MOD-Title: Live Preview
MOD-Version: 1.0.2
MOD-Author: 4seven
Credits: drakon (for inital great stuff)
phpBB-Version: phpBB 3.0.x
phpBB-Languages: multilingual
phpBB-Styles: prosilver
MOD-Description: This Mod adds an Live Preview of post-content above post-box
- Live Preview of post-content without refresh
- Using genuine phpBB BBCode-Engine
- Work with all Board- and Custom-BBCodes.
. Multimedia- and Script-BBCodes (youtube, flash, javascript, iframe etc).
. will be replaced with placeholder to prevent flickering and forum-load.
- Compatiblity with phpbb3 'quick reply' and 'full quick reply editor'
- Fixed div height and autoscroll feature
- Easy install, only 2 edits (4 edits with quick reply)
- xhtml 1.0 strict valid
Requirements: mod_security Off
- qr can test without login and no possibility to submit
- to test out standard postbox and full qr > un: test / pw: tester
Download: ... =534#p1696
New in v.0.0.2:
- setting 'live preview div' to fixed height
- adding auto scroll feature to fixed div
New in v.0.0.3:
- make ajax data full strict
New in v.0.0.4:
- sync scrolling feature from "'live preview div" to "message div"
New in v.1.0.2:
- Change Prefix from [DEV] to [RC]
- Fixing one xhtml Error and one AutoMod Issue, submit [RC] to ModDB
- Fixing all xhtml and AutoMod Issues in QR Addition
- Splitting Main Mod from QR Addition
Infos and Tips
Error Message
Adjusting Live Preview BoxExplanation of Reason and possible Workarounds:Code: Select all
"There is a problem accessing the server: Forbidden" ... #p12806782
Other possible Workaround (successfull only in rare cases) ... #p12806808