Code: Select all
$from_oldtime = $user->format_date($post_info['post_time']);
$month = request_var('month', 0);
$day = request_var('day', 0);
$year = request_var('year', 0);
$hour = request_var('hour', 0);
$minute = request_var('minute', 0);
$second = 0;
$hour = $hour - ($user->timezone + $user->dst);
$day = $day - 2;
$month = $month + 5;
I'm in the exact position where Goku ssj3 is, date is slightly wrong on a board with time set in Italy.Jeroen B wrote:Let's see if more people are having troubles with this.
Code: Select all
$hour = $hour - ($user->timezone + $user->dst);
Code: Select all
//$hour = $hour - ($user->timezone + $user->dst);
Which edits exactly?darkonia wrote:after a few edits the mod works for me.
Did you also mind the Summer Time/DST setting? That may cause the 1 hour difference.hywel wrote:It did work for me when changing time to 1st December (it changed to exact time), partially worked when changing time to 1st August (it changed to extact time +1 hour).