vBulletin 4.0.x to phpBB 3.0.x

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vBulletin 4.0.x to phpBB 3.0.x

Post by tupeu »

vBulletin 4.0.x is very expensive !

After the current 3.x licenses expire people will have to buy the 4.0 license.

Many will be turning to phpBB then and we will need a vBulletin 4 to phpBB 3 converter !

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Re: vBulletin 4.0.x to phpBB 3.0.x

Post by ameeck »

If people will decide not to buy vBulletin 4.0, using the vBulletin 3.x convertor, which can be found here will probably do for them:
http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... &t=1722325
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Re: vBulletin 4.0.x to phpBB 3.0.x

Post by mox- »

I recently upgraded my vB3 forum to vB4 and I'm really pissed off at the vbulletin team.

1) vBulletin made a really buggy version of their software
2) After a month I've lost ~25% of traffic on my forum

I can't continue using that shit and I want to go back to what I was using prior using vBulletin and this is phpBB.

I really need a vB4 to phpBB converter, where can I find it?
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Re: vBulletin 4.0.x to phpBB 3.0.x

Post by excelcoder »


I have finally 'lost it' with vB4 (specifically their arrogant & flippant 'support experts') - it seems that whatever bug you come across is not 'their fault' or they just say fix it yourself....

Anyway, having installed vB 4.0.1, I decided I'd take a look at phpBB and...

I've used this - http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... &t=1722325

..with limited success - I managed to edit the 'convert_vb30.php' file to skip past the attachments import - as it wasnt working..and I understood from various posts here that it was to do with certain fields being named differently in the attachments table.

Now, I'm really pleased I actually got that far - but I'd love to know which parts of the 'convert_vb30.php' I need to edit in order to get this to work properly - this is not a million miles away - but I've reached the limit of my capabilities :)

So - If anyone can point me in the right direction - I'd be really grateful

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Re: vBulletin 4.0.x to phpBB 3.0.x

Post by D¡cky »

excelcoder wrote:Now, I'm really pleased I actually got that far - but I'd love to know which parts of the 'convert_vb30.php' I need to edit in order to get this to work properly - this is not a million miles away - but I've reached the limit of my capabilities :)

So - If anyone can point me in the right direction - I'd be really grateful

We can't tell what you need to edit unless we know what problems you are having or can look at your vBulletin 4.0 database and files.
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Re: vBulletin 4.0.x to phpBB 3.0.x

Post by excelcoder »

..I'll try to put something together later today/tomorrow..

Cheers :)
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Re: vBulletin 4.0.x to phpBB 3.0.x

Post by excelcoder »

I don't know if anyone is interested....

But I have managed to convert a vB4.0.2 board to phpBB3 - just by changing a couple of lines in the 'convert_vb30' file (specifically a couple of field names) - and also deleting a couple of lines.

(This is all based on Dicky's vb3.x converter)

It DOES NOT convert the attachments (I have 261) - but because of that I am prepared to deal with that later - the most important thing for me was to get away from vB4 - It has practically ruined all the work I have done for the last 3 years...hey-ho - the seniors/admins don't seem to care there anyway - you just get 'smug' replies to genuine questions - seems like they have a chip on their shoulders when it comes to criticism..

...Anyway, I haven't learn how to do all the fancy 'mod' stuff yet and I have merely 'edited' Dickys work - to whom I am eternally grateful.

I simply copied and overwrit the '/public_html/install/convertors' file called 'convert_vb30.php' with the one I've attached here..
(It needs to be re-named to 'convert_vb30.php')

YOU MUST FOLLOW Dickys ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS and overwrite this file last - before you install.

If in doubt - DONT DO IT :)

ps I hope someone cleverer than myself can do this so that attachments can be transferred/converted over to your new php site/forum.

[Old version removed]
New and properly packaged version: viewtopic.php?p=13252438#p13252438
Last edited by excelcoder on Wed Mar 03, 2010 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: vBulletin 4.0.x to phpBB 3.0.x

Post by paulnicholson »

I just bought vbulletin 4 three weeks ago and it pisses me off sooooooo much. i still can't install it. i hate it. i've been trying to get support but they give me no instructions. I wait for 15 hours or more and they answer 15 specific questions with a general crap response that doesn't help. Their manuals involve months of reading and are full of links to outdated information, spelling mistakes and grammatical errors as if the instructions were written by children. They had better give me a f***ing refund. C***s.
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Re: vBulletin 4.0.x to phpBB 3.0.x

Post by Hauzer »

Hey all,

Just passing by this thread and noticed that majority of you aren't satisfied with vB4. If not, then it is possible to convert to phpBB3. But the method is quite a hassle, but very possible. It shouldn't be too hard.

vB4 -> IPB 3.5 -> vB3.x -> phpBB 3.0.x

I'm willing to convert your database files for you, however, I don't have a copy of vB4. If you'd like me to do the convert for you, I'd ask you all to convert vB4 to IPB3.5 yourself then send me the IPB 3.x database which I would then convert to phpBB3.0.x.

You shouldn't need a IPB 3.x copy to convert your database to that software, but if you do, I could always use one of my friend's database. But unsure if I will be able to.
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Re: vBulletin 4.0.x to phpBB 3.0.x

Post by morph3u5 »


i need someone to help me to migrate vBulletin 4.0.x to phpBB 3.0.x

I have Vbulletin in the Root folder or the domain and phpbb in a subfolder of the same domain

my problem is the BOARD PATH

Could not find path to your former board. Please check your settings and try again.
» ../forums was specified as the source path.

I don't know what to type since it is in the root folder, but seems not to work
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Re: vBulletin 4.0.x to phpBB 3.0.x

Post by D¡cky »

../ should work
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Re: vBulletin 4.0.x to phpBB 3.0.x

Post by morph3u5 »

Yeah should world. But its not working for me. Can anyone send me the lat3st script and a small tutorial please
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Re: vBulletin 4.0.x to phpBB 3.0.x

Post by morph3u5 »

D¡cky wrote:../ should work

Verifying conversion options:
Could not find path to your former board. Please check your settings and try again.
» .. was specified as the source path.

It doesn't work for me

What am I doing wrong?
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Re: vBulletin 4.0.x to phpBB 3.0.x

Post by D¡cky »

Do you have showthread.php in the vBulletin root directory?
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Re: vBulletin 4.0.x to phpBB 3.0.x

Post by morph3u5 »

D¡cky wrote:Do you have showthread.php in the vBulletin root directory?
yes i have

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