Did you upload the Language files and make the Language edits (to the Language that you're using?)?
So,I've upload the Language files which's my language.But It also doesn't work,The points didn't increase.keith10456 wrote:Did you upload the Language files and make the Language edits (to the Language that you're using?)?
The default is "en", so if you're using a Language that is different from that one then you have to make the necessary edits, and upload the download files to the folder/directory (of the Language that you have).
Did you install/enable the modules?Kuriso wrote:This is driving me crazy and I don't see a clear answer for it. I just finished installing this. There were no errors. BTW I'm running [FINAL] Ultimate Points 1.0.7 [English]. I have the Bank, Lotto, & Robbery enabled but i see no options or panels for them in the user windows. No way to buy a ticket or to open a bank account. The points work. I see the stats at the bottom and i click on my name and it tells me how much $$ i have. Also says i don't have a bank account but list no way to make one. IDK if I'm just blind or if something is missing but please point me in the right direction.![]()
Thanks a bunch
I have the same question. Anyone? This mod would be perfect for me without the decimals.northparks wrote:Hey, this is such a great mod. Thanks!
Just one thing though, is it possible to remove the last two digits after the decimal?
As opposed to being 30.00 points, to just 30 points?
OK, I think I should install again carefully.keith10456 wrote:@ rebirthal - I'm not sure what you problem may be... I suggest double-checking your file edits. Normally there is a problem with the edits.
Oh! It's work!rebirthal wrote:OK, I think I should install again carefully.keith10456 wrote:@ rebirthal - I'm not sure what you problem may be... I suggest double-checking your file edits. Normally there is a problem with the edits.
Code: Select all
<!-- IF USE_POINTS -->
<dd><!-- IF U_LOCKED --><b>{L_POINTS_LOCKED}</b><!-- ELSE -->{U_POINTS1} <!-- IF USE_IMAGES_POINTS --><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/money.png" width="11px" height="11px" alt="" /><!-- ELSE -->{P_NAME}<!-- ENDIF --><br /><a href="{U_POINTS_DONATE}">{L_DONATE}</a> <a href="{U_POINTS_MODIFY}">{L_MOD_USER_POINTS}</a><!-- ENDIF -->