[BETA] phpRivals mod 2.0.1

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Re: [BETA] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by SlickiX »

Im struggling to install this can anyone help me out?

Ok iv done all the edit's but im stuck with copy >>

1 Copy: root/*.*
To: *.*

Where do i find this and what do i do with it any help would be greatly appreciated ;)
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Re: [BETA] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by SlickiX »

Now i know where it goes ;)
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Re: [BETA] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by SlickiX »

Still nothing though :(
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Re: [BETA] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by SlickiX »

Iv done all edits and replace, and even tried to install umil to get this to work but still nothing. Anyone help?
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Re: [BETA] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by Soshen »

maybe if you post your problem...
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Re: [BETA] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by HODDemon »

I have been a fan of this mod for a VERY long time, and have been doing some tweaks to fine-tune the English Language version (since there are still many mistakes in 1.0.3 as far as the Language is concerned).

I finally tweaked everything perfectly to how I want it, and corrected a few minor errors in the actual source of some of the pages, but I am now left with ONE noticeable problem that I cannot resolve, hoping you can help.


Log into Admin CP
Click phpRivals Mod Tab
Click Edit Tournaments
Locate the Tournament I want to edit and click "Edit Tournament"

Then I get this error:

General Error
Module not accessible

URL at the top of the page when I get this error is:

I have tried a few things to troubleshoot, like changing edit_tournament& to edit_tournaments&, but that brings me back to the original Edit Tournaments page (obviously).

I have also confirmed that all of the proper files seem to be in the proper place for edit_tournament:


How can I resolve this final problem so that I can officially launch my Tournaments?

Thanks for your time!
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Re: [BETA] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by HODDemon »

Actually I just found ONE more issue as well, if you could shed some light on this one as well?

When I click in Admin CP on "Del a War" (Which I assume means to Delete a War / Match? )

I get this:

Code: Select all

SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 [1064]


SELECT * FROM phpbb_rivals_ladders WHERE ladder_id =


FILE: includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 174
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: rivals/classes/class_ladder.php
LINE: 141
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query()

FILE: includes/acp/rivals/acp_rivals_edit_match.php
LINE: 175
CALL: ladder->get_roots()

FILE: includes/acp/acp_rivals.php
LINE: 167
CALL: acp_rivals_edit_match()

FILE: includes/functions_module.php
LINE: 507
CALL: acp_rivals->main()

FILE: adm/index.php
LINE: 74
CALL: p_master->load_active()

This one is not as important as the Tournament one, but I would love to get them both fixed. If necessary, I can just remove the modules for wars, since I don't plan on using that system anyway, but a fix is preferred. Cheers.
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Re: [BETA] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by HODDemon »

Hi! Me again :x

Just noticed another pretty big issue I am having...

I just signed 3 Test Teams up for a Test Tournament so that i could make sure the BYE system was working properly. The BYE worked just fine, and the tournament says it was started (via the admin CP), but when I go to the Tournaments page in User Control Panel, it says there are no tournaments currently running under both "Unreported" and "Reported" tournament lists, even though the Control Panel said it started AND it generated the brackets properly.

Because of this, I am forced to edit the brackets manually (very annoying) when teams win. I have received no errors. Any thoughts on this?

Edit: Regarding this tournament issue, I went to phpMyAdmin and checked some of the tables that had to do with Tournaments. I noticed that all the tables in phpbb_rivals_treports (tournament reports) are showing Empty Results (0 rows). Here is the full error: MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). (Query took 0.0007 sec)

So it looks like when a tournament starts, its not writing anything to the tournament reports table, and therefore isn't showing up in the Tournament management in UCP. Why do you think this is? I haven't altered any of the php elements or anything that writes to the database, mainly just HTML and style edits. Could you point me in the direction of where I need to check to make sure its aiming for the right table?

Or am I completely incorrect in my assumptions that this is causing the issue?
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Re: [BETA] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by Soshen »

Well my mod version for now don't have edits for tournament system.
If there are problems, those are from (and like) the base version.

Tomorrow i will check about it for fix it in 1.0.4.

Can you say me, step by step, how do you do for setup the tournament (i want make a same one).
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Re: [BETA] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by HODDemon »

In Admin CP:
Step 1: Add a Platform - Test Platform 1
Step 2: Add a Ladder - Test Ladder 1
Step 3: Add a Sub-Ladder - Test Sub (Add Challenge Link: Yes, Ladder Ranking System: ELO)
Step 4: Add a Tournament:
- Test Tournament 1
- Number of Teams: any number from 3-7 (I have tested many numbers)
- Tournament Type: Single Elimination
- Tournament Start Date: Todays date + an hour or two (although this has never really mattered since they only start when admin starts from CP)
- Tournament Ladder: Test Sub
- Tournament Direction: Left to Right

In User CP:
Step 1: Create New Clan: Any Name
Step 2: Join Ladder Test Ladder 1 / Test Sub
Step 3: Sign up for Tournament
(had 2 clan mates also create teams and do the same, I also created another dummy account on my phpbb and did the same, 5 teams signed up total).

In Admin CP:
Step 1: Click "Edit Tournaments"
Step 2: Locate the Test Tournament 1, Press "Start Tournament"
Step 3: Admin CP says "Tournament has been changed"
Step 4: Refresh Admin CP "Edit Tournaments" page and it no longer has a "Start Tournament" page

In User CP:
Step 1: Click Tournaments
Step 2: Click Brackets for Test Tournament 1, Brackets have been formed
Step 3: Go to Clan CP and click Tournament Management
Step 4: See that it says "No tournaments are currently running." (even tho it should be).
Step 5: Check your Private Messages to see that you have not received notification of tournament starting

This is where it breaks. At this point, you can still edit the brackets through the admin CP, but the users cannot report wins/losses, or manage their tournament (or even know it has started) because they are never notified and it doesn't show up in control panel.
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Re: [BETA] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by Soshen »

Step 3: Add a Sub-Ladder - Test Sub (Add Challenge Link: Yes, Ladder Ranking System: ELO)
do you use standard ladder or another one?

BTW i'm looking for someone that want help me to check this mod and eng language.
PM if you want.
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Re: [BETA] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by HODDemon »

I've tried all the different ladder types that you added, including the standard. I also tried setting up a tournament without a ladder at all (since its optional), and it still failed when I tried to start it.

Hope you can check it out and at least let me know if its just me, or if you too are having that problem.

As for english conversion. I am NOT very good with italian (I know a little bit, and I am technically italian by blood), but I am very good at English, so I should be able to do a very nice conversion. I'd be happy to give it a try for you but I really want to get this tournament issue fixed :D
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Re: [BETA] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by Soshen »

No problem about italian.

'cose i've put my hands on tournament i want change a bit thing...

for example unlink tournament from ladder.

Send me your msn or skype via pm thx
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Re: [BETA] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by HODDemon »

I stopped using MSN because someone was harrassing me, so i'll need to make a new one, but I will do that tomorrow.

So, Tournaments are broken for you too? It isn't just me?
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Re: [BETA] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by smokingnnoob »

great mod shosen ! the tournament is the same for me , also when you challenge a clan on any ladder any match details you send to the user does not get sent. can i aslo ask if anyone knows how to register anouther game for the 'maps of the day' and if so how to add the pictures.

anyway whens 1.4 coming to us roughly? thanks!!, http://smokeitjae.limewebs.com/home/forum/portal.php

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