After seeing too many error messages such as:
Code: Select all
[11-Mar-2011 11:33:48 0] [phpBB Debug] [client] [File index.php?lang=sl&] PHP Notice: in file /var/www/forums/includes/functions_display.php on line 472 : Undefined index: NO_UNREAD_POSTS
[11-Mar-2011 11:33:48 0] [phpBB Debug] [client] [File index.php?lang=sl&] PHP Notice: in file /var/www/forums/includes/functions_display.php on line 472 : Undefined index: UNREAD_POSTS
[11-Mar-2011 11:33:48 0] [phpBB Debug] [client] [File index.php?lang=sl&] PHP Notice: in file /var/www/forums/viewforum.php on line 650 : Undefined index: UNREAD_POSTS
[11-Mar-2011 11:34:00 0] [phpBB Debug] [client] [File viewforum.php?f=35] PHP Notice: in file /var/www/forums/viewforum.php on line 650 : Undefined index: NO_UNREAD_POSTS
[11-Mar-2011 11:34:00 0] [phpBB Debug] [client] [File viewforum.php?f=35] PHP Notice: in file /var/www/forums/viewforum.php on line 650 : Undefined index: UNREAD_POSTS
[11-Mar-2011 11:34:00 0] [phpBB Debug] [client] [File viewforum.php?f=35] PHP Notice: in file /var/www/forums/viewforum.php on line 650 : Undefined index: UNREAD_POSTS
Code: Select all
'NO_UNREAD_POSTS' => 'No unread posts',
'NO_UPLOAD_FORM_FOUND' => 'Upload initiated but no valid file upload form found.',
es_ar / fr_x_oral / fr_x_tu / gl /hr / ku / nb / sd / sl / sq / sr / sr_x_cyr / uk_ukr
Any suggestions on how to quickly fix this problem? As I don't know all these languages I might choose to simply copy the missing phrase in English. Any better ideas?