[DEV] Multiple Boards on a Single Database

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Re: [DEV] Multiple Boards on a Single Database

Post by Blue Blood »

master412160 wrote:I don't mind that as long it is explained on what to do exactly. :)

At the moment I don't feel this mod is working out for anyone as per current instructions.
I agree!!
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Re: [DEV] Multiple Boards on a Single Database

Post by eSport »

I've just read this entire topic and was very interested to see it being worked on.
It appears to be missing a simple specification to clearly outline the features it will deliver though?

Personally, I have a scenario whereby I will have up to 90 phpBB sites running, each with between 100 and 200 forums/groups.

A member will join one of my sites, register there and have a specific forum, group, role & permissions set there.

This will be replicated across all the individual sites and each will contain their original members.

I'm wanting to then allow ANY of the 90 sites members to access ANY other site and have the same general reading/posting permissions.

Is this MOD likely to facilitate such a requirement?

i.e. A shared user db across (a high number of) multiple phpBB sites (on one domain), allowing registered members from any site to adopt the same permissions set that they own in their original registration site.

wow! that's a gob full ;) but would push phpBB right to where I need it to be?

awesome DEV outline, thank you sincerely for your efforts... hope to hear from you soon!

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Re: [DEV] Multiple Boards on a Single Database

Post by guardianwill »

Hi Doug,

This looks like what I have been looking for. Of course, a silly question and I will know for sure.

I have a support group that is heavily moded and I want to have a social board as well. What happens is the social board seems to take over certain functions and makes things confusing for the support group. So I was thinking of creating a board for nothing but the socialnet mod to run in. This would be perfect. A click away and they are in their own socialboard for the support group and another click away back to their support forums where they too can do things and get articles ect. All looking like it is on one board.


I also left you some messages on the demo board. username testmulti. I got an error on the 3rd board down when I tried to go into one of the forums to post.

General Error
Template path could not be found: styles/store/template
Please notify the board administrator or webmaster: [email protected]

you can read it although the 3 messages are all waiting for your approval anyway.

Can't wait to hear back from myou. My need is probably too simple for your mod, but thats all I need is simple.

Thanks William...

You can view my support group at josephstory.org to see the support group and then if this works all I would need to do is install another instance of phpbb in a different directory and then install your mod within my main mod correct? Follow your dyi and it should be off and running. Silly question again, should I set up the second board as well before I set the mod in?

Thanks again for taking the time from your busy scedule to respond to my post

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Re: [DEV] Multiple Boards on a Single Database

Post by eSport »

Doesn't seem very active "guardianwill", might be worth flagging post notification rather than re-visit often as I've been doing.

Hope someone will be along soon though, this looks like a great mod.

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Re: [DEV] Multiple Boards on a Single Database

Post by the pips »

guardianwill wrote:Hi Doug,

This looks like what I have been looking for. Of course, a silly question and I will know for sure.

I have a support group that is heavily moded and I want to have a social board as well. What happens is the social board seems to take over certain functions and makes things confusing for the support group. So I was thinking of creating a board for nothing but the socialnet mod to run in. This would be perfect. A click away and they are in their own socialboard for the support group and another click away back to their support forums where they too can do things and get articles ect. All looking like it is on one board.


I also left you some messages on the demo board. username testmulti. I got an error on the 3rd board down when I tried to go into one of the forums to post.

General Error
Template path could not be found: styles/store/template
Please notify the board administrator or webmaster: [email protected]

you can read it although the 3 messages are all waiting for your approval anyway.

Can't wait to hear back from myou. My need is probably too simple for your mod, but thats all I need is simple.

Thanks William...

You can view my support group at josephstory.org to see the support group and then if this works all I would need to do is install another instance of phpbb in a different directory and then install your mod within my main mod correct? Follow your dyi and it should be off and running. Silly question again, should I set up the second board as well before I set the mod in?

Thanks again for taking the time from your busy scedule to respond to my post

Hi William,
Sorry I've not been around much for the past 6 weeks or so. Sadly, real life has an annoying habit of interfering with, for want of a better description, a hobby. The basic functionality is done so I'm starting putting an Admin Control Panel together.

All you need to do is create your new instance of phpbb but set the database info in config.php to be the same on both instances. As you can imagine both instances are now referencing exactly the same information.
Install the mod on both instances, you only need to run createmultiboard.php once. That will create a new column in the forums table with the default value of 1. It's this value that the mod uses to limit which forums are visible.
You now need to modify the index.php on each instance to set the board you want displayed. So let's say your existing board is set to 1 and your new forum is set to 2. At the moment all of the forums are set to 1 so you won't see anything in the new forum. If you go into the ACP, forums you can change the board number to 2.
Lo and behold, it will disappear from the first board and you'll now be able to see the forum in the new board.

If you can hold off a little longer I should be loading a new version of the mod very soon.

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Re: [DEV] Multiple Boards on a Single Database

Post by guardianwill »

I shall, Thank you for your reply Doug, I sure do appreciate it. Could you do me a favor and see the socialnet mod. As you will see they take over like the profile view ect which leaves some of the mods on the existing board unusable and the older guests really like. And well, my wife as well. Its frustrating to make 2 groups happy let alone a bunch of users. Hoping all is going well for you.

Thanks for all you do.

and yes, my son was born last december and when he was 3 weeks old he needed open heart surgery to live. Will need more in the future as well since the parts they used to rebuild his heart don't grow with him growing. Thus my support group for CHD Congenital Heart defects. And the reason of sharing, yes I understand how things in life can get in the way.

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Re: [DEV] Multiple Boards on a Single Database

Post by eSport »

My mistake sorry, please continue to ignore my previous posts.
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Re: [DEV] Multiple Boards on a Single Database

Post by the pips »

eSport wrote:My mistake sorry, please continue to ignore my previous posts.
No Sweat, in the absence of any posts from me it's a reasonable assumption!

In response to your post from 28th Sept. I'd originally only planned to have 4 different boards. I've upped that to 32 and even then I think it will become impossible to manage. If you combined 90 boards into 1 giant database you'd be trying to manage between 9000 and 18000 forums.

So, no, I'm not sure this mod could facilitate your needs. I'm sure it could be done by synchronising the userids across the database but it's not something I've looked into.

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Re: [DEV] Multiple Boards on a Single Database

Post by eSport »

I've been challenging phpBB's scale-ability on a number of fronts. Huge single user db being just one.

The more I try to make it fit my ultimate needs the fewer the more scarce the replies to my posts :|
So as I seem to be getting a better idea of how to 'apply' phpBB to my needs the more it takes the shape of multiple, individual boards with their own unique user db's, individual mods etc.

It's not true what they say, you actually CAN fit a square peg in a round hole ;)
(so long as its narrower than the dia of the circle ;) )

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Re: [DEV] Multiple Boards on a Single Database

Post by mastyle »

Can be used with different subdomains?, For example:

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Re: [DEV] Multiple Boards on a Single Database

Post by adt2l1y2 »

Excuse me, Mr. the Pips, is your mod Good to install now? i really need this mod to put multiple forums into one database...

I very appreciate your time and help for this mod..


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Re: [DEV] Multiple Boards on a Single Database

Post by yool »

Hi, I've been struggling with this for a couple of days now and I still can't figure it out. Can you please give a specific example for how things should be done?

I have ForumA installed on HostA with the ForumA.com domain
I have ForumB installed on HostB with the ForumB.com domain.

I want ForumB to use ForumA's database.

So, please tell me exactly what I need to write into:
-root > language > en > common.php
- any other files that need to be modified

-root > language > en > common.php
- any other files that need to be modified
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Re: [DEV] Multiple Boards on a Single Database

Post by newsbee »

Is the author gone for good?

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