how to replace the existing files

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how to replace the existing files

Post by muhammad_ijaz »

"I have a forum with phpbb installation. I auto installed it with the help of Fantastico. This was in English. Now I have found an Urdu translation of phpbb. But I do not know how to install or replace it.

Please guide me how can I install it. Should I replace the existing files with the translation files.

Please help because customer service of my host is very poor
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Re: how to replace the existing files

Post by tzampatzis »

You can just upload the laguage folder at the language directory via ftp, also you must upload the directory of images for your language at your styles/prosilver/imageset directory. And the go to your ACP -> styles and pres the install link next to your style, and there you go... :D
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Re: how to replace the existing files

Post by aleksu »

You must upload the translation via dtp or anything else in the directory /language/ and extract it there. After that you need to download the file for the styles. Because the some buttons cannot be translated because they are just images. Upload style PROSILVER to the /styles/prosilver/imageset and extract it. Same thing you need to do it with other styles if you have some.

The log in as admin and go to APC. Click on the System/ Language package.Click where is written INSTALL. With that you install the language. But that's not all. You just tell the system, that there it can be used even that language when you register account or you can go to the User Control Panel/ board preferences and there you can change the language. But it will change only in the specific account.

For changing the language in whole system, you need to go ACP/General/Board settings and there change the default language. After that APC/System/Language pack and click DELETE in the foreign language. Whit that you change the language in whole system.

English is not my native language

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