(
			'CATEGORY_VIEW'			=> true,
			'CATEGORY_VIEW_NAME' 	=> $category_title,

			'body' => 'quiz_body.html')


				ORDER BY quiz_category_name ASC";

		$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

			while( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
				$quiz_category_id	 	= $row['quiz_category_id'];
				$quiz_category_name 	= $row['quiz_category_name'];
				$quiz_category_desc 	= $row['quiz_category_description'];
				$quiz_category_password	= ($row['quiz_category_password']) ? $user->lang['QUIZ_PASSWORD_PROTECTED_CAT'] : false;
				$quiz_category_link		= append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}quiz.$phpEx", 'category='.$quiz_category_id);

				$quiz_count_quiz_num	= find_number_of_quiz_in_category($quiz_category_id);

				$template->assign_block_vars('category_row', array(	
				'CAT_LINK'				=> $quiz_category_link,
				'CAT_NAME'				=> $quiz_category_name,
				'CAT_DESC'				=> $quiz_category_desc,
				'CAT_PSWD'				=> $quiz_category_password,
				'CAT_NUMBER_QUIZZES'	=> ($quiz_count_quiz_num == 1) ? sprintf($user->lang['NUMBER_OF_QUIZ_INDEX_SINGLE'], $quiz_count_quiz_num) : sprintf($user->lang['NUMBER_OF_QUIZ_INDEX_PLURAL'], $quiz_count_quiz_num),

			$template->assign_vars( array(
			'U_NEW_QUIZ'			=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}quiz.$phpEx", 'mode=submit'),
			'U_STATS' 				=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}quiz.$phpEx", 'mode=stats'),
			'U_CP'					=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}quiz_cp.$phpEx"),
			'CAN_ACCESS_CP'			=> ((intval($config['quiz_user_edit_own_quiz']) == 1) || $auth->acl_get('a_')) ? true : false,

			'body' => 'quiz_body.html')


That fixes the utf8 characters issue, but there are also some PHP notices.
I made a sample test of 4 questions, 1 multiple choice input entered type and 3 true/false ones.

Code: Select all

Step 2 of 3 - Enter the answers!

[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /quiz.php on line 324: Undefined variable: readiness_fv
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /quiz.php on line 343: Undefined variable: readiness_fv
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /quiz.php on line 351: Undefined variable: hidden_field
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /quiz.php on line 351: Undefined variable: hidden_field
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /quiz.php on line 351: Undefined variable: hidden_field
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /quiz.php on line 351: Undefined variable: hidden_field
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /quiz.php on line 447: Undefined variable: readiness_fv
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /quiz.php on line 450: Undefined variable: readiness_fv

After entering some answers
Step 2 of 3 - Enter the answers!
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /quiz.php on line 324: Undefined variable: readiness_fv
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /quiz.php on line 343: Undefined variable: readiness_fv
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /quiz.php on line 420: Undefined variable: readiness_fv
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /quiz.php on line 447: Undefined variable: readiness_fv
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /quiz.php on line 450: Undefined variable: readiness_fv

Step 3 of 3 - Check all is correct!
No PHP notice - error

At last
Your quiz was successfully entered into the database.

Return to the quiz index page.
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /quiz.php on line 151: Undefined variable: remove_question

Trying to take the test:
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /quiz.php on line 862: Undefined variable: i
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /quiz.php on line 862: Undefined index:
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /quiz.php on line 879: Undefined variable: progress_time_used
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /quiz.php on line 889: Undefined variable: progress_time_used

At last, quizz halted when I tried to submit twice due to error.
You are seeing this error because one of several events might have occurred:

- A cheating attempt may have been detected. You cannot leave a quiz and later re-enter it without going through the save process.
- You have tried to resubmit a quiz that you have exceeded the time limit on
- You have already played this quiz, and the admin does not allow multiple attempts.
I abandoned all of my mods.
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Re: [BETA] Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0

Post by battye »

Thanks mtrs! I was missing the "true" in the request_var, thanks for posting that solution!

And yes, I am aware of the unused variables from a previous post. I am working on fixing those up, thanks :)
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Re: [BETA] Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0

Post by xpmen »

thank you mtrs :P
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Re: [BETA] Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0

Post by quahappy »

If anyone requires a UQM header link (battye will be implementing header and nav links at a later date) then check out this post here.
If you don't ask.....
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Re: [BETA] Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0

Post by ttuu »

no supported UTF-8
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Re: [BETA] Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0

Post by artikkk »

Code: Select all

[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/quiz_stats_class.php on line 96: Division by zero
in /forum/quiz.php?mode=stats :oops:
sorry for my bad english :S
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Re: [BETA] Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0

Post by battye »

Beta 2 is now released, the download link is http://www.cmxmods.net/downloads/Ultima ... 2_v200.zip and more information at http://forums.cricketmx.com/viewtopic.p ... 563#p98563

The big new features are points compatibility, UTF-8 compatibility, and some new admin options (such as being able to delete a category).

Edit: I've just been informed that there is a small bug with the time limits for users that are upgrading from Beta 1. It shouldn't affect new installations, but if you want to upgrade from Beta 1 please wait until tomorrow morning (~8 hours) so I can post a fix. Thanks!
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Re: [BETA] Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 (Beta 2 released Dec 29, 09)

Post by joebart72 »

Thanks Battye :D
I learn English with phpbb.com :)
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Re: [BETA] Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 (Beta 2 released Dec 29, 09)

Post by mtrs »

Beta 2 mod package misses .xls file and some folders contains mac .DS_Store files.
I abandoned all of my mods.
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Re: [BETA] Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 (Beta 2 released Dec 29, 09)

Post by battye »

mtrs wrote:Beta 2 mod package misses .xls file and some folders contains mac .DS_Store files.
My mistake, repackaging now...
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Re: [BETA] Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 (Beta 2 released Dec 29, 09)

Post by battye »

Okay, repackaged now. Thanks :)
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Re: [BETA] Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 (Beta 2 released Dec 29, 09)

Post by ttuu »

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Re: [BETA] Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 (Beta 2 released Dec 29, 09)

Post by Jorup16 »

Thanks :)
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Re: [BETA] Ultimate Quiz MOD v2.0.0 (Beta 2 released Dec 29, 09)

Post by Eng.Developer »

CAn i control l time of the quiz ?!

plz anyone reply me ;) ?

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