Yes, posts stay in the topic. And there is a wrong information about the last message in the topiclist if I delete last post (not permanently)...primehalo wrote:You can't, posts stay in their topics. Only topics can be set to be automatically moved to the Trash forum
AleksAnders wrote:In the topic list there is always the date and a link to the last post. But if the last post is deleted, the forum still shows information about the deleted message (date, author) and the topic is not marked as read (of course if you do not delete the message permanently)..
Can you tell me please how to make that the information about the last post would be taken from the last existing post in the topic, but not deleted?
That should have been fixed awhile ago. I just installed the MOD on a fresh board using AutoMOD. I tried various combination of fake-deleting the last post, and the LAST POST information shown on the forum list was always updated, correctly showing information about the most recent non-fake-deleted post.AleksAnders wrote:And there is a wrong information about the last message in the topiclist if I delete last post (not permanently)...
Code: Select all
define('MINIMIZE_DELETED_POST', true); // Show the bare minimum? (Otherwise, show everything but the actual message.)
I have been facing exactly the same problem for last few hours.stanger wrote:Hello prime.
Your MOD is very good,but i have some troubles.
After install MOD and using 'db_install.php' I had the old problem that has been discussed already in this forum. [...]
Permissions --> Permission Roles --> Moderator Roles There i can change if moderators can delete posts completely and if they are able to "undelete" posts or topics. But when i came to this window these options are always at "no", although i change them to "yes".
If I turn: "Can postings delete completely" to "yes" and submit this option, i got this error:please help solve this problem ...Code: Select all
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ] Duplicate entry '11-0' for key 1 [1062] SQL INSERT INTO phpbb3_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) VALUES (11, 32, 1), (11, 34, 1), (11, 0, 1), (11, 35, 1), (11, 40, 1), (11, 0, 1), (11, 31, 1) BACKTRACE [...]