Custom BBCodes [Deprecated]

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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by jameskever »

Steve and Amigojack,

I simply copied the code from someone on the 4th page. {text} was in all lowercase and when I changed it to all uppercase the code finally worked.

I'm not sure when it's best to use span vs. div. I'm reading up on creating styles and the instructions say to use span sparingly. My understanding isn't such that I can tell you why yet, but since it works now, I'll just leave well enough alone.

I really wish this thread were a forum itself. I am very interested in this topic, but I've got to read 209 pages in order to get up to speed with everyone. Plus, if there's an error, I've got to make it all the way through the whole 209 pages to know if it's been addressed or not.

In any event, thank you both very much for the help. That fixed my problem.
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by AmigoJack »

jameskever wrote:I'm not sure when it's best to use span vs. div
I'd always use SPANs so they don't invalidate your HTML when being nested (a DIV inside a SPAN would be a violation). Consider this:

Code: Select all

[color=#AAA][center]hey there guys[/center][/color]
You could say "hey, just put [center] outside and [color] inside, but
  1. Who knows that? And those know: who is acting accordingly?
  2. There are situations where you can't reorder your BBCodes.
I'd never define [center] as <div align="center">{TEXT}</div>, I'd always use <span style="display: block; text-align: center;">{TEXT}</span>, which has way more chances to not invalidate your HTML.

What most people don't know:
  • A <div> is nothing else than a <span style="display: block;">.
  • A <span> is nothing else than a <div style="display: inline;">.
  • A <div> is not allowed inside a <span>, but the other way around is fine.
  • Elements like b, i, u and such are like span and are also not allowing div inside.
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by jameskever »

So where would one go to learn how to create styles from the ground up?

I know this is probably the wrong thread to ask but I'm not sure where to turn.

I want to create a style for phpBB that divides the main index into a series of coulmns. These coulmns would display one of subset of posts.

I want the ability to create a window (or column) and point it to a forum which will have from one to five topics. The window will shuffle through each of the topics when a user visits the site.

In this way, a news organization could maintain their web presence for a lot less than what they are paying now.

Is it possible to create a style that uses columns and rows as placeholders for topics within a forum?

If so, what should I learn first?
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by jameskever »

I'm not sure but I think phpBB3 Portal is what I'm looking for.
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by beggers »

AmigoJack wrote:
jameskever wrote:I'm not sure when it's best to use span vs. div
I'd always use SPANs so they don't invalidate your HTML when being nested (a DIV inside a SPAN would be a violation). Consider this:

Code: Select all

[color=#AAA][center]hey there guys[/center][/color]
You could say "hey, just put [center] outside and [color] inside, but
  1. Who knows that? And those know: who is acting accordingly?
  2. There are situations where you can't reorder your BBCodes.
I'd never define [center] as <div align="center">{TEXT}</div>, I'd always use <span style="display: block; text-align: center;">{TEXT}</span>, which has way more chances to not invalidate your HTML.

What most people don't know:
  • A <div> is nothing else than a <span style="display: block;">.
  • A <span> is nothing else than a <div style="display: inline;">.
  • A <div> is not allowed inside a <span>, but the other way around is fine.
  • Elements like b, i, u and such are like span and are also not allowing div inside.
Thanks for posting this information! :)
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by originalhandy »

Is there any bbcode for ?
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by neilbla »

Thanks for all these great codes.
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Hide Tag

Post by Christaras »

How can I get a hide tag on my forum. I searched everywhere but I didn't find a HTML to add this bbcode on my forum. Can anyone help me????
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by Brf »

Type hide into the little "search this topic" box at the top of this topic and click the Search button.
You will find 110 posts.
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Re: Hide Tag

Post by Hippie459MN »

Christaras wrote:How can I get a hide tag on my forum. I searched everywhere but I didn't find a HTML to add this bbcode on my forum. Can anyone help me????
You didnt look hard enough then cause a page or 2 back I posted a very nice clean one that works wonderful. :)
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by emcha »

I'm still having problems with center, right, left placing an interline in between two rows of line\


This is what I'm writing that
I want to see to the left


This is what I'm writing that

I want to see on the left

Placing spaces until the line changes or one right after the other instead of breaking the line, has no effect.
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by Jaymie1989 »

emcha wrote:I'm still having problems with center, right, left placing an interline in between two rows of line\


This is what I'm writing that
I want to see to the left


This is what I'm writing that

I want to see on the left

Placing spaces until the line changes or one right after the other instead of breaking the line, has no effect.
What HTML have you got?
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by KT1 »


II have spent the last 2 hrs trying to add bbcode tokens to be able to add the 10 videos
can some one please help
What i am wanting to do is be able to put the url of each video in between theses tags[pokerlisting][/pokerlisting]
each video on a new thread

Could some one please add the tokens to code and tokens to html and tokens for bbcode usuage panel .



Code: Select all

<object data='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='622' height='350'><param value='false' name='menu'/><param value='transparent' name='wmode'/><param value='true' name='allowfullscreen'/><param value='server=rtmp:// Video Player&filename=mp4:/strategy/WhyYouShouldntSlowPlay_1Mb_002&autoplay=true' name='flashvars'/><param value='' name='movie'/></object><p style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif;font-size:11px;color:#404040;margin:2px 0;padding:0;"><a href="">PL Strategy: Why You Shouldn't Slow Play!</a> from <a href=""></a></p>

Code: Select all

    <object data='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='622' height='350'><param value='false' name='menu'/><param value='transparent' name='wmode'/><param value='true' name='allowfullscreen'/><param value='server=rtmp:// Video Player&filename=mp4:/strategy/position_1Mb&autoplay=true' name='flashvars'/><param value='' name='movie'/></object><p style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif;font-size:11px;color:#404040;margin:2px 0;padding:0;"><a href="">PL Strategy: Position</a> from <a href=""></a></p>


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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by Pony99CA »

KT1 wrote:What i am wanting to do is be able to put the url of each video in between theses tags
each video on a new thread
Based on the code you gave us, I don't think that you can do it with just the URL of the Web page; you need the file ID of the video. Here's what I came up with:

BBCode usage

Code: Select all

[poker={URL} {IDENTIFIER}]{TEXT}[/poker]
HTML replacment

Code: Select all

<object data='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='622' height='350'><param value='false' name='menu'/><param value='transparent' name='wmode'/><param value='true' name='allowfullscreen'/><param value='server=rtmp:// Video Player&filename=mp4:/strategy/{IDENTIFIER}&autoplay=true' name='flashvars'/><param value='' name='movie'/></object><p style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif;font-size:11px;color:#404040;margin:2px 0;padding:0;"><a href="{URL}">{TEXT}</a> from <a href=""></a></p>
Help line

Code: Select all

Insert poker video: [poker=main-url video-file]title[/poker]
You can see the result at my SV PPC Test Board.

NOTE: If you don't want the credit line, you can simplify the code to just [poker]{IDENTIFIER}[/poker], I suspect, but giving credit is a good thing.

NOTE: If all videos are not in the /strategy directory, you'll need to tweak this a bit.

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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by KT1 »


Thank you got it sorted

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