[Convertor] vBulletin 3.x to phpBB3

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Re: [Convertor] vBulletin 3.x to phpBB3

Post by cerberos »

Hello Dicky first of all, thnx for your quick reply,

I use the convert for vb4 already, but when i try to edit that file, its a different code inside. To be specific, i have the following:

Code: Select all

array('user_from',				'userfield.field2',			array('function1' => 'phpbb_set_encoding')),
It ends with phpbb_set_encoding, not with the one you wrote. I commented it anyway and it worked, and it seems it transferred all the forums, threads and users, but it doesnt allow me to login with the credentials i had in my previous forum and unfortunatelly it doesnt seem to work the password reminder service, to order a new code. How to bypass this? any ideas?

It shows to be specific this one:
It was not possible to convert your password when updating this bulletin board’s software. Please request a new password. If you continue to have problems please contact the Board Administrator.
I tried also this: http://kb.siteground.com/article/How_to ... sword.html but didnt worked either :(

Thnx again ;)
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Re: [Convertor] vBulletin 3.x to phpBB3

Post by cerberos »

In case anyone else have this problem in the future.

Use http://www.yourdomain/forum/ and then put ucp.php?mode=activate&u=YOUR USERID&k=YOURUSERACTIVATION KEY

To find these, as you wont have an email to see, you have to open phpmyadmin and go to table phpbb_users and then to your super admin user.

Then inside u will see it has user_id and user_actkey. Copy/paste both of them to the url in above and hit it in a browser.

You will get a message that the new password is activated. But u dont know what's the random password that was sent to you, so go once again in phpmyadmin, open your user and u will see it has 2 more fields:

user_newpasswd + user_password - Change both of them, with your desired password and also put in the dropdown next to each of them, to be MD5 and press to run it.

U now ready, as the new password works and u can login :D

My only concern now, is how to fix to receive emails from my host. I will do some digging but if someone can help, feel free to post ;)
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Re: [Convertor] vBulletin 3.x to phpBB3

Post by D¡cky »

cerberos wrote:but it doesnt allow me to login with the credentials i had in my previous forum
Would you check the structure of the vBulletin users table and look at the salt field. Is the type char(3) or something else?

Also, to prevent future problems with logging in you should change the auth_method.
Get the auth_db.php file in this post.
Upload it to the includes/auth directory overwriting the present auth_db.php file.
Run this query in phpMyAdmin

Code: Select all

UPDATE phpbb_config SET config_value = 'db' WHERE config_name = 'auth_method'
Change phpbb_ if it is not your table prefix.
Then delete all files in the phpBB3 cache folder except for index.htm and .htaccess.
cerberos wrote:My only concern now, is how to fix to receive emails from my host.
Email problems have nothing to do with the convertor. If you continue to have a problem, post in the Support Forum.
Have you hugged someone today?
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Re: [Convertor] vBulletin 3.x to phpBB3

Post by lorenii »

Getting this....

going from VB4.X.X

Fatal error: Call to undefined function phpbb_set_encoding() in /home/content/b/l/x/xxxxxx/html/new/includes/functions_convert.php(1288) : eval()'d code on line 1

any ideas?
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Re: [Convertor] vBulletin 3.x to phpBB3

Post by twmTraitor »

Hi, I'm finally trying to get away from an outdated vB 3.0.5 to phpBB3. I'm test-driving the conversion on a local XAMPP server and have the problem that it just stops somewhere in the "filling tables" step. The URL at that point reads
and the browser (Firefox 20) just reports
The connection was reset
The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
Rerunning it, it always stops at current_table=6 and in a row somewhere around 170k-190k. I don't know how the table number relates to the table names, probably not alphabetical numbering? From the numbers, I guess it must be the "post", "postindex" or "word" table, which actually go to much higher numbers still (388,913 and 7,608,153 and 661,362 respectively).

I guess this must be some kind of memory overflow or timeout due to the database being too large? The dump file is 378.6 MB. I have already tried changing memory_limit in php.ini to 4GB (PC has 8GB) to make sure it is not a memory problem. Does anyone know of any other knobs I could try to turn to avoid a timeout?
Or has a problem like this already been seen with a database-side or converter-side reason?
Thanks for any help!
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Re: [Convertor] vBulletin 3.x to phpBB3

Post by twmTraitor »

Turned out not to be a problem specific to this convertor, but a general one with overlong unbroken strings in a post - I found the solution in this thread. Seems to work, progressing through the rest of the DB now...

(btw yes, it was the "post" table, of course.)
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Re: [Convertor] vBulletin 3.x to phpBB3

Post by Madhouseau »


I'm having an issue with my conversion from vb 3.6 to phpbb3.0.11

This is the error shown:

Code: Select all

General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

MySQL server has gone away [2006]


INSERT INTO userconv (user_id, username_clean) VALUES ('1', 'admin'), ('542', 'commmod'), ('1523', 'brotown6'), ('617', 'captandy'), ('546', 'max_bruiser'), ('547', 'uncle_darth'), ('548', 'wallyjas'), ('549', 'dr_eyeball'), ('550', 'air_dog'), ('551', 'pogoman'), ('552', 'hurstlj'), ('554', 's.o.p'), ('879', 'rhys4190'), ('556', 'thecaptn'), ('557', 'decafe'), ('559', 'lucid nightmare'), ('560', 'old1'), ('561', 'boher'), ('563', 'sandy_beret'), ('564', 'psyrus'), ('565', 'kindros'), ('566', 'chickenhawk'), ('567', 'aphex_fusion'), ('568', 'terminox'), ('570', 'visone'), ('572', 'icehollowpoint'), ('573', 'aus sniper01'), ('574', 'porridge'), ('575', 'lolo'), ('576', 'spawnsta'), ('577', 'jdz'), ('578', 'ancientman'), ('579', 'charger_76'), ('580', 'rodeoclash'), ('581', 'daveee'), ('582', 'terriblexs4ce'), ('584', 'jim'), ('585', 'dead_roo'), ('586', 'thephotoshop'), ('587', 'rukudo'), ('588', 'mickooo'), ('589', 'bazza361'), ('590', 'echos'), ('592', 'reevz'), ('594', 'mistere68'), ('595', 'bishos30'), ('599', 'tog丨 evonine'), ('600', 'guerrillakiller'), ('601', 'luking99'), ('602', 'chuc'), ('603', 'sir.madhatter'), ('604', '80 russians'), ('605', 'bahlye'), ('606', 'bammo'), ('607', 'mobius'), ('608', 'smoovdogg'), ('609', 'flanker15'), ('611', 'baker65'), ('613', 'aestabjoo'), ('614', 'firehawk88'), ('615', 'captain_wolf'), ('616', 'iudex_ncr'), ('619', 'buddha28'), ('621', 'jlycett'), ('622', 'genelektric'), ('623', 'silverwolf'), ('624', 'shadowman'), ('625', 'valcor'), ('626', 'tango_huntr'), ('627', 'poscrash'), ('628', 'wokeye'), ('630', 'spudgun'), ('632', 'householddog'), ('634', 'workingrobbie'), ('635', 'godfrey'), ('636', 'razor'), ('639', 'reapersmurf'), ('641', 'cdn-smokejumper'), ('645', 'kinsman'), ('648', 'catwaterboy'), ('649', 'tubby'), ('651', 'unco_tomato'), ('653', '1gekko3'), ('654', 'combatkiwi'), ('655', 'muzzflex'), ('656', 'zolteg'), ('658', 'ducttape'), ('660', 'lankycheese'), ('661', 'ablack77'), ('662', 'porksword'), ('665', 'g123x'), ('669', 'bulletmagnet578'), ('671', 'eugenic'), ('673', 'neftaly'), ('676', 'some_random_panda'), ('678', 'lordwyrven'), ('679', 'zʔtwinny'), ('682', 'invisty'), ('686', 'gourmetrail'), ('687', 'gruanch'), ('695', 'k丨2um'), ('699', 'krazzyb'), ('700', 'shufflex'), ('701', 'tharvs'), ('702', 'axloz'), ('703', 'aresnik'), ('704', 'brotheralex'), ('708', 'isawu'), ('709', 'spiceweazle'), ('711', 'dandred'), ('713', 'ruff-justus'), ('714', 'amazingnessman'), ('715', 'lvdc'), ('716', 'chupathingy01'), ('717', 'silent_stan'), ('720', 'jerrif'), ('723', 'simon_nz'), ('724', 'sgt.trip'), ('725', 'dogface49'), ('727', 'surpdeh'), ('728', 'ericb'), ('729', 'rogue leader'), ('730', 'illusion.au'), ('731', 'ozpainman'), ('736', 'semi_aut0'), ('738', 'scottdog'), ('739', 'joel_the_bane'), ('740', 'nedlands1'), ('741', 'twiggels'), ('745', 'gu^n3r'), ('747', 'kenny'), ('748', 'mrmattymo'), ('749', 'kiwikillemoff'), ('750', 'sickre'), ('751', 'osket'), ('1061', 'aussierory'), ('752', '[jw] wittmann'), ('754', 'smasha'), ('755', 'fallen.'), ('756', 'otwaybob'), ('757', 'noompsi'), ('758', 'danthesandman'), ('759', 'amril'), ('762', '+sin+headhunter345'), ('763', 'darkmellie'), ('765', 'dawolf'), ('767', 'evilrooter'), ('769', 'olie'), ('901', 'pirogoth'), ('771', 'noddy'), ('3867', 'cobb3r'), ('772', 'rabbiteh'), ('773', 'dunkirk'), ('774', 'adams_bj'), ('778', 'the_vulcan'), ('780', '-=$2=wh@re=-'), ('783', 'frisbee100'), ('784', 'kllrkirk'), ('785', 'so_cynical'), ('786', 'kronikpaintball'), ('789', 'pan'), ('790', '[t]bludshot'), ('793', 'he_who_says_zonk'), ('794', 'ozxar'), ('795', 'p3ter.k'), ('798', 'patchwork'), ('799', 'thomajar'), ('800', 'steele'), ('803', 'rx'), ('808', 'kingneptunes'), ('809', 'ironface_willy'), ('812', 'agent_youngone'), ('813', 'trooper_giz'), ('814', 'savage'), ('815', 'predator_xr8'), ('816', 'optix'), ('817', 'h3ndry'), ('820', 'ballistic'), ('900', 'skandia'), ('826', 'whiskey_sideburns'), ('827', 'sappersk'), ('828', 'greenie'), ('1112', 'exappy32'), ('830', 'sh0v0r'), ('832', 'thats_a_spicy_meatball'), ('833', '+sin+ solo60'), ('835', '+sin+pendemek'), ('836', 'navymedic85'), ('837', 'djryan2'), ('838', 'devo_dave'), ('839', 'whittaker'), ('840', 'kushluk'), ('847', 'urbanrat'), ('848', 'synmnky'), ('849', 'phillipj'), ('850', 'neon'), ('851', 'coolaid'), ('852', 'gregshallard'), ('853', 'dochate'), ('855', 'fangav'), ('856', 'slimstreetfighter'), ('859', 'aussieamen'), ('861', 'aintwarhell(hehe)'), ('862', 'fearosius'), ('863', '000o0black-star0o000'), ('864', 'le_kfc'), ('865', 'fondue'), ('866', 'sierralpha'), ('867', '1rankman'), ('2363', 'mattuk001'), ('2361', '[email protected]'), ('870', 'mediace'), ('874', 'stiff'), ('875', 'sinc3'), ('876', 'harmz'), ('877', 'qmgwtf'), ('880', 'lusky01'), ('883', '-=delta723=-'), ('884', 'mercenary.of.satan'), ('885', 'd.f.a'), ('887', 'shortie'), ('888', 'bigbossmatt'), ('890', 'madhouse'), ('1702', 'deliciousmaximilian'), ('893', 'rhodesy_77'), ('918', 'anxiety'), ('895', 'ryanmp40'), ('896', 'acc1'), ('898', 'dog_bro'), ('899', 'turbotim_aust'), ('902', '[ezy]_f0r3st.au'), ('903', 'swaggar'), ('904', 'gi.gazza'), ('908', 'caleb'), ('909', 'shotgun'), ('913', 'milsims.blogspot.com'), ('910', 'wolffy.au'), ('911', '640x480'), ('914', 'whos*your*daddy*12'), ('915', 'slavak'), ('916', 'mrsnuffluffigus'), ('917', 'champsky'), ('919', 'retribunator'), ('920', '[adf]g.i.joe'), ('921', 'jamtheman_m'), ('922', 'spectre8'), ('923', 'scarecrow-u.s.'), ('924', 'charts83'), ('925', 'sierra-echo'), ('926', '丨tg丨nero'), ('927', '(adg)airfield_guard'), ('929', 'frenzal'), ('930', 'irontaxi'), ('931', 'teambigred'), ('936', 'infidelkiller'), ('932', 'itsajoke'), ('933', 'matt195583'), ('939', 'btebski'), ('943', 'dale-c'), ('940', 'timaynz'), ('946', 'aussie_marksman'), ('942', 'albatross'), ('945', 'muaddib'), ('957', 'legacy_0f_blood'), ('947', 'sabre19'), ('948', 'bigsmokeee'), ('952', 'marduk'), ('953', 'ǃgunǃholy-jim'), ('955', 'tonnie15'), ('958', 'williepete0'), ('959', 'oj292'), ('968', 'biigmack'), ('962', 'munners96'), ('961', 'tecguy2'), ('963', 'tooks101'), ('965', 'reconaus'), ('967', 'james_patterson'), ('972', 'hiflo6'), ('971', '[667th]_racem81'), ('1000', '[paus] anuzolo'), ('997', 'pugsley'), ('1002', 'guthree'), ('977', 'f.m.rommel'), ('975', 'imbeastmatt'), ('978', 'ed3r'), ('979', 'chiefryza'), ('982', 'smakked'), ('981', 'aus sniper02'), ('984', 'felixoutlaw'), ('985', 'tarseal'), ('986', 'millers667th'), ('990', 'jonesy'), ('992', 'segmentor'), ('994', 'gnome chompsky'), ('996', 'godsdemonslayer'), ('998', 'subarubloke'), ('999', 'beachy'), ('1007', 'mcdethwivfries'), ('1009', 'allyourbase11'), ('1010', 'xavo'), ('1016', 'zettabyte'), ('1011', 'bentley05'), ('1017', 'sasius aka waydo'), ('1018', 'xsmity163x'), ('1019', 'bushranger84'), ('1025', 'da chucky'), ('1024', 'chillwinston'), ('1026', 'lordkabab'), ('1027', 'redneck'), ('1028', 'cuddles'), ('1030', 'beyer_6029'), ('1031', '`fish'), ('1032', 'pheiz'), ('1033', 'bakester'), ('1035', 'anonymous1'), ('1039', 'wtfpavel'), ('1044', 'shaggiex'), ('1041', 'santa'), ('1043', 'toxilium'), ('1045', 'j0cks+rap'), ('1046', 'whitty91'), ('1047', 'scrim-reaper'), ('1048', 'sirlucifer'), ('1049', 'jiggiboo'), ('1069', 'gober'), ('1051', 'rec0n'), ('1052', 'poncho'), ('1053', 'ausjoker'), ('1055', 'shady'), ('1062', 'lil_ninj4'), ('1063', 'dbre'), ('1064', 'hugo a gogo'), ('1065', 'milt_cf'), ('1066', 'bundy'), ('1067', 'sperex'), ('1071', 'colsey'), ('1074', 'pmdw1234'), ('1072', 'shakejunt'), ('1076', 'trippa_88'), ('1073', 'tog丨stalin'), ('1075', 'ultimate_dogg'), ('1077', 'aus*lorrie'), ('1080', 'highpingk1ller'), ('1097', 'alithian.mac.au'), ('1465', 'jamo128'), ('1083', 'tunerica'), ('1084', 'thetrav'), ('1085', 'scarymother'), ('1086', 'prognosisgrim'), ('1466', 'lingus4'), ('1088', 'aus-trooper'), ('1095', 'unkagun'), ('1092', 'gonewalkin'), ('1093', 'bravoaussie'), ('1094', 'armedalite'), ('1106', 'pfc.saito=us='), ('1462', 'asyrapin_1979'), ('1098', 'apocalypsse'), ('1111', 'doom'), ('1099', 'extremerodent'), ('1101', 'howlin_mad_murdock0'), ('1108', 'sychoshreder*aus*'), ('1109', 'luther_crom'), ('1114', 'fuzzhead'), ('1117', 'alla344'), ('1116', 'davetboy_19'), ('1118', 'nimflip'), ('1120', 'sittingduck911'), ('1127', 'chanvlan'), ('1125', 'rknown'), ('1128', 'tonka.au'), ('1126', 'hellspa666'), ('1134', 'johnnyraygun'), ('1144', 'brodes'), ('1146', 'aussie dave'), ('1139', 'snr'), ('1142', 'hicks'), ('1138', 'swordsman'), ('1140', '(aef)jjwolf'), ('1143', 'murkywaters'), ('1141', 'piesy'), ('1149', '(ironchef)spook*aus*'), ('1148', 'fweet'), ('1145', 'mace'), ('1467', 'lemminggtp'), ('1150', 'f丨iptr0n'), ('1151', 'maxi'), ('1461', 'tommi'), ('1152', 'xxravenholmxx'), ('1157', 'tormentedteddy'), ('1160', 'sillen'), ('1165', 'sprinteroz'), ('1156', 'zardez'), ('1162', 'lorney'), ('1163', 'strikingshadow'), ('1164', 'absolute_jamin'), ('1166', 'decarbonizer'), ('1167', 'downunderground'), ('1168', 'higb2'), ('1169', 'kourptfmx69'), ('1460', 'gossy*aus*'), ('1172', 'warpig-au'), ('1173', 'daffan'), ('1176', 'flttwise'), ('1182', 'mozz*aus*'), ('1459', 'xxxscorpxxx'), ('1183', 'silverfox'), ('1184', 'bedaddicebype'), ('1185', 'matto478'), ('1187', 'python'), ('1191', 'helloyersss'), ('1458', 'digger44'), ('1457', 'thor uber1shot'), ('1212', 'tyson23'), ('1213', 'poocha'), ('1214', 'damo989'), ('1215', 'spider'), ('1216', 'st3r'), ('1217', 'c0mp0st'), ('1218', 'shadow'), ('1219', 'bollux'), ('1220', 'nzsapper'), ('1221', 'z00111111'), ('1223', 'maniacdog'), ('1224', 'bageled'), ('1225', 'sparkz'), ('1226', 'mryellow'), ('1235', 'timbot2000'), ('1524', 'xi_yoda_ix'), ('1239', 'medicmann*aus*'), ('1241', '[orc]andrews'), ('1242', 'kaptyn027'), ('1243', 'bigjake'), ('1245', 'stiller_001'), ('1249', '009783232'), ('1251', 'pill monster'), ('1253', 'avarice302'), ('1254', 'spartan1902'), ('1256', 'chalice'), ('1258', 'redrob2020'), ('1453', 'maibitsh'), ('1261', '3d_gimp'), ('1262', 'clip'), ('1263', 'antarticthefox'), ('1266', 'polden-xi'), ('1275', 'jacky7'), ('1289', 'poorshot'), ('1291', 'bobsky1960'), ('1268', 'madmax'), ('1272', 'skitzo'), ('1274', 'bamboo'), ('1277', 'karl.pilkington'), ('1280', 'blood_raven*aus*'), ('1283', 'noraa78'), ('1284', 'scytheavenger'), ('1285', 'rdnx'), ('1286', 'cpt.carter_400'), ('1290', 'dtacs'), ('1288', 'pennywise*aus*'), ('1294', '13139269'), ('1293', 'barra'), ('1295', 'maverick'), ('1298', 'tinfoilhat'), ('1297', 'ptr'), ('1312', '-alfi3-'), ('1306', 'coffee'), ('1302', 'toons'), ('1303', 'tyla has cake'), ('1304', 'ryan_ace_10'), ('1305', 'bolger_39thbatt'), ('1309', 'shadowstorm'), ('1310', 'blackmagikz'), ('1353', 'gagreflex_barbie*'), ('1314', '[adf]oughtboy'), ('1316', 'black heart'), ('1317', 'jynks'), ('1318', 'theroosta'), ('1320', 'deev'), ('1322', 'dairybear'), ('3439', 'adomonkey'), ('1324', 'king goilio'), ('1325', 'edwood'), ('1326', 'ǃgunǃ mccready'), ('1328', 'nickomac'), ('1330', 'devilzown'), ('1331', 'buzzard'), ('1332', 'thrask'), ('1333', 'oʹneil'), ('1336', 'ren'), ('1337', 'tearsareconfessions'), ('1338', 'olweinglorian'), ('1340', 'lt. wispit'), ('1341', 'marlin'), ('1342', '+sin+puritykin'), ('1343', 'cheso'), ('1344', 'thommo'), ('1345', 'td3s3ng3l'), ('1346', 'jarikranger'), ('1351', 'eagle'), ('1350', 'astro'), ('1352', 'wraeth'), ('1354', 'aceyspadey'), ('1355', 'stardream_barbie*'), ('1356', 'jezzainwa'), ('1358', 'rogue.au'), ('1360', '1ruke.au'), ('1720', 'stone'), ('1721', 'vet'), ('1366', 'frostyvegi'), ('1710', 'whitey304'), ('1369', 'warpig-nz'), ('1378', 'bohica'), ('1377', 'yoda^fu'), ('1716', 'd_fens1'), ('1381', 'sameee'), ('1385', 'reggie'), ('1723', 'vege'), ('1388', 'externals_aus'), ('1390', 'nik_50cal'), ('1392', 'robazoo'), ('1391', 'touchnsniff'), ('1396', 'grunthug'), ('1399', 'nicknet'), ('1401', 'arturo'), ('1405', 'snazz'), ('1406', 'crazy_whitey'), ('1407', 'xaboo22'), ('1410', 'alpha'), ('1413', 'blackpanthervii'), ('1414', 'mamboth'), ('1416', 'hoboe6498'), ('1418', 'death_inc_sponge'), ('1420', 'submox'), ('1421', 'sarge'), ('1422', 'tempest'), ('1424', 'mrhankyspoo'), ('1429', 'mrt'), ('1433', 'private_hell'), ('1436', 'bluethunder'), ('1440', 'bandaid.aus'), ('1451', 'hesco'), ('1441', 'makka432'), ('1443', 'damit'), ('1444', 'j.baal'), ('2259', 'iwaschosen.1'), ('1470', 'pennywise'), ('1450', 'codezz'), ('1468', 'boomer'), ('1478', 'randomboy101'), ('1477', 'nomadic_frog'), ('1481', 'aleator'), ('1482', 'watson'), ('1488', 'frank-the-duck'), ('1492', 'krazier'), ('1713', 'polyphobia'), ('1510', 'fritzo'), ('1499', 'fall.au'), ('1501', 'lean-o92'), ('1506', 'grendelsmum'), ('1508', 'ina666'), ('1511', 'suprez'), ('1512', 'sas_archer'), ('1513', 'owen'), ('1520', 'seagull_1993'), ('1521', 'helo*aus*'), ('1525', 'captncrunch240'), ('1527', 'anaraith'), ('1532', 'eliteghostthing'), ('1533', 'cop3000'), ('1534', 'ak101stats'), ('1535', 'roddi'), ('1538', 'tunnel rat'), ('1542', 'kais246'), ('1547', 'wenchiewench'), ('1549', 'mandatory05'), ('1552', '[zsu]preacher'), ('1551', 'husker'), ('1553', 'fang'), ('1556', 'enjoythesauce'), ('1557', 'fuhrious'), ('1558', 'kamikazoit'), ('1562', 'chambersaus'), ('1565', 'komrad'), ('1568', 'hous_bin_farteen'), ('1570', 'nicko95'), ('1569', 'chrisso06'), ('1571', 'kj87'), ('1575', 'cann0nf0der'), ('1576', '0.chugga.chugga.0'), ('1577', 'faithless'), ('1589', 'lee.rocks'), ('1583', 'greyfox1990'), ('1582', 'reaper_quinn'), ('1581', 'chance1'), ('1585', 'the1ivo'), ('1586', 'steak'), ('1587', 'soulassassin2'), ('1592', 'a.u.n.'), ('1591', 'hackdog_legend'), ('1593', 'jassinlive'), ('1596', 'bl4ck1e'), ('1598', 'ssgtevans111'), ('1602', 'majort0m'), ('1597', 'sh33p'), ('1600', 'el chimo'), ('1601', 'deviance'), ('1606', 'rikidozan'), ('1616', 'foxhound'), ('1610', 'wild_turkey2009'), ('1611', 'elfraddor'), ('1647', 's.f'), ('1617', 'shoestrap'), ('1619', 'anglomanii'), ('1622', 'devil288'), ('1629', 'sneekyshadow'), ('1640', 'th3exiled'), ('1630', 'bunnypirate'), ('1631', 'bkt'), ('1632', 'gunner_downer'), ('3464', 'bigunit22'), ('1634', 'brissy47'), ('1635', 'roy.mustang'), ('1636', 'soulnsurf'), ('1638', 'fullysik'), ('1648', 'centrefield79'), ('1649', 'efgh146'), ('1653', 'ricoadf'), ('1718', 'du$toff'), ('1659', 'ford_jam'), ('1658', 'devorst8r'), ('1657', 'mrchickenfool'), ('1669', 'kneehigh'), ('1662', '=]di[= mrmagic94'), ('1661', 'dalmarc'), ('1666', 'saucey'), ('1667', 'ozliam129'), ('1674', 'x_diabolos_x'), ('1683', 'lukem'), ('1685', 'sykoticsquirrel'), ('1686', 'afterdune'), ('1692', 'mccloud'), ('1691', 'jimbom_65'), ('1693', 'syzk'), ('1698', 'elmo147'), ('1697', 'vapoman'), ('1704', 'powerguy'), ('1726', 'snazzy'), ('1728', 'truism'), ('1729', 'mavrik_cha_cha'), ('1732', 'irokin'), ('1734', 'dirtymax'), ('1752', 'rudd_medicman'), ('1743', 'deggy'), ('1740', 'delta 51'), ('1744', 'snowman777a'), ('1745', 'tritownsu'), ('1746', 'xpower'), ('1750', 'murray'), ('1757', 'tomg101'), ('1759', 'caketaker'), ('1775', 'holz44'), ('1779', 'yamato-2142'), ('1782', 'nastydisease'), ('1786', 'trotter_1515'), ('1791', 'fighter139'), ('1795', 'stretchka'), ('3391', 'edbutowsky23'), ('3389', 'dillaz'), ('1800', 'cm.'), ('1802', 'steveo_153'), ('1807', 'borrisvandrumstick'), ('1810', 'byjovewhatwhat'), ('1812', 'flatking'), ('1813', 'peldor'), ('1814', 'big_al_the_kiwi'), ('1817', 'bossmansheild'), ('1816', 'rhino'), ('1820', 'silent'), ('1827', 'nomadic_frog1'), ('1826', 'pr丨nub_nub'), ('1830', 'stalkz'), ('1831', 'mrdyll'), ('1833', 'brigjackoneil'), ('1834', 'alfihar'), ('1871', 'peely'), ('1835', 'cajun_catfish'), ('1836', '_ew_sk_[[_r'), ('1864', 'skrimgo'), ('1845', 'ice munney'), ('1846', 'holy-jim'), ('1849', 'mrstuff'), ('1853', 'dirtydog007'), ('1860', 'omnitechnomancer'), ('1861', 'grippen29'), ('1863', 'cokeman369'), ('1868', 'hambang101'), ('1869', 'hades198'), ('1872', 'ed_'), ('1875', 'aleczacool'), ('1893', 'mrnemesis'), ('1877', 'd3fau1tplayer'), ('1878', 'priceee'), ('1879', 'kencahn'), ('1880', 'gnarly_rider'), ('1881', 'jarryd_455495'), ('1892', 'psycho_n1nja'), ('1898', '[xdf]rabbit'), ('1899', 'maxofreaper'), ('1908', '[smak]potatohead'), ('1902', 'surgical ace'), ('1906', 'neon_flux601'), ('1910', 'puff'), ('1916', 'mo0nbuggy1'), ('1914', 'jinroh666'), ('1915', 'razerstam1'), ('1922', 'ta77a'), ('1920', 'crocket181'), ('1923', 'muttofwar'), ('1930', 'nachoman.619'), ('1931', 'hyphen'), ('1933', 'syk'), ('1935', 'trade'), ('1943', 'athiest warmaster_noob'), ('1937', 'networktheo'), ('1944', 'smoo0'), ('1945', 'canhascow'), ('1946', 'flowright'), ('1947', 'austrooper'), ('1949', 'esinem'), ('1951', 'alienfactor'), ('1952', 'mike248'), ('1955', 'fightingfish225'), ('1959', 'gypsy8'), ('1961', 'maz32'), ('1963', 'click62'), ('1964', 'nickmto'), ('1965', 'nuf'), ('1971', 'ca-chicken-soup'), ('1972', 'freelance_commando'), ('1977', 'c4_ftwxd'), ('1976', 'shtarker'), ('1982', '+sin+ z0harm'), ('1978', 'avistel'), ('1981', 'zondax15'), ('1983', 'rogerdodger'), ('1985', 'stryker'), ('1987', 'thechopper'), ('1990', 'jtime'), ('1991', 'skullbasher007'), ('1992', 'poosloth'), ('1998', 'soggy_nz'), ('1996', 'mouse'), ('1997', 'nicoledc109'), ('2001', 'mojito22'), ('2002', 'hyrasponse'), ('2003', 'shocknawe371'), ('2004', 'smellsofcatpiss'), ('2006', 'fluffynz'), ('2007', 'm3anmarin3'), ('2012', 'jesterfire'), ('2013', 'pvtcaramelo'), ('2014', 'hazzamck'), ('2015', 'jestar'), ('2016', 'shifty.au'), ('2017', 'troxy'), ('2019', 'snakeyyyy'), ('2020', 'cebear'), ('2018', 'pengaman5'), ('2021', 'stifmyster1'), ('2024', 'calstifer'), ('2025', 'elliminator94'), ('2026', 'simpsoid'), ('2027', 'uku_ben'), ('2031', 'brissy_39thbatt'), ('2032', 'athurart09'), ('2033', 'hairyfence'), ('2043', 'young'), ('2035', 'cecil836'), ('2036', 'iveskins'), ('2037', 'ozliam'), ('2038', 'sapper28'), ('2039', 'blinky123abc'), ('2042', 'thebraddigan'), ('2046', 'radr21'), ('2047', 'meddy'), ('2051', 'richyo'), ('2052', 'trent'), ('2053', 'dannynooby'), ('2055', 'swiftninja'), ('2056', 'taters'), ('2058', 'ozzrat'), ('2060', 'wsippit'), ('2062', 'holzy2010'), ('2063', 'asamatatsu'), ('2064', 'saltbush'), ('2065', 'nidhyathi'), ('2074', '[f丨h]donnis'), ('2068', 'fused_omgwtf'), ('2069', 'sammy_39th'), ('2070', 'antvik'), ('2071', 'sconebreak'), ('2075', 'sars'), ('2077', 'rn_max'), ('2078', 'colklink'), ('2079', 'fallout3boizz'), ('2080', '51lent'), ('2084', 'aussieguy'), ('2082', 'lhowon'), ('2083', 'zek99'), ('2089', 'default'), ('2085', 'danielv'), ('2086', 'netpres'), ('2087', 'targetpractice'), ('2088', 'seryoga'), ('2127', 'fick'), ('2093', 'boots'), ('2096', 'trinnity'), ('2099', 'snafu'), ('2101', 'k1ng51'), ('2103', 'krooq'), ('2104', 'allighieri'), ('2107', 'tonicwest.'), ('2109', 'kallan'), ('2110', 'choonga92'), ('2111', 'panda_virus'), ('2115', 'cougar2011'), ('2116', 'captainkoons'), ('2117', 'freeborne'), ('2120', 'jan templar'), ('2122', 'espionage'), ('2123', 'jamesvini'), ('2124', 'aussie_diggar'), ('2125', 'deadeyetris'), ('2126', 'evillemon'), ('2128', 'penor'), ('2129', 'jesus'), ('2130', 'cleeb'), ('2142', 'm49num'), ('2136', 'dogged248'), ('2141', 'mickey69'), ('2139', 'sp丨ints'), ('2140', 'pistoffhamster'), ('2143', 'scarlettcat'), ('2148', 'masivepoo'), ('2149', 'frosty'), ('2150', 'coxy152'), ('2151', 'torus'), ('2155', 'jcoops10'), ('2161', 'jono_977i'), ('2164', '-tomo_unit-'), ('2168', 'cedser'), ('2170', 'rollinginthehurt'), ('2178', 'ray_banzz'), ('2173', 'scare-o-meter'), ('2175', 'aussie@sasr@sniper'), ('2177', 'nathan105'), ('2180', '[slc] weedmachine'), ('2179', 'gardenhead'), ('2181', 'tyen'), ('2182', 'totalconfusion'), ('2185', 'theripper'), ('2188', 'shooter45'), ('2191', 'lt.musti'), ('2190', 'goog_man'), ('2194', 'iamjedda'), ('2195', 'kingleo77'), ('2196', 'slashau'), ('2197', 'joshyw'), ('2199', 'macgyver_'), ('2200', 'pudgeinabowl'), ('2201', 'theo'), ('2204', 'fatar.nz'), ('2205', 'smoke'), ('2209', 'sgt-joekickass'), ('2212', 'nybble'), ('2213', 'super64'), ('2216', 'legion'), ('2221', 'invisible.moose2010'), ('2220', 'gamer_goo321'), ('2226', 'infantryslayerz'), ('2225', 'spartacus'), ('2227', 'dpacd'), ('2228', 'chris getti'), ('2231', 'strider309'), ('2232', 'khromosone'), ('2235', 'mockettt'), ('2245', 'crazydkong'), ('2238', 'kavin'), ('2241', 'kyntak'), ('2239', 'darkseaalicous'), ('2244', 'howizzle'), ('2248', '508thpir_condor'), ('2249', 'remanjot'), ('2260', 'uberphat'), ('2255', 'flowkcalb'), ('2258', 'mattfrnk'), ('2261', 'trentsport'), ('2262', 'stewsta'), ('2263', 'adeebee'), ('2265', 'run_away'), ('2266', 'loopener'), ('2267', 'stuchy92'), ('2268', 'ericchow012'), ('2269', 'doomkillsu'), ('2270', 'adzicents'), ('2289', 'aristos'), ('2274', 'yourhumblenarrator'), ('3459', 'f00bear'), ('2276', 'supermills'), ('2280', 'usavish_rabbit'), ('2284', 'westom'), ('2291', 'band+a1d'), ('2290', 'd1storted_reality'), ('2298', 'pricklyman'), ('2296', 'sinnister'), ('2295', 'vahndamn'), ('2297', 'sgtjohnporter'), ('2300', 'diamondsalute'), ('2307', 'penos'), ('2303', 'plaz'), ('2308', 'copmurda187yo'), ('2304', 'tikkakoskikp'), ('2305', 'phnx99'), ('2316', 'dowwraith'), ('2310', 'boost2464'), ('2312', 'omgwtfbbqsrc'), ('2313', 'arkwrite'), ('2315', 'jthn'), ('2318', 'defected monkey'), ('2326', 'sakonpure6'), ('2319', 'vyneeme'), ('2324', 'hughgericson'), ('2320', 'soulrogue'), ('2325', 'rga p3ar丨y'), ('2328', 'groovyguru'), ('2329', 'ameroelessar'), ('2330', 'deceter'), ('2332', '[anzins] killer'), ('2334', 'sushiroru'), ('2335', 'olliesful'), ('2337', 'istokedi'), ('2338', 'tstormx'), ('2344', '[i]conwarhead'), ('2345', 'annieberries'), ('2347', 'majornastynick7'), ('2351', 'kenvinlee89'), ('2352', 'mohamengina'), ('2358', 'dad556'), ('2362', 'poonking1234'), ('2367', 'just_russy'), ('2381', 'ddrptp'), ('2368', 'eaglethorn'), ('2369', 'raydog'), ('2371', 'masada'), ('2374', 'nighthawke189'), ('2394', 'maritius'), ('2395', 'richie191'), ('2396', 'dnd_fizban'), ('2399', 'recipricate'), ('2403', 'roarycat'), ('2405', 'prozac'), ('2406', 'gremlin'), ('2411', 'exiledslayer89'), ('2416', 'foul_killer'), ('2417', 'sandy'), ('2422', 'ssfsgtsmythe'), ('2425', '[jw]gen_desperado'), ('2429', 'tvlf'), ('2430', 'biggus'), ('2431', 'warhead'), ('2432', 'rhodes'), ('2493', 'diabolical1986'), ('2499', 'deft_fam'), ('2497', 'switch aaf'), ('2434', 'pegasus*aus*'), ('2435', 'swedge'), ('2436', 'cm'), ('2439', 'headstomperaus'), ('2441', 'f3ar'), ('2454', 'lesst'), ('2462', 'lyonne'), ('2464', 'obese_oner'), ('2467', 'snoopy0014'), ('2468', 'slacks'), ('2477', 'duck19655'), ('2495', 'huntsman6'), ('2480', 'thomas.the.tank.06'), ('2513', '[yak]m'), ('2948', 'hone_heke'), ('3234', 'jimkiller12'), ('3319', 'hayden03756'), ('3322', 'away'), ('3327', 'johnwesttuna'), ('3328', 'beliar'), ('3329', 'robodeeks'), ('3330', 'craig_vg'), ('3331', 'thepyro_13'), ('3332', 'kynan'), ('3333', 'hughedney'), ('3336', 'rellits000')


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/dbal.php
LINE: 754
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/mysqli.php
LINE: 182
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/dbal.php
LINE: 550
CALL: dbal_mysqli->sql_query()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/convertors/functions_vb30.php
LINE: 1757
CALL: dbal->sql_multi_insert()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php(1003) : eval()'d code
CALL: phpbb_check_username_collisions()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 1003
CALL: eval()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 203
CALL: install_convert->convert_data()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/index.php
LINE: 326
CALL: install_convert->main()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/index.php
LINE: 203
CALL: module->load()
Any assistance is appreciated.
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Re: [Convertor] vBulletin 3.x to phpBB3

Post by photosurrealism »

I'm attempting to help someone convert from vB 3 to phpBB 3. The converter seems to be working, but it makes me click "Continue conversion" every 300 posts or so. There are like 150000 posts to convert. I'm extremely patient, but not that patient. Is there a way to just make it keep going?
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Re: [Convertor] vBulletin 3.x to phpBB3

Post by photosurrealism »

I used Automator on the Mac to push the web button a zillion times. That got me through it, but now in the "final stages" I'm getting out of range error. I'm guessing that's because the conversion took so damn long that new things have been added. Is there anyway to update the conversion so far without just redoing all of it? Else I guess we ned to shut the board down for a day or two and do this again.
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Lumpy Burgertushie
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Re: [Convertor] vBulletin 3.x to phpBB3

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

there should be a setting when you first start the conversion that will allow you to make it update the page/continue the conversion automatically.

you may have to start it over again.

or, you could do the conversion locally by installing the boards on your computer
https://www.phpbb.com/kb/article/instal ... eb-server/
Premium phpBB 3.3 Styles by PlanetStyles.net

I am pleased to announce that I have completed the first item on my bucket list. I have the bucket.
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Re: [Convertor] vBulletin 3.x to phpBB3

Post by photosurrealism »

I'll try it again with that set to Yes (thought I'd tried it both ways with the same result, but I'll try it again). I'm the sysadmin on this machine, so I'm not sure what more I can do as far as making it "local". Is the idea to get the database local to cut down on access time?
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Furball Zen
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Re: [Convertor] vBulletin 3.x to phpBB3

Post by Furball Zen »

photosurrealism wrote:I'll try it again with that set to Yes (thought I'd tried it both ways with the same result, but I'll try it again). I'm the sysadmin on this machine, so I'm not sure what more I can do as far as making it "local". Is the idea to get the database local to cut down on access time?
Try this post from page 4?


Also im trying to use phpBB 3.0.6 to convert as i think the newer versions have issues with the convertor since its so old.
I am the almighty Furball Zen. Hear me fluff.

Site Admin: too many to list ;)
Port 80 is for your server, port 3306 is for your db :)
If your forum displays correctly in IE, it needs to be fixed :)
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Re: [Convertor] vBulletin 3.x to phpBB3

Post by Malakor »

Good Day to everyone.
I do hope that you can help me with converting the Database from vbulletin 3 to phpBB 3.

I downloaded the convertor files and put them in the right directory.
As stated in the first post, i would have to change the encoding as in my Database everything is in utf8_general_ci.
When i start the convertor i get these Errors:

Code: Select all

Allgemeiner Fehler
Unknown encoding: utf8_general


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/utf/utf_tools.php
LINE: 911
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/convertors/functions_vb30.php
LINE: 562
CALL: utf8_recode()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/functions_convert.php(1288) : eval()'d code
CALL: phpbb_set_encoding()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/functions_convert.php
LINE: 1288
CALL: eval()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 986
CALL: restore_config()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 203
CALL: install_convert->convert_data()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/index.php
LINE: 326
CALL: install_convert->main()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/index.php
LINE: 203
CALL: module->load()
Could someone please help me with that problem?
I would really Appreciate it.

Best Regards
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Re: [Convertor] vBulletin 3.x to phpBB3

Post by P0ny »

Wondering if anyone can help please. I've searched but can't seem to find the answer.

I want to convert my existing VB3.0.8 forum to phpbb and would like to carry over some custom profile fields that are simple text - first name, last name, some dates and so on.

Could anyone tell me of a way to modify the convertor and/ or make the necessary alterations to the database?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: [Convertor] vBulletin 3.x to phpBB3

Post by ArchipelKlaus »


It is not working with phpBB3.1 RC2.
Database has changed. (fields :forum_posts, forum_topics and forum_topics_real) does not longer exist.
If I delete entries in functions_vb30.php converting works but I get a white page when I call my forum.

It works nearly fine with phpBB 3.0.12 with the same database vBulletin 3.8.1.


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