[RC] Points MOD 1.0.3

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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.2

Post by plasmino »

;) thanks
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.2

Post by vytiokas »

how can i get code to show how many user have point ? in viewtopic
annyway sry for me bad english
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.2

Post by heredia21 »

vytiokas wrote:how can i get code to show how many user have point ? in viewtopic
Yeah i think there should be a top points on index and show number of points in viewtopic.
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.2

Post by vytiokas »

Code: Select all

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Incorrect string value: '\xB7<!-- ...' for column 'template_data' at row 1 [1366]


UPDATE phpbb_styles_template_data SET template_id = 1, template_filename = 'viewtopic_body.html', template_included = '', template_mtime = 1310444624, template_data = '<!-- INCLUDE overall_header.html -->\n<!-- IF U_MCP --><p>[&nbsp;<a href=\"{U_MCP}\">{L_MCP}</a> <!-- IF TOTAL_MODERATOR_REPORTS --> &bull; <a href=\"{U_MODERATOR_REPORTS}\">{TOTAL_MODERATOR_REPORTS}</a><!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF TOTAL_MODERATOR_POSTS --> &bull; <a href=\"{U_MODERATOR_APPROVE_POSTS}\">{TOTAL_MODERATOR_POSTS}</a><!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF TOTAL_MODERATOR_TOPICS --> &bull; <a href=\"{U_MODERATOR_APPROVE_TOPICS}\">{TOTAL_MODERATOR_TOPICS}</a><!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF TOTAL_MODERATOR_PMS --> &bull; <a href=\"{U_MODERATOR_PMS}\">{TOTAL_MODERATOR_PMS}</a><!-- ENDIF -->&nbsp;]</p><!-- ENDIF -->\n<h2><a href=\"{U_VIEW_TOPIC}\">{TOPIC_TITLE}</a></h2>\n<!-- NOTE: remove the style=\"display: none\" when you want to have the forum description on the topic body -->\n<!-- IF FORUM_DESC --><div style=\"display: none !important;\">{FORUM_DESC}<br /></div><!-- ENDIF -->\n\n<!-- IF MODERATORS or U_MCP -->\n <p>\n <!-- IF MODERATORS -->\n <strong><!-- IF S_SINGLE_MODERATOR -->{L_MODERATOR}<!-- ELSE -->{L_MODERATORS}<!-- ENDIF -->:</strong> {MODERATORS}\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n\n </p>\n<!-- ENDIF -->\n\n<!-- IF S_FORUM_RULES -->\n <div class=\"rules\">\n <div class=\"inner\"><span class=\"corners-top\"><span></span></span>\n\n <!-- IF U_FORUM_RULES -->\n <a href=\"{U_FORUM_RULES}\">{L_FORUM_RULES}</a>\n <!-- ELSE -->\n <strong>{L_FORUM_RULES}</strong><br />\n {FORUM_RULES}\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n\n <span class=\"corners-bottom\"><span></span></span></div>\n </div>\n<!-- ENDIF -->\n\n<div class=\"topic-actions\">\n\n <div class=\"buttons\">\n <!-- IF not S_IS_BOT and S_DISPLAY_REPLY_INFO -->\n <div class=\"<!-- IF S_IS_LOCKED -->locked-icon<!-- ELSE -->reply-icon<!-- ENDIF -->\"><a href=\"{U_POST_REPLY_TOPIC}\" title=\"<!-- IF S_IS_LOCKED -->{L_TOPIC_LOCKED}<!-- ELSE -->{L_POST_REPLY}<!-- ENDIF -->\"><span></span><!-- IF S_IS_LOCKED -->{L_TOPIC_LOCKED_SHORT}<!-- ELSE -->{L_POST_REPLY}<!-- ENDIF --></a></div>\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n </div>\n\n <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_SEARCHBOX -->\n <div class=\"search-box\">\n <form method=\"post\" id=\"topic-search\" action=\"{S_SEARCHBOX_ACTION}\">\n <fieldset>\n <input class=\"inputbox search tiny\" type=\"text\" name=\"keywords\" id=\"search_keywords\" size=\"20\" value=\"{L_SEARCH_TOPIC}\" onclick=\"if(this.value==\'{LA_SEARCH_TOPIC}\')this.value=\'\';\" onblur=\"if(this.value==\'\')this.value=\'{LA_SEARCH_TOPIC}\';\" />\n <input class=\"button2\" type=\"submit\" value=\"{L_SEARCH}\" />\n <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"{TOPIC_ID}\" name=\"t\" />\n <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"msgonly\" name=\"sf\" />\n </fieldset>\n </form>\n </div>\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n <div class=\"search-box\" valign=\"bottom\">\n <form method=\"post\" id=\"like-button\" action=\"{U_LIKE_TOPIC}\">\n <input class=\"buttonlike\" type=\"submit\" value=\"\" />\n </form>\n </div>\n\n <!-- IF PAGINATION or TOTAL_POSTS -->\n <div class=\"pagination\">\n <!-- IF U_VIEW_UNREAD_POST and not S_IS_BOT --><a href=\"{U_VIEW_UNREAD_POST}\">{L_VIEW_UNREAD_POST}</a> &bull; <!-- ENDIF -->{TOTAL_POSTS}\n <!-- IF PAGE_NUMBER --><!-- IF PAGINATION --> &bull; <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"jumpto(); return false;\" title=\"{L_JUMP_TO_PAGE}\">{PAGE_NUMBER}</a> &bull; <span>{PAGINATION}</span><!-- ELSE --> &bull; {PAGE_NUMBER}<!-- ENDIF --><!-- ENDIF -->\n </div>\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n\n</div>\n <!-- IF U_LIKE_USERS_LIST -->\n <div class=\"panel\">\n <div class=\"inner\">\n <span class=\"corners-top\"><span></span></span> \n <div style=\"width:100%\"> \n {U_LIKE_USERS_LIST} {L_LIKE_TEXT}\n </div>\n <span class=\"corners-bottom\"><span></span></span>\n </div>\n </div>\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n<div class=\"clear\"></div>\n\n<!-- IF S_HAS_POLL -->\n <form method=\"post\" action=\"{S_POLL_ACTION}\">\n\n <div class=\"panel\">\n <div class=\"inner\"><span class=\"corners-top\"><span></span></span>\n\n <div class=\"content\">\n <h2>{POLL_QUESTION}</h2>\n <p class=\"author\">{L_POLL_LENGTH}<!-- IF S_CAN_VOTE and L_POLL_LENGTH --><br /><!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF S_CAN_VOTE -->{L_MAX_VOTES}<!-- ENDIF --></p>\n\n <fieldset class=\"polls\">\n <!-- BEGIN poll_option -->\n <dl class=\"<!-- IF poll_option.POLL_OPTION_VOTED -->voted<!-- ENDIF -->\"<!-- IF poll_option.POLL_OPTION_VOTED --> title=\"{L_POLL_VOTED_OPTION}\"<!-- ENDIF -->>\n <dt><!-- IF S_CAN_VOTE --><label for=\"vote_{poll_option.POLL_OPTION_ID}\">{poll_option.POLL_OPTION_CAPTION}</label><!-- ELSE -->{poll_option.POLL_OPTION_CAPTION}<!-- ENDIF --></dt>\n <!-- IF S_CAN_VOTE --><dd style=\"width: auto;\"><!-- IF S_IS_MULTI_CHOICE --><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"vote_id[]\" id=\"vote_{poll_option.POLL_OPTION_ID}\" value=\"{poll_option.POLL_OPTION_ID}\"<!-- IF poll_option.POLL_OPTION_VOTED --> checked=\"checked\"<!-- ENDIF --> /><!-- ELSE --><input type=\"radio\" name=\"vote_id[]\" id=\"vote_{poll_option.POLL_OPTION_ID}\" value=\"{poll_option.POLL_OPTION_ID}\"<!-- IF poll_option.POLL_OPTION_VOTED --> checked=\"checked\"<!-- ENDIF --> /><!-- ENDIF --></dd><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_RESULTS --><dd class=\"resultbar\"><div class=\"<!-- IF poll_option.POLL_OPTION_PCT < 20 -->pollbar1<!-- ELSEIF poll_option.POLL_OPTION_PCT < 40 -->pollbar2<!-- ELSEIF poll_option.POLL_OPTION_PCT < 60 -->pollbar3<!-- ELSEIF poll_option.POLL_OPTION_PCT < 80 -->pollbar4<!-- ELSE -->pollbar5<!-- ENDIF -->\" style=\"width:{poll_option.POLL_OPTION_PERCENT};\">{poll_option.POLL_OPTION_RESULT}</div></dd>\n <dd><!-- IF poll_option.POLL_OPTION_RESULT == 0 -->{L_NO_VOTES}<!-- ELSE -->{poll_option.POLL_OPTION_PERCENT}<!-- ENDIF --></dd><!-- ENDIF -->\n </dl>\n <!-- END poll_option -->\n\n <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_RESULTS -->\n <dl>\n <dt>&nbsp;</dt>\n <dd class=\"resultbar\">{L_TOTAL_VOTES} : {TOTAL_VOTES}</dd>\n </dl>\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n\n <!-- IF S_CAN_VOTE -->\n <dl style=\"border-top: none;\">\n <dt>&nbsp;</dt>\n <dd class=\"resultbar\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"update\" value=\"{L_SUBMIT_VOTE}\" class=\"button1\" /></dd>\n </dl>\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n\n <!-- IF not S_DISPLAY_RESULTS -->\n <dl style=\"border-top: none;\">\n <dt>&nbsp;</dt>\n <dd class=\"resultbar\"><a href=\"{U_VIEW_RESULTS}\">{L_VIEW_RESULTS}</a></dd>\n </dl>\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n </fieldset>\n </div>\n\n <span class=\"corners-bottom\"><span></span></span></div>\n {S_FORM_TOKEN}\n {S_HIDDEN_FIELDS}\n </div>\n\n\n </form>\n <hr />\n<!-- ENDIF -->\n\n<!-- BEGIN postrow -->\n <!-- IF postrow.S_FIRST_UNREAD --><a id=\"unread\"></a><!-- ENDIF -->\n <div id=\"p{postrow.POST_ID}\" class=\"post <!-- IF postrow.S_ROW_COUNT is odd -->bg1<!-- ELSE -->bg2<!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF postrow.S_UNREAD_POST --> unreadpost<!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF postrow.S_POST_REPORTED --> reported<!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF postrow.S_ONLINE and not postrow.S_IGNORE_POST --> online<!-- ENDIF -->\">\n <div class=\"inner\"><span class=\"corners-top\"><span></span></span>\n\n <div class=\"postbody\">\n <!-- IF postrow.S_IGNORE_POST -->\n <div class=\"ignore\">{postrow.L_IGNORE_POST}</div>\n <!-- ELSE -->\n\n <!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->\n <!-- IF postrow.U_EDIT or postrow.U_DELETE or postrow.U_REPORT or postrow.U_WARN or postrow.U_INFO or postrow.U_QUOTE -->\n <ul class=\"profile-icons\">\n <!-- IF postrow.U_EDIT --><li class=\"edit-icon\"><a href=\"{postrow.U_EDIT}\" title=\"{L_EDIT_POST}\"><span>{L_EDIT_POST}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF postrow.U_DELETE --><li class=\"delete-icon\"><a href=\"{postrow.U_DELETE}\" title=\"{L_DELETE_POST}\"><span>{L_DELETE_POST}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF postrow.U_REPORT --><li class=\"report-icon\"><a href=\"{postrow.U_REPORT}\" title=\"{L_REPORT_POST}\"><span>{L_REPORT_POST}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF postrow.U_WARN --><li class=\"warn-icon\"><a href=\"{postrow.U_WARN}\" title=\"{L_WARN_USER}\"><span>{L_WARN_USER}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF postrow.U_INFO --><li class=\"info-icon\"><a href=\"{postrow.U_INFO}\" title=\"{L_INFORMATION}\"><span>{L_INFORMATION}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF postrow.U_QUOTE --><li class=\"quote-icon\"><a href=\"{postrow.U_QUOTE}\" title=\"{L_REPLY_WITH_QUOTE}\"><span>{L_REPLY_WITH_QUOTE}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->\n </ul>\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n\n <h3 <!-- IF postrow.S_FIRST_ROW -->class=\"first\"<!-- ENDIF -->><!-- IF postrow.POST_ICON_IMG --><img src=\"{T_ICONS_PATH}{postrow.POST_ICON_IMG}\" width=\"{postrow.POST_ICON_IMG_WIDTH}\" height=\"{postrow.POST_ICON_IMG_HEIGHT}\" alt=\"\" /> <!-- ENDIF --><a href=\"#p{postrow.POST_ID}\">{postrow.POST_SUBJECT}</a></h3>\n <p class=\"author\"><!-- IF S_IS_BOT -->{postrow.MINI_POST_IMG}<!-- ELSE --><a href=\"{postrow.U_MINI_POST}\">{postrow.MINI_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->{L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} <strong>{postrow.POST_AUTHOR_FULL}</strong> &raquo; {postrow.POST_DATE} </p>\n\n <!-- IF postrow.S_POST_UNAPPROVED or postrow.S_POST_REPORTED -->\n <p class=\"rules\">\n <!-- IF postrow.S_POST_UNAPPROVED -->{UNAPPROVED_IMG} <a href=\"{postrow.U_MCP_APPROVE}\"><strong>{L_POST_UNAPPROVED}</strong></a><br /><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF postrow.S_POST_REPORTED -->{REPORTED_IMG} <a href=\"{postrow.U_MCP_REPORT}\"><strong>{L_POST_REPORTED}</strong></a><!-- ENDIF -->\n </p>\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n\n <div class=\"content\">{postrow.MESSAGE}</div>\n\n <!-- IF postrow.S_HAS_ATTACHMENTS -->\n <dl class=\"attachbox\">\n <dt>{L_ATTACHMENTS}</dt>\n <!-- BEGIN attachment -->\n <dd>{postrow.attachment.DISPLAY_ATTACHMENT}</dd>\n <!-- END attachment -->\n </dl>\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n\n <!-- IF postrow.S_DISPLAY_NOTICE --><div class=\"rules\">{L_DOWNLOAD_NOTICE}</div><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF postrow.EDITED_MESSAGE or postrow.EDIT_REASON -->\n <div class=\"notice\">{postrow.EDITED_MESSAGE}\n <!-- IF postrow.EDIT_REASON --><br /><strong>{L_REASON}:</strong> <em>{postrow.EDIT_REASON}</em><!-- ENDIF -->\n </div>\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n\n <!-- IF postrow.BUMPED_MESSAGE --><div class=\"notice\"><br /><br />{postrow.BUMPED_MESSAGE}</div><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF postrow.SIGNATURE --><div id=\"sig{postrow.POST_ID}\" class=\"signature\">{postrow.SIGNATURE}</div><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n\n </div>\n\n <!-- IF not postrow.S_IGNORE_POST -->\n <dl class=\"postprofile\" id=\"profile{postrow.POST_ID}\">\n <dt>\n <!-- IF postrow.POSTER_AVATAR -->\n <!-- IF postrow.U_POST_AUTHOR --><a href=\"{postrow.U_POST_AUTHOR}\">{postrow.POSTER_AVATAR}</a><!-- ELSE -->{postrow.POSTER_AVATAR}<!-- ENDIF --><br />\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF not postrow.U_POST_AUTHOR --><strong>{postrow.POST_AUTHOR_FULL}</strong><!-- ELSE -->{postrow.POST_AUTHOR_FULL}<!-- ENDIF -->\n </dt>\n\n <!-- IF postrow.RANK_TITLE or postrow.RANK_IMG --><dd>{postrow.RANK_TITLE}<!-- IF postrow.RANK_TITLE and postrow.RANK_IMG --><br /><!-- ENDIF -->{postrow.RANK_IMG}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->\n\n <dd>&nbsp;</dd>\n\n <!-- IF postrow.POSTER_POSTS != \'\' --><dd><strong>{L_POSTS}:</strong> {postrow.POSTER_POSTS}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF postrow.POSTER_JOINED --><dd><strong>{L_JOINED}:</strong> {postrow.POSTER_JOINED}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF postrow.POSTER_FROM --><dd><strong>{L_LOCATION}:</strong> {postrow.POSTER_FROM}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF S_POINTS_ENABLE --><dd><strong>{POINTS_NAME}:</strong> {postrow.POSTER_POINTS}<!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN and postrow.U_POINTS_DONATE and not S_IS_BOT --> [ <a href=\"{postrow.U_POINTS_DONATE}\" style=\"font-weight: normal;\">{L_POINTS_DONATE}</a> ]<!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF postrow.U_POINTS_DONATE and postrow.U_POINTS_MODIFY --> �<!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF postrow.U_POINTS_MODIFY --> [ <a href=\"{postrow.U_POINTS_MODIFY}\" style=\"font-weight: normal;\">{L_POINTS_MODIFY}</a> ]<!-- ENDIF --></dd><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- BEGIN medal -->\n <!-- IF postrow.medal.S_HAS_MEDALS or postrow.medal.S_HAS_NOMINATIONS --><dd><strong>{L_MEDALS}:</strong> {postrow.medal.MEDALS_COUNT}{postrow.medal.MEDALS_NOMINATED}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- BEGIN medal_row -->\n <dd>\n <!-- BEGIN medal_col -->\n <img src=\"{postrow.medal.medal_row.medal_col.MEDAL_IMAGE}\" border=\"0\" alt=\"{postrow.medal.medal_row.medal_col.MEDAL_NAME} {postrow.medal.medal_row.medal_col.MEDAL_COUNT}\" title=\"{postrow.medal.medal_row.medal_col.MEDAL_NAME} {postrow.medal.medal_row.medal_col.MEDAL_COUNT}\" {postrow.medal.medal_row.medal_col.MEDAL_WIDTH} {postrow.medal.medal_row.medal_col.MEDAL_HEIGHT} />\n <!-- END medal_col -->\n </dd>\n <!-- END medal_row -->\n <!-- END medal -->\n\n <!-- IF postrow.S_PROFILE_FIELD1 -->\n <!-- Use a construct like this to include admin defined profile fields. Replace FIELD1 with the name of your field. -->\n <dd><strong>{postrow.PROFILE_FIELD1_NAME}:</strong> {postrow.PROFILE_FIELD1_VALUE}</dd>\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n\n <!-- BEGIN custom_fields -->\n <dd><strong>{postrow.custom_fields.PROFILE_FIELD_NAME}:</strong> {postrow.custom_fields.PROFILE_FIELD_VALUE}</dd>\n <!-- END custom_fields -->\n\n <!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->\n <!-- IF postrow.U_PM or postrow.U_EMAIL or postrow.U_WWW or postrow.U_MSN or postrow.U_ICQ or postrow.U_YIM or postrow.U_AIM or postrow.U_JABBER -->\n <dd>\n <ul class=\"profile-icons\">\n <!-- IF postrow.U_PM --><li class=\"pm-icon\"><a href=\"{postrow.U_PM}\" title=\"{L_PRIVATE_MESSAGE}\"><span>{L_PRIVATE_MESSAGE}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF postrow.U_EMAIL --><li class=\"email-icon\"><a href=\"{postrow.U_EMAIL}\" title=\"{L_SEND_EMAIL_USER} {postrow.POST_AUTHOR}\"><span>{L_SEND_EMAIL_USER} {postrow.POST_AUTHOR}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF postrow.U_WWW --><li class=\"web-icon\"><a href=\"{postrow.U_WWW}\" title=\"{L_VISIT_WEBSITE}: {postrow.U_WWW}\"><span>{L_WEBSITE}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF postrow.U_MSN --><li class=\"msnm-icon\"><a href=\"{postrow.U_MSN}\" onclick=\"popup(this.href, 550, 320); return false;\" title=\"{L_MSNM}\"><span>{L_MSNM}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF postrow.U_ICQ --><li class=\"icq-icon\"><a href=\"{postrow.U_ICQ}\" onclick=\"popup(this.href, 550, 320); return false;\" title=\"{L_ICQ}\"><span>{L_ICQ}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF postrow.U_YIM --><li class=\"yahoo-icon\"><a href=\"{postrow.U_YIM}\" onclick=\"popup(this.href, 780, 550); return false;\" title=\"{L_YIM}\"><span>{L_YIM}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF postrow.U_AIM --><li class=\"aim-icon\"><a href=\"{postrow.U_AIM}\" onclick=\"popup(this.href, 550, 320); return false;\" title=\"{L_AIM}\"><span>{L_AIM}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF postrow.U_JABBER --><li class=\"jabber-icon\"><a href=\"{postrow.U_JABBER}\" onclick=\"popup(this.href, 550, 320); return false;\" title=\"{L_JABBER}\"><span>{L_JABBER}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->\n </ul>\n </dd>\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n\n </dl>\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n\n <div class=\"back2top\"><a href=\"#wrap\" class=\"top\" title=\"{L_BACK_TO_TOP}\">{L_BACK_TO_TOP}</a></div>\n\n <span class=\"corners-bottom\"><span></span></span></div>\n </div>\n\n <hr class=\"divider\" />\n<!-- END postrow -->\n<!-- IF S_QUICK_REPLY -->\n <!-- INCLUDE quickreply_editor.html -->\n<!-- ENDIF -->\n<!-- IF S_NUM_POSTS > 1 or PREVIOUS_PAGE -->\n <form id=\"viewtopic\" method=\"post\" action=\"{S_TOPIC_ACTION}\">\n\n <fieldset class=\"display-options\" style=\"margin-top: 0; \">\n <!-- IF PREVIOUS_PAGE --><a href=\"{PREVIOUS_PAGE}\" class=\"left-box {S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}\">{L_PREVIOUS}</a><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF NEXT_PAGE --><a href=\"{NEXT_PAGE}\" class=\"right-box {S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}\">{L_NEXT}</a><!-- ENDIF -->\n <!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->\n <label>{L_DISPLAY_POSTS}: {S_SELECT_SORT_DAYS}</label>\n <label>{L_SORT_BY} {S_SELECT_SORT_KEY}</label> <label>{S_SELECT_SORT_DIR} <input type=\"submit\" name=\"sort\" value=\"{L_GO}\" class=\"button2\" /></label>\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n </fieldset>\n\n </form>\n <hr />\n<!-- ENDIF -->\n\n<div class=\"topic-actions\">\n <div class=\"buttons\">\n <!-- IF not S_IS_BOT and S_DISPLAY_REPLY_INFO -->\n <div class=\"<!-- IF S_IS_LOCKED -->locked-icon<!-- ELSE -->reply-icon<!-- ENDIF -->\"><a href=\"{U_POST_REPLY_TOPIC}\" title=\"<!-- IF S_IS_LOCKED -->{L_TOPIC_LOCKED}<!-- ELSE -->{L_POST_REPLY}<!-- ENDIF -->\"><span></span><!-- IF S_IS_LOCKED -->{L_TOPIC_LOCKED_SHORT}<!-- ELSE -->{L_POST_REPLY}<!-- ENDIF --></a></div>\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n </div>\n\n <!-- IF PAGINATION or TOTAL_POSTS -->\n <div class=\"pagination\">\n {TOTAL_POSTS}\n <!-- IF PAGE_NUMBER --><!-- IF PAGINATION --> &bull; <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"jumpto(); return false;\" title=\"{L_JUMP_TO_PAGE}\">{PAGE_NUMBER}</a> &bull; <span>{PAGINATION}</span><!-- ELSE --> &bull; {PAGE_NUMBER}<!-- ENDIF --><!-- ENDIF -->\n </div>\n <!-- ENDIF -->\n</div>\n\n<!-- INCLUDE jumpbox.html -->\n\n<!-- IF S_TOPIC_MOD -->\n <form method=\"post\" action=\"{S_MOD_ACTION}\">\n <fieldset class=\"quickmod\">\n <label for=\"quick-mod-select\">{L_QUICK_MOD}:</label> {S_TOPIC_MOD} <input type=\"submit\" value=\"{L_GO}\" class=\"button2\" />\n {S_FORM_TOKEN}\n </fieldset>\n </form>\n<!-- ENDIF -->\n\n<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_ONLINE_LIST -->\n <h3><!-- IF U_VIEWONLINE --><a href=\"{U_VIEWONLINE}\">{L_WHO_IS_ONLINE}</a><!-- ELSE -->{L_WHO_IS_ONLINE}<!-- ENDIF --></h3>\n <p>{LOGGED_IN_USER_LIST}</p>\n<!-- ENDIF -->\n\n<!-- INCLUDE overall_footer.html -->' WHERE template_id = 1 AND template_filename = 'viewtopic_body.html'


FILE: includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 175
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: includes/acp/acp_styles.php
LINE: 2624
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query()

FILE: includes/acp/acp_styles.php
LINE: 300
CALL: acp_styles->store_templates()

FILE: includes/functions_module.php
LINE: 507
CALL: acp_styles->main()

FILE: adm/index.php
LINE: 74
CALL: p_master->load_active()
problem help me i'm geting this error whit vietopic.html , and memberlist html only in template
annyway sry for me bad english
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.2

Post by vytiokas »

Problem whit mod , when i create new topic , and then delete , i don't lost the 20 points , why ? , but when i create topic i get ,
annyway sry for me bad english
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.2

Post by togbish »

Some of us are learning on our feet, but I did everything like I believed I should but still got this message:
General Error
Please download the latest UMIL (Unified MOD Install Library) from: phpBB.com/mods/umil
I downloaded the UMIL from phpbb website then uploaded the files (file.php, index.htm, umil.php, umil_auto.php, and umil_frontend.php) to my root folder. Still the error persisted. Where did I get it wrong? Thanks. ;)

UPDATE: I removed those files and used filezilla to upload the entire UMIL folder. The error gone. But now, I can't see the Points icon.
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.2

Post by MissBlackRabbit »

This may be a very silly question but I can't find this feature :/

"- enable / disable Points MOD for certain forum"

Where in the ACP would it be :?:
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.2

Post by FoFa »

MissBlackRabbit wrote:"- enable / disable Points MOD for certain forum"

Where in the ACP would it be :?:

Guessing, I would say you can find this by editing each forum...

Formly ForumsFaciles :wink:
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.2

Post by balboag »

what about adding a feature to set ranks by points?


0 points - rank a
10 points - rank b
20 points - rank c
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.2

Post by MissBlackRabbit »

ForumsFaciles wrote:
MissBlackRabbit wrote:"- enable / disable Points MOD for certain forum"

Where in the ACP would it be :?:

Guessing, I would say you can find this by editing each forum...


If you mean :
ACP -> Forum -> Manage Forums
ACP -> Permissions -> Forum Permissions
Then that would be no.
I pretty much looked everywhere in the ACP...
Also tried to see if it could be somewhere when you create a new forum (the actual post) but nope.

Any other idea?

EDIT: Finally found it; apologies!
ACP -> Forum -> Manage Forums -> Choose category -> In the listed forums = modify.
I was trying to edit the category... :roll:
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Name: Daniel L.

Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.2

Post by FoFa »

Hi !

I was not talking about permissions, but about what you found:
MissBlackRabbit wrote:ACP -> Forum -> Manage Forums -> Choose category -> In the listed forums = modify
Formly ForumsFaciles :wink:
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.2

Post by togbish »

I was able to finally instal the mod and I saw the option to "enable points" for each forum, but when I hit SUBMIT to save the choice, I get this error message:
General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

Unknown column 'enable_points' in 'field list' [1054]



FILE: includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 175
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: includes/acp/acp_forums.php
LINE: 1235
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query()

FILE: includes/acp/acp_forums.php
LINE: 187
CALL: acp_forums->update_forum_data()

FILE: includes/functions_module.php
LINE: 507
CALL: acp_forums->main()

FILE: adm/index.php
LINE: 74
CALL: p_master->load_active()
Now, the REPLY link is dead on the site. No one can respond to any post or topic there.
I will appreciate every assistance with this. Thank you.
Last edited by togbish on Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.2

Post by Kamahl19 »

You did not run database update script probably.
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.2

Post by togbish »

Thanks, Kamahl. I thought so too but I followed "Installation instructions for 'Points MOD' version 1.0.2" as is in the package. I did and it is working now except that I still cannot submit posts or use the POSTREPLY button. I get a blank screen. What can be responsible for this? Thanks.

EDIT. I used to wonder why people don't respond to request for help here. Simple. You can figure it out if you try hard enough. I just did. :D The only thing left is to get the points to be awarded automatically. I can award points, but I should not have to do that. It should update as people submit posts or create topics. But I will figure that out as well. Cheers.
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.2

Post by togbish »

OK. It is not working. I need help. The points are not increasing with post count. Where is the problem please? Thank you.

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