Common issues with 3.0.6

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Name: Jim Mossing Holsteyn

Common issues with 3.0.6

Post by JimA »

As phpBB 3.0.6 is a new version with many new features, and even more bug fixes, it has some issues frequently seen in the support forums. Therefore we have made one place where most of them are in one topic, including their solutions. So please, if you have a problem after updating to 3.0.6, please have a look through this topic first. If after reading this you still have an unsolved problem with 3.0.6, feel free to create a new topic in the support forum. :)
  • My CAPTCHA doesn't display! #
    There might be a few causes for that.

    In 3.0.6, a completely new CAPTCHA-plugin system has been added to phpBB, and therefore all styles that have been made before 3.0.6 and not updated yet, don't display this system at all. So you need to make sure that you have a style that is compatible with 3.0.6, and if it isn't, you can wait for that style author to update the style, or use the style code changes package (select your correct version) to update your own custom style yourself.

    In the case mentioned above, the style is the problem. You can very quickly recognize whether that is it, or not. Because when the CAPTCHA preview does display in the ACP, but not on the registration page, it's style related. But when the CAPTCHA-preview in your admin panel doesn't work either, the cause is somewhat different. The easiest fix would probably be to upload your includes/captcha folder again. Make sure you make a back-up of it first.

    Some other possible problem, might be an error message facing you.

    Error message:

    Code: Select all

    [phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/captcha/plugins/captcha_abstract.php on line 233: mt_rand() expects parameter 1 to be long, string given
    This indicates you might face a corrupt or non-updated database. You might try to update your database by uploading the install/database_update.php file again and run it.

    Also make sure the following lines are present in your includes/constants.php file.

    Code: Select all

    // Captcha code length
    define('CAPTCHA_MIN_CHARS', 4);
    define('CAPTCHA_MAX_CHARS', 7); 
  • Active topics doesn't work anymore after updating! #
    Actually, it is now working even better than before. Before, there was a bug in phpBB that Active Topics was always enabled for all forums, regardless of the actual setting, which was No by default. In 3.0.6, this bug has been fixed, meaning that you can now choose whether you want to have a forum in Active Topics or not, so you can exclude certain forums. A disadvantage of this new fix is that in forums which have been using the Active Forums feature without actually enabling it, now don't display any topics anymore.

    You need to enable it for each forum manually under the Forums tab now, to get it back as it has been working in 3.0.5 and lower, or enabling it for all forums at once by running this query.

    Code: Select all

    UPDATE phpbb_forums SET forum_flags = forum_flags | 16 WHERE forum_type < 2;
  • Help! I can't access my ACP anymore after the update! #
    We have changed a redirect in the admin panel. The redirect moved from a hidden field to GET in 3.0.6, which is why 3.0.5 was not affected. This shouldn't be any problem. There is however a rule in mod_security that see this as a insecure action, and therefore blocks this. They have said on their site that it is not recommended to enable this setting. But yet, still some hosts are using it, causing this blank page to occur on some phpBB boards. The real solution would be to configure the mod_security better, but as only your host has access to that feature, here is a temporary fix, which will also fix the problem, so you can access the ACP again.

    Open: adm/index.php
    Find the line:

    Code: Select all

    $phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './../'; 
    Replace it with:

    Code: Select all

    $phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : '../'; 
These were some issues we have seen much and we hope that we are now able to fix those quickly. If you still have any problems with these or other problems, you are always welcome to open a new topic in the 3.0 Support Forum and explain the problem you have. :)
Jim Mossing Holsteyn - Former Community Team Leader
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Re: Common issues with 3.0.6

Post by ric323 »

More 3.0.6 issues
The Knowledge Base contains solutions to many common problems!
How to fix "Doesn't have a default value" and "Incorrect string value: xxx for column 'post_text' " errors.
How to do a clean re-install of the latest phpBB3 version.
Problems with permissions? Read phpBB3 Permissions
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Re: Common issues with 3.0.6

Post by ric323 »

These last three issues can all now be fixed by updating from verson 3.06 to 3.0.7
  • Help! I can't access my ACP anymore after the update!
  • On boards with multiple languages, buttons are always displayed in the default language.
  • The "word censor" is now case-sensitive.
See: phpBB 3.0.7 released
The Knowledge Base contains solutions to many common problems!
How to fix "Doesn't have a default value" and "Incorrect string value: xxx for column 'post_text' " errors.
How to do a clean re-install of the latest phpBB3 version.
Problems with permissions? Read phpBB3 Permissions

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