[DEV] Mobile phpBB 3

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Re: [DEV] Mobile Online phpBB3 (iPhone, Android, iPad friend

Post by cruzerv3 »

rickey29 wrote:Hi cruzerv3,

Thanks for your contribution.

Could you tell me which jQuery Mobile style trouble you are having?

You know, the reason I replace iWebKit.net theme with jQuery Mobile theme is: iWebKit.net is based on iWebKit, it only supports iPhone, Android and iPad; while, jQuery Mobile is based on HTML5, it supports almost every smart-phone types: http://jquerymobile.com/gbs/. It is hard for me to support two themes systems at the same time. So, it is better we solve your problem at this time. If Mobile Online phpBB3 does not follow HTML5: http://validator.w3.org/, I will improve my code; if jQuery Mobile can not display well on one mobile device, I will raise the issue to jQuery Forum.

There is one short time solution: my platform can support current and previous versions of Mobile Online phpBB3, but you can not use both of them at the same time -- you can install Mobile Online phpBB3 Aruba 5.0 at your forum to use iWeKit.net theme. While, in long time, my plan is I will not support iWebKit.net.

Any question, feel free to ask me, I will try to help.

Your code is perfect, the problem is my modded forum, if you would make a test go to m.myppc.it -> Notizie, here everything looks good, now go back and try under HTC forum.
[sorry for my poor english]
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Re: [DEV] Mobile Online phpBB3 (iPhone, Android, iPad friend

Post by rickey29 »

cruzerv3 wrote: Your code is perfect, the problem is my modded forum, if you would make a test go to m.myppc.it -> Notizie, here everything looks good, now go back and try under HTC forum.
Hi cruzerv3,

I repeat the problem. I will do investigation on this issue.

Thanks for your time.

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Re: [DEV] Mobile Online phpBB3 (iPhone, Android, iPad friend

Post by rickey29 »

rickey29 wrote:
cruzerv3 wrote: Your code is perfect, the problem is my modded forum, if you would make a test go to m.myppc.it -> Notizie, here everything looks good, now go back and try under HTC forum.
Hi cruzerv3,

I repeat the problem. I will do investigation on this issue.

Thanks for your time.

Hi cruzerv3,

I improve the server side code, could you have a look if the current output is what you can accept?

In detail, your forum description includes html tag: <image>, <a> and <br>. My previous code assume this is only one link -- topic link -- inside the area; while, in your forum, there are multiple ones, which makes the confusion.

My solution is I remove all html tag except <br>.

Could you check if this is what you want?

Thanks for your time.

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Unauthorised access!

Post by LuuLa »

I installed MOphpBB3 Aruba 6.0 on phpBB 3.07 PL1. Works optically fine, but...

Users who have restricted rights have full access to unauthorised subforums when they use MOphpBB3!

What's going on there? :?

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Re: Unauthorised access!

Post by rickey29 »

LuuLa wrote:Hello,
I installed MOphpBB3 Aruba 6.0 on phpBB 3.07 PL1. Works optically fine, but...

Users who have restricted rights have full access to unauthorised subforums when they use MOphpBB3!

What's going on there? :?

Best regards

No issue is more critical than authority issue. Could you help me to solve it?

In detail, I will setup an empty 3.0.7 PL1 phpBB, with MOphpBB3 installed, and add you as the administrator. Please create a private forum and a restricted user there. What I want is this user can not access the forum through phpBB, but can through MOphpBB3.

You know, it is hard to solve this issue in your environment, because I do not have the administrator permission of your forum, I do not know the exactly the user and/or the forum's permission; I can not access the code of your forum, I can not add debug log to it. Repeating the issue in my place is more convenient for both of us.

If you agree, please PM me your email address, I will create the administration account based on it. Thanks a lot for your supporting.

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Re: Unauthorised access!

Post by LuuLa »

rickey29 wrote:Could you help me to solve it?
Hello rickey29,

I send you a pm. Unfortunately, I cannot proceed helping you solving the problem because of time issues.

For me, there is one point left:
I visited http://sourceforge.net/projects/flexplat, but I saw no downloads which I can verify or test. flexplat is announced as an open source project, but its download section says: "This project has no files." Very strange. At this point, it is not clear if the site owner of flexplat.com maybe reads all the traffic and passwords of the sites beeing routed through his proxy.

I am not a person who is trusting websites which function as a proxy, no matter how good they work. It would be great to modify this "open source project" so that any webmaster can install it all on his own site. Routing through flexplat.com would become dispensable, that would be great.

Best regard
Last edited by LuuLa on Sun Mar 06, 2011 3:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [DEV] Mobile Online phpBB3 (iPhone, Android, iPad friend

Post by koimaster »

hi is mchat supported with this mod ?
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Re: Unauthorised access!

Post by cruzerv3 »

rickey29 wrote:Hi cruzerv3,

I improve the server side code, could you have a look if the current output is what you can accept?

In detail, your forum description includes html tag: <image>, <a> and <br>. My previous code assume this is only one link -- topic link -- inside the area; while, in your forum, there are multiple ones, which makes the confusion.

My solution is I remove all html tag except <br>.

Could you check if this is what you want?

Thanks for your time.

Hi Rickey, thank you for your time, with latest changes is much much better.
LuuLa wrote:Hello,
I installed MOphpBB3 Aruba 6.0 on phpBB 3.07 PL1. Works optically fine, but...

Users who have restricted rights have full access to unauthorised subforums when they use MOphpBB3!

What's going on there? :?

Best regards
I did some test on my board for security reasons but I did not found any issue with permissions (phpbb 3.0.8 and MO Aruba 6.0).
Would you be so kind to describe how to replicate the issue?
[sorry for my poor english]
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Re: Unauthorised access!

Post by rickey29 »

cruzerv3 wrote:
LuuLa wrote:Hello,
I installed MOphpBB3 Aruba 6.0 on phpBB 3.07 PL1. Works optically fine, but...

Users who have restricted rights have full access to unauthorised subforums when they use MOphpBB3!

What's going on there? :?

Best regards
I did some test on my board for security reasons but I did not found any issue with permissions (phpbb 3.0.8 and MO Aruba 6.0).
Would you be so kind to describe how to replicate the issue?
Hi cruzerv3,

There is a permission/authorization issue in my module.

The root cause is my mobile module does not use all phpBB3 content, I just display some of it. (My module is not a theme solution.) So my code does not go through phpBB3 code thread completely, it only run some of it. The risk is when I make a permission/authorization mistake, there will be a permission/authorization issue, just like this one.

In detail, for this issue, the error is I use "Can see forum" permission as "Can read forum" one (actually, they have different meaning) -- if one registered user has "Can see forum" permission of one restricted forum, but does not have "Can read forum" permission, he/she should be able to read the forum title, but can not read topic title/content within this forum; while through my module, the topic title/content is displayed there. (If you use default phpBB3 user group, which enables/disables "Can see" and "Can read" at the same time, you do not have this issue.)

This is the top one issue I am working right now. I will provide a bug fix version and notify all user to update their code. I will also provide a description of this issue in my web site high light section.

Any question, please let me know.

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Re: [DEV] Mobile Online phpBB3 (iPhone, Android, iPad friend

Post by rickey29 »

Aruba Release Load 6.1
  • bug fix: "Can see forum"/"Can read forum" permission/authorization issue
Please update the module from http://mobileonlinestyle.com/mophpbb3-download

For more information, please go to: http://mobileonlinestyle.com/mobile-online-phpbb3
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Re: [DEV] Mobile Online phpBB3 (iPhone, Android, iPad friend

Post by yogiiskandar »

does it support chat mod like mchat or ajax chat STG

if i post from my mobile device, is there some kind notification under my post like posted from my mobile device or posted from android?
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Re: [DEV] Mobile Online phpBB3 (iPhone, Android, iPad friend

Post by rickey29 »

yogiiskandar wrote:does it support chat mod like mchat or ajax chat STG
There are totally three people who ask me to support mchat, or a chat module. This requirement is on my to do list.
yogiiskandar wrote:if i post from my mobile device, is there some kind notification under my post like posted from my mobile device or posted from android?
It is possible, but it is not available now. It is also on my to do list.

I can not promise the delivery schedule of any feature. While, if there is many request for one feature, I can raise it to high priority and develop it earlier.
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Re: [DEV] Mobile Online phpBB3 (iPhone, Android, iPad friend

Post by yogiiskandar »

one more question. is there a 'view new post' feature?
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Re: [DEV] Mobile Online phpBB3 (iPhone, Android, iPad friend

Post by rickey29 »

yogiiskandar wrote:one more question. is there a 'view new post' feature?
I am working on it. If there is no blocking issue,
  • View your posts
  • View unanswered posts
  • View unread posts
  • View new posts
  • View active topics
will be available in the next version. According to current progress, the new version will be released in two or three months.
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Re: [DEV] Mobile Online phpBB3 (iPhone, Android, iPad friend

Post by rickey29 »

Aruba Release Load 7.0
  • new feature: view your posts
  • new feature: view unanswered posts
  • new feature: view new posts
  • new feature: view active topics
  • new feature: view latest topics
Please update the module from http://mobileonlinestyle.com/mophpbb3-download

For more information, please go to: http://mobileonlinestyle.com/mobile-online-phpbb3

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