clava wrote:What I mean in the message above is that after I ran add_bots.php there was no bot displayed on the section "Who is online". Only registered users are displayed there.
Unless you've changed something, bots are considered registered and displayed in the WHO IS ONLINE section. Look at the page and you'll likely see a few bots listed there.
clava wrote:But I must say there are a lot of bots visiting my forum, and I see those bots as visitors (logged as administrator I can see visitors agent and some of those visitors had msn, googlebot, yahoo! slurp, etc agents.)
Where are you seeing those agents? If you're clicking on WHO IS ONLINE as an admin, the agents show up there (as I mentioned previously).
Please use the
exact names of pages and fields (using the default language pack) when reporting things. Making people guess what you mean just delays things.
clava wrote:This was yesterday. Today still no bots on "who is online".
Again, you'll only see them listed if they're currently online or were online within the time specified by the setting that I pointed out. If your board isn't very well-known, bots might not hang out there for long periods of time.
clava wrote:PS: I deleted now all bots and I added some of them manualy and it is working now.
Maybe I will add the entire list without '52', '1', '999' and I guess this way will work.
I'm not sure what "without '52', '1', '999'" means. There's only one thing that you need to do to change the level of bots added (either specify the
&level= parameter on the call or change the
$default_level variable).
If you think there's a bug in the script, please provide me exact details of where you got it, what (if any) edits you made (or E-mail me the script that you used) and how you invoked the script. (Send the details via PM, please; don't post them here.)