Page Not Found!D¡cky wrote:Practical.Running+phpBB3+on+localhost
It's this one: Practical.Running phpBB3 on localhostwadie wrote:Page Not Found!D¡cky wrote:Practical.Running+phpBB3+on+localhost
Of course. That's the whole point - to make a readable copy. For the regular users, it's highly impractical to install Apache, Php, MySQL when they only want the archive of a former forum.Lumpy Burgertushie wrote:just keep in mind that what you wind up with is not an active forum. it would strictly be an archive to read.
nobody would be able to post or sign up or anything but read it.
There is no need to install all those.ForumJoe wrote: For the regular users, it's highly impractical to install Apache, Php, MySQL when they only want the archive of a former forum.
The regular computer user doesn't have the energy to learn how to install and configure all that software.
Mick wrote:You can follow Knowledge Base - Installing and Setting Up Your Own Web Server and then play with the files on your home PC.