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Re: Notify Moderators

Post by Meleman »

EnYgma -

I think the post in the previous page before yours will help you with your problem.
pavero81 wrote:
Open: includes/mcp/mcp_queue.php

Code: Select all

// Notify moderators mod
            if (!function_exists('notify_moderators'))
                include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_notify_moderators.' . $phpEx);
            foreach ($post_disapprove_sql as $disapprove_post_id)
                notify_moderators('disapprove', $disapprove_post_id, $user->data['user_id'], $disapprove_reason);
replace with

Code: Select all

    // Notify moderators mod
            if (!function_exists('notify_moderators'))
                include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_notify_moderators.' . $phpEx);
            foreach ($post_disapprove_list as $disapprove_post_id)
                notify_moderators('disapprove', $disapprove_post_id, $user->data['user_id'], $disapprove_reason);
problem resolved with this solution ;)
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Re: Notify Moderators

Post by -EnYgmA- »

Thank you very much for your help 8-)

++ ;)
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Re: Notify Moderators

Post by DavidIQ »

Because I had to install this for a client and there were a lot of bug fixes to be applied according to the third post and another post, I've fixed the package with those and also fixed the edits in subsilver2.xml since they were incorrect. Attached is the corrected package.
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Re: Notify Moderators

Post by Sarahpenycat »

I've screwed my website up royally trying to install this. I'm new to phpBB but this mod looked fairly tame compared to others.

I got to the section of the file edits where you do the following:


Add After

// Notify moderators mod
I the bolded "Find" because it could not be found in the file.

So I started going back through and removing the changes I had made to the files I had already changed. Now I'm getting this error...
Fatal error: Call to a member function assign_vars() on a non-object in /home/blooman1/public_html/includes/functions.php on line 4067
I have no idea what's wrong or how to fix it. I'm including the code here where the error is occurring.

Code: Select all

// The following assigns all _common_ variables that may be used at any point in a template.	$template->assign_vars(array(
		'SITENAME'						=> $config['sitename'],
		'SITE_DESCRIPTION'				=> $config['site_desc'],
		'PAGE_TITLE'					=> $page_title,
		'SCRIPT_NAME'					=> str_replace('.' . $phpEx, '', $user->page['page_name']),
		'LAST_VISIT_DATE'				=> sprintf($user->lang['YOU_LAST_VISIT'], $s_last_visit),
		'LAST_VISIT_YOU'				=> $s_last_visit,
		'CURRENT_TIME'					=> sprintf($user->lang['CURRENT_TIME'], $user->format_date(time(), false, true)),
		'TOTAL_USERS_ONLINE'			=> $l_online_users,
		'LOGGED_IN_USER_LIST'			=> $online_userlist,
		'RECORD_USERS'					=> $l_online_record,
		'PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO'			=> $l_privmsgs_text,
		'PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO_UNREAD'	=> $l_privmsgs_text_unread,
		'S_USER_NEW_PRIVMSG'			=> $user->data['user_new_privmsg'],
		'S_USER_UNREAD_PRIVMSG'			=> $user->data['user_unread_privmsg'],
		'S_USER_NEW'					=> $user->data['user_new'],

		'SID'				=> $SID,
		'_SID'				=> $_SID,
		'SESSION_ID'		=> $user->session_id,
		'ROOT_PATH'			=> $phpbb_root_path,
		'BOARD_URL'			=> $board_url,

		'L_LOGIN_LOGOUT'	=> $l_login_logout,
		'L_INDEX'			=> $user->lang['FORUM_INDEX'],
		'L_ONLINE_EXPLAIN'	=> $l_online_time,

		'U_PRIVATEMSGS'			=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'i=pm&folder=inbox'),
		'U_RETURN_INBOX'		=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'i=pm&folder=inbox'),
		'U_POPUP_PM'			=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'i=pm&mode=popup'),
		'UA_POPUP_PM'			=> addslashes(append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'i=pm&mode=popup')),
		'U_MEMBERLIST'			=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}memberlist.$phpEx"),
		'U_VIEWONLINE'			=> ($auth->acl_gets('u_viewprofile', 'a_user', 'a_useradd', 'a_userdel')) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewonline.$phpEx") : '',
		'U_LOGIN_LOGOUT'		=> $u_login_logout,
		'U_INDEX'				=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx"),
		'U_SEARCH'				=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}search.$phpEx"),
		'U_REGISTER'			=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'mode=register'),
		'U_PROFILE'				=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx"),
		'U_MODCP'				=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}mcp.$phpEx", false, true, $user->session_id),
		'U_FAQ'					=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}faq.$phpEx"),
		'U_SEARCH_SELF'			=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}search.$phpEx", 'search_id=egosearch'),
		'U_SEARCH_NEW'			=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}search.$phpEx", 'search_id=newposts'),
		'U_SEARCH_UNANSWERED'	=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}search.$phpEx", 'search_id=unanswered'),
		'U_SEARCH_UNREAD'		=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}search.$phpEx", 'search_id=unreadposts'),
		'U_SEARCH_ACTIVE_TOPICS'=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}search.$phpEx", 'search_id=active_topics'),
		'U_DELETE_COOKIES'		=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'mode=delete_cookies'),
		'U_TEAM'				=> ($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS && !$auth->acl_get('u_viewprofile')) ? '' : append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}memberlist.$phpEx", 'mode=leaders'),
		'U_TERMS_USE'			=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'mode=terms'),
		'U_PRIVACY'				=> append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'mode=privacy'),
		'U_RESTORE_PERMISSIONS'	=> ($user->data['user_perm_from'] && $auth->acl_get('a_switchperm')) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'mode=restore_perm') : '',
		'U_FEED'				=> generate_board_url() . "/feed.$phpEx",

		'S_USER_LOGGED_IN'		=> ($user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS) ? true : false,
		'S_AUTOLOGIN_ENABLED'	=> ($config['allow_autologin']) ? true : false,
		'S_BOARD_DISABLED'		=> ($config['board_disable']) ? true : false,
		'S_REGISTERED_USER'		=> (!empty($user->data['is_registered'])) ? true : false,
		'S_IS_BOT'				=> (!empty($user->data['is_bot'])) ? true : false,
		'S_USER_PM_POPUP'		=> $user->optionget('popuppm'),
		'S_USER_LANG'			=> $user_lang,
		'S_USER_BROWSER'		=> (isset($user->data['session_browser'])) ? $user->data['session_browser'] : $user->lang['UNKNOWN_BROWSER'],
		'S_USERNAME'			=> $user->data['username'],
		'S_CONTENT_DIRECTION'	=> $user->lang['DIRECTION'],
		'S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN'	=> ($user->lang['DIRECTION'] == 'ltr') ? 'left' : 'right',
		'S_CONTENT_FLOW_END'	=> ($user->lang['DIRECTION'] == 'ltr') ? 'right' : 'left',
		'S_TIMEZONE'			=> ($user->data['user_dst'] || ($user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS && $config['board_dst'])) ? sprintf($user->lang['ALL_TIMES'], $user->lang['tz'][$tz], $user->lang['tz']['dst']) : sprintf($user->lang['ALL_TIMES'], $user->lang['tz'][$tz], ''),
		'S_DISPLAY_ONLINE_LIST'	=> ($l_online_time) ? 1 : 0,
		'S_DISPLAY_SEARCH'		=> (!$config['load_search']) ? 0 : (isset($auth) ? ($auth->acl_get('u_search') && $auth->acl_getf_global('f_search')) : 1),
		'S_DISPLAY_PM'			=> ($config['allow_privmsg'] && !empty($user->data['is_registered']) && ($auth->acl_get('u_readpm') || $auth->acl_get('u_sendpm'))) ? true : false,
		'S_DISPLAY_MEMBERLIST'	=> (isset($auth)) ? $auth->acl_get('u_viewprofile') : 0,
		'S_NEW_PM'				=> ($s_privmsg_new) ? 1 : 0,
		'S_REGISTER_ENABLED'	=> ($config['require_activation'] != USER_ACTIVATION_DISABLE) ? true : false,
		'S_FORUM_ID'			=> $forum_id,
		'S_TOPIC_ID'			=> $topic_id,

		'S_LOGIN_ACTION'		=> (!defined('ADMIN_START')) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'mode=login') . '&redirect=' . urlencode(str_replace('&', '&', build_url())) : append_sid("index.$phpEx", false, true, $user->session_id) . '&redirect=' . urlencode(str_replace('&', '&', build_url())),

		'S_ENABLE_FEEDS'			=> ($config['feed_enable']) ? true : false,
		'S_ENABLE_FEEDS_FORUMS'		=> ($config['feed_overall_forums']) ? true : false,
		'S_ENABLE_FEEDS_TOPICS'		=> ($config['feed_overall_topics']) ? true : false,
		'S_ENABLE_FEEDS_NEWS'		=> ($s_feed_news) ? true : false,

		'T_THEME_PATH'			=> "{$web_path}styles/" . $user->theme['theme_path'] . '/theme',
		'T_TEMPLATE_PATH'		=> "{$web_path}styles/" . $user->theme['template_path'] . '/template',
		'T_SUPER_TEMPLATE_PATH'	=> (isset($user->theme['template_inherit_path']) && $user->theme['template_inherit_path']) ? "{$web_path}styles/" . $user->theme['template_inherit_path'] . '/template' : "{$web_path}styles/" . $user->theme['template_path'] . '/template',
		'T_IMAGESET_PATH'		=> "{$web_path}styles/" . $user->theme['imageset_path'] . '/imageset',
		'T_IMAGESET_LANG_PATH'	=> "{$web_path}styles/" . $user->theme['imageset_path'] . '/imageset/' . $user->data['user_lang'],
		'T_IMAGES_PATH'			=> "{$web_path}images/",
		'T_SMILIES_PATH'		=> "{$web_path}{$config['smilies_path']}/",
		'T_AVATAR_PATH'			=> "{$web_path}{$config['avatar_path']}/",
		'T_AVATAR_GALLERY_PATH'	=> "{$web_path}{$config['avatar_gallery_path']}/",
		'T_ICONS_PATH'			=> "{$web_path}{$config['icons_path']}/",
		'T_RANKS_PATH'			=> "{$web_path}{$config['ranks_path']}/",
		'T_UPLOAD_PATH'			=> "{$web_path}{$config['upload_path']}/",
		'T_STYLESHEET_LINK'		=> (!$user->theme['theme_storedb']) ? "{$web_path}styles/" . $user->theme['theme_path'] . '/theme/stylesheet.css' : append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}style.$phpEx", 'id=' . $user->theme['style_id'] . '&lang=' . $user->data['user_lang']),
		'T_STYLESHEET_NAME'		=> $user->theme['theme_name'],

		'T_THEME_NAME'			=> $user->theme['theme_path'],
		'T_TEMPLATE_NAME'		=> $user->theme['template_path'],
		'T_SUPER_TEMPLATE_NAME'	=> (isset($user->theme['template_inherit_path']) && $user->theme['template_inherit_path']) ? $user->theme['template_inherit_path'] : $user->theme['template_path'],
		'T_IMAGESET_NAME'		=> $user->theme['imageset_path'],
		'T_IMAGESET_LANG_NAME'	=> $user->data['user_lang'],
		'T_IMAGES'				=> 'images',
		'T_SMILIES'				=> $config['smilies_path'],
		'T_AVATAR'				=> $config['avatar_path'],
		'T_AVATAR_GALLERY'		=> $config['avatar_gallery_path'],
		'T_ICONS'				=> $config['icons_path'],
		'T_RANKS'				=> $config['ranks_path'],
		'T_UPLOAD'				=> $config['upload_path'],

		'SITE_LOGO_IMG'			=> $user->img('site_logo'),

		'A_COOKIE_SETTINGS'		=> addslashes('; path=' . $config['cookie_path'] . ((!$config['cookie_domain'] || $config['cookie_domain'] == 'localhost' || $config['cookie_domain'] == '') ? '' : '; domain=' . $config['cookie_domain']) . ((!$config['cookie_secure']) ? '' : '; secure')),
Please if anyone can help me I would really appreciate it!!
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Re: Notify Moderators

Post by DavidIQ »

You've somehow managed to mess this up:

Code: Select all

// The following assigns all _common_ variables that may be used at any point in a template.   $template->assign_vars(array(
The $template->assign_vars should not be in the same line as the comment. Looks like you've deleted the line that was before it. Just move the part I've indicated to a new line.
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Re: Notify Moderators

Post by Sarahpenycat »

Thanks for the response.

When I copied the code over that line moved up because in the file itself it looks like this...

Code: Select all

// The following assigns all _common_ variables that may be used at any point in a template.
So I'm still getting the error. :(
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Re: Notify Moderators

Post by DavidIQ »

What's on line 4067?
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Re: Notify Moderators

Post by Sarahpenycat »

DavidIQ wrote:What's on line 4067?
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Re: Notify Moderators

Post by Meleman »


Do you know if the "Notify moderator queued posts" setting works for your client?

That setting is the only one that is not working on my forum.

Using phpbb 3.0.7 PL1
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Re: Notify Moderators

Post by DavidIQ »

What are the 10 lines you have after this:

Code: Select all

* Generate page header
function page_header($page_title = '', $display_online_list = true, $item_id = 0, $item = 'forum')
BTW on a standard functions.php file with no modifications the code you posted is around line 4165. You have quite a lot of code missing if that's where it's erroring out. Maybe you deleted some code by accident?
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Re: Notify Moderators

Post by DavidIQ »

Meleman wrote:DavidIQ,

Do you know if the "Notify moderator queued posts" setting works for your client?

That setting is the only one that is not working on my forum.

Using phpbb 3.0.7 PL1
Yes I get the notifications just fine.
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Re: Notify Moderators

Post by Sarahpenycat »

DavidIQ wrote:What are the 10 lines you have after this:

Code: Select all

* Generate page header
function page_header($page_title = '', $display_online_list = true, $item_id = 0, $item = 'forum')
BTW on a standard functions.php file with no modifications the code you posted is around line 4165. You have quite a lot of code missing if that's where it's erroring out. Maybe you deleted some code by accident?

Code: Select all

function page_header($page_title = '', $display_online_list = true, $item_id = 0, $item = 'forum')
	global $db, $config, $template, $SID, $_SID, $user, $auth, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path;

	if (defined('HEADER_INC'))

	define('HEADER_INC', true);
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Re: Notify Moderators

Post by Meleman »

DavidIQ wrote:
Meleman wrote:DavidIQ,

Do you know if the "Notify moderator queued posts" setting works for your client?

That setting is the only one that is not working on my forum.

Using phpbb 3.0.7 PL1
Yes I get the notifications just fine.
Thanks for your reply DavidIQ. I'll recheck the edits and compare it to the zip file you provided.
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Re: Notify Moderators

Post by Meleman »


DavidIQ - mod working! THANKS!

I forgot, I needed to be logged off the forum to receive notifications.

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