Sure. Royalty free.Renji wrote:Can I use this as my signature ?

Sure. Royalty free.Renji wrote:Can I use this as my signature ?
Code: Select all
// the acp template is never stored in the database
$user->theme['template_storedb'] = false;
Code: Select all
/*** 2012-08-23 BEGIN AmigoJack
Provide a search to find captions within the ACP. ***/
$bLiveSearch= request_var( 'livesearch', '' )== 'livesearch';
if( $bLiveSearch ) {
$sKeyword= htmlspecialchars_decode( request_var( 'keywords', '', TRUE ) ); // Convert HTML entities
$aKeyword= preg_split( '#[\\s,]+#', $sKeyword, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ); // Separate keywords by whitespace and comma
// Keywords enclosed in quotes must be re-concatinated
$aCombine= array();
$bCombine= FALSE;
foreach( $aKeyword as $iWord=> $sWord ) {
if( utf8_substr( $sWord, 0, 1 )== '"' ) { // Begin of a word group
$bCombine= TRUE;
$aKeyword[$iWord]= trim( utf8_substr( $sWord, 1 ) ); // Remove quotes character
if( $bCombine ) $aCombine[]= $iWord; // Collect keyword if within a word group
if( utf8_substr( $sWord, -1, 1 )== '"' ) { // End of a word group
$bCombine= FALSE;
$aKeyword[$iWord]= trim( utf8_substr( $sWord, 0, -1 ) ); // Remove quotes character
$iFirst= $aCombine[0]; // Replace first keyword with a concatination of all others
unset( $aCombine[0] );
foreach( $aCombine as $iCombine ) {
$aKeyword[$iFirst].= ' '. $aKeyword[$iCombine];
unset( $aKeyword[$iCombine] );
require( $phpbb_root_path. 'includes/acp/livesearch.'. $phpEx );
$user-> setup( 'search' );
$oSearch= new livesearch();
// Add all language definitions
foreach( $oSearch-> get_lang_files( TRUE ) as $sLang ) $user-> add_lang( $sLang );
// What to find: key=raw input, value=regular expression
$aToFind= array();
foreach( $aKeyword as $sWord ) $aToFind[$sWord]= preg_quote( $sWord, $oSearch-> sPregBorder );
$aMatch= $oSearch-> match( $aToFind );
// Generate the page
adm_page_header( $user-> lang['SEARCH'] );
// All matches, if any
foreach( $aMatch as $sUrl=> $sTitle )
$template-> assign_block_vars
( 'result', array
( 'URL'=> $sUrl
, 'TITLE'=> $sTitle
$iCount= count( $aMatch );
$template-> assign_var( 'S_MATCH', sprintf( $user-> lang['FOUND_SEARCH_MATCH'. ( $iCount> 1? 'ES': '' )], $iCount ) );
$template-> set_custom_template( './style', 'admin' );
$template-> set_filenames
( array
( 'body'=> 'acp_livesearch.html'
} else {
/*** 2012-08-23 END AmigoJack ***/
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
/*** 2012-08-23 BEGIN AmigoJack
Provide a search to find captions within the ACP. ***/
/*** 2012-08-23 END AmigoJack ***/
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<div id="wrap">
<div id="page-header">
Code: Select all
<form action="{U_ADM_INDEX}" method="get" id="search">
<fieldset style="float: right; margin: 12px 0pt 0pt 10px; padding: 8px">
<input name="keywords" id="keywords" type="text" maxlength="128" title="{L_SEARCH_KEYWORDS}" class="inputbox search" value="<!-- IF SEARCH_WORDS-->{SEARCH_WORDS}<!-- ELSE -->{L_SEARCH_MINI}<!-- ENDIF -->" onclick="if(this.value=='{LA_SEARCH_MINI}')this.value='';" onblur="if(this.value=='')this.value='{LA_SEARCH_MINI}';" />
<input class="button2" value="{L_SEARCH}" type="submit" />
<input name="sid" value="{_SID}" type="hidden" />
<input name="livesearch" value="livesearch" type="hidden" />
Code: Select all
/*** 2012-08-23 AmigoJack
Searches language files, PHP files and template files for language identifiers ***/
if( !defined( 'IN_PHPBB' ) ) exit;
class livesearch {
public $sPregBorder= '#'; // RegEx border character
// Recursively browse a folder to get all filenames
function browse
( &$aList // Populate with found files: key=path+filename, value=filesize
, $sPath // Folder to start at
, $sExt // Matching filename extension (PREG term)
) { // No return
global $phpbb_root_path;
if( utf8_substr( $sPath, -1 )!= '/' ) $sPath.= '/'; // Ensure trailing backslash
$hDir= @opendir( $phpbb_root_path. $sPath );
if( $hDir ) {
while( ( $sName= readdir( $hDir ) )!== FALSE ) {
if( is_file( $phpbb_root_path. $sPath. $sName ) ) {
$iSize= filesize( $phpbb_root_path. $sPath. $sName );
if( $iSize // No zero-sized files
&& preg_match('#\.'. $sExt. '$#i', $sName ) // Only those filenames which match
) {
$aList[$phpbb_root_path. $sPath. $sName]= $iSize; // Add
} else
if( $sName[0]!= '.'
&& is_dir( $phpbb_root_path. $sPath. $sName ) // A folder? Also browse that one
) {
$this-> browse( $aList, $sPath. $sName, $sExt );
closedir( $hDir );
// Gets all ACP related language files
function get_lang_files
( $bAsAddLang= FALSE // Give back array elements ready to be called with session.add_lang()
) {
global $phpEx;
$aLang= array();
// Find all language files
$this-> browse( $aLang, 'language/', $phpEx );
// Filter out non-ACP
foreach( $aLang as $sFile=> $iSize )
if( !preg_match( '#/acp/|/mods/[^/.]+_acp#', $sFile ) ) unset( $aLang[$sFile] );
if( $bAsAddLang ) {
$aAddLang= array();
foreach( $aLang as $sFile=> $iSize )
( array
( '#^(.*language)?/[a-z]{2}(-[^/]+)?/#'
, '#\\.'. $phpEx. '$#'
, ''
, $sFile
)]= 0;
$aLang= array_keys( $aAddLang );
return $aLang;
function find_lang
( $sName // Language token to find definition for
) {
global $user;
$sLang= strtoupper( $sName ); // Use class name instead
if( isset( $user-> lang[$sLang] ) ) return $user-> lang[$sLang]; else
if( isset( $user-> lang['ACP_'. $sLang] ) ) return $user-> lang['ACP_'. $sLang]; else // Last try...
return ucwords( $sName );
// Performing the search
function match
( $aToFind // Keywords to search as array: value=PREG term
) { // Returns array of matches: key=url, value=caption
global $db, $user, $phpEx, $phpbb_admin_path;
$aLang= $aStyle= $aPhp=
$aFindLang= $aFindStyle= $aFindPhp= array();
if( !count( $aToFind ) ) return array(); // Shortcut for no keywords
$sFind= implode( '|', $aToFind ); // Alternation of all array values
// Find in language definitions
$aLang= $this-> get_lang_files();
foreach( $aLang as $sFile=> $iSize ) {
$lang= array();
include( $sFile );
foreach( $lang as $sKey=> $sLiteral ) {
// A value might be an array (which can have arrays aswell), so we simply debugprint it
if( is_array( $sLiteral ) ) $sLiteral= print_r( $sLiteral, TRUE );
// Found in one of both? Otherwise remove entry, so only found ones survive
if( preg_match( $this-> sPregBorder. '('. $sFind. ')'. $this-> sPregBorder. 'isUuS', $sKey )
|| preg_match( $this-> sPregBorder. '('. $sFind. ')'. $this-> sPregBorder. 'isUuS', $sLiteral )
) continue;
unset( $lang[$sKey] );
// Elements left? Add language keys to the results
if( count( $lang ) ) {
foreach( $lang as $sKey=> $sLiteral )
$aFindLang[$sKey]= 0;
unset( $aLang[$sFile] );
$sFindStyle= $sFindPhp= '';
// Prepare finding language keys in ACP style templates
if( count( $aFindLang ) ) {
foreach( $aFindLang as $sKey=> $iVoid )
$sFindStyle.= '|'. preg_quote( $sKey, $this-> sPregBorder );
$sFindStyle.= '|'. $sFind;
$sFindStyle= utf8_substr( $sFindStyle, 1 );
$this-> browse( $aStyle, 'adm/style/', 'html' );
foreach( $aStyle as $sFile=> $iSize ) {
$sContent= file_get_contents( $sFile );
if( preg_match( $this-> sPregBorder. '\\{([A-Z]{1,2}_)?('. $sFindStyle. ')\\}'. $this-> sPregBorder. 'u', $sContent ) ) continue;
unset( $aStyle[$sFile] ); // Not found? Remove
// Prepare finding one of the found ACP style templates being assigned in a PHP file
foreach( $aStyle as $sFile=> $iSize ) {
$sFile= preg_replace( '#^.*/([^/]+)\\.html$#', '$1', $sFile );
$sFindPhp.= '|'. preg_quote( $sFile, $this-> sPregBorder );
$sFindPhp= substr( $sFindPhp, 1 );
// Finally search ACP php files
if( $sFindStyle // Language key to search for
|| $sFindPhp // Template file to search for
) $this-> browse( $aPhp, 'includes/acp/', $phpEx );
foreach( $aPhp as $sFile=> $iSize ) {
$sContent= file_get_contents( $sFile );
$bFound= FALSE;
$aFound= array();
if( $sFindStyle )
if( preg_match_all( $this-> sPregBorder. '[\'"]('. $sFindStyle. ')[\'"]'. $this-> sPregBorder. 'u', $sContent, $aMatch, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER| PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ) ) {
// Found language key directly in PHP file
foreach( $aMatch[1] as $iMatch=> $aMatchResult )
$aFound[]= array( $aMatchResult[1]=> $aMatchResult[0] );
if( $sFindPhp )
if( preg_match_all( $this-> sPregBorder. '->\\s*tpl_name\\s*=\\s*[\'"]('. $sFindPhp. ')[\'"]'. $this-> sPregBorder. 's', $sContent, $aMatch, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER| PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ) ) {
// Found style file
foreach( $aMatch[1] as $iMatch=> $aMatchResult )
$aFound[]= array( $aMatchResult[1]=> $aMatchResult[0] );
// Now find nearest mode
if( count( $aFound ) ) {
if( preg_match_all( '#switch\\s*\\(\\s*\\$([^\\)\\s]*)\\s*\\)|case\\s*[\'"](.*)[\'"]\\s*:#US', $sContent, $aMatch, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER| PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ) ) {
$bSwitchMode= FALSE;
$aMode= array();
foreach( $aMatch[0] as $iMatch=> $aMatchResult ) {
if( preg_match( '#\\(\\s*\\$[^\\)\\s]*\\s*\\)#', $aMatchResult[0] ) ) {
$bSwitchMode= $aMatch[1][$iMatch][0]== 'mode'; // Only search switch blocks which handle 'mode'
} else
if( preg_match( '#case\\s*[\'"]#', $aMatchResult[0] ) ) {
if( $bSwitchMode ) $aMode[$aMatch[2][$iMatch][1]]= $aMatch[2][$iMatch][0]; // Case label
// Getting nearest mode for each find
$aPhp[$sFile]= array();
foreach( $aFound as $aFoundLine ) {
foreach( $aFoundLine as $iFoundLine=> $sFoundLine ) {
$sModeNearest= '';
foreach( $aMode as $iLine=> $sMode ) {
if( $iLine<= $iFoundLine ) $sModeNearest= $sMode;
$aPhp[$sFile][]= $sModeNearest; // This way we're also able to produce links without modes
$aPhp[$sFile]= array_unique( $aPhp[$sFile] ); // Get rid of dups
} else unset( $aPhp[$sFile] ); // Nothing found in this file
$user-> setup( 'common' );
// Get all modules to associate captions
$sql= 'SELECT module_id, module_basename, module_langname, module_mode, module_auth
WHERE module_class= \'acp\'
AND module_enabled= 1
ORDER BY module_basename, module_mode';
$hResult= $db-> sql_query( $sql );
$aModule= $aName= array();
$oModule= new p_master();
while( $aRow= $db-> sql_fetchrow( $hResult ) ) {
if( !$oModule-> module_auth( $aRow['module_auth'] ) ) continue; // Skip inaccessible ones; don't show matches for these
$aModule[$aRow['module_id']]= $aRow;
if( $aRow['module_basename'] ) { // We have no use for categories
if( !isset( $aName[$aRow['module_basename']] ) ) $aName[$aRow['module_basename']]= array();
$aName[$aRow['module_basename']][$aRow['module_mode']]= $aRow['module_id'];
$db-> sql_freeresult( $hResult );
// Find in language definitions - assign module captions
$aLang= $this-> get_lang_files();
foreach( $aLang as $sFile=> $iSize ) {
$lang= array();
include( $sFile );
foreach( $aModule as $iModule=> $aModuleEntry )
if( isset( $lang[$aModuleEntry['module_langname']] ) ) $aModule[$iModule]['lang']= $lang[$aModuleEntry['module_langname']];
unset( $lang );
unset( $aLang[$sFile] );
$aReturn= array();
foreach( $aPhp as $sFile=> $aMatch ) {
$sFile= preg_replace( '#^.*/acp_([^/]+)\\.'. $phpEx. '$#', '$1', $sFile ); // Get class name of each filename
if( !is_array( $aMatch ) ) $aMatch= array( '' ); // If we found a language key but no real occurance in the PHP file itself
foreach( $aMatch as $sMode ) {
if( $sMode // A mode is set...
&& !isset( $aName[$sFile][$sMode] ) // ...but it is not known / has no caption
) continue; // Not authorized to access it
$sUrl= append_sid( "{$phpbb_admin_path}index.$phpEx", "i=$sFile". ( $sMode? "&mode=$sMode": '' ) );
if( $sMode ) {
$sLang= isset( $aModule[$aName[$sFile][$sMode]]['lang'] )? $aModule[$aName[$sFile][$sMode]]['lang']: $aModule[$aName[$sFile][$sMode]]['module_langname'];
$sTitle= $this-> find_lang( $sFile );
if( $sMode ) $sTitle.= ': '. $this-> find_lang( $sMode );
$aReturn[$sUrl]= $sTitle; // Add search match
return $aReturn;
Code: Select all
<!-- INCLUDE overall_header.html -->
<a name="livesearch"></a>
<!-- IF .result -->
<ul><!-- BEGIN result -->
<li><a href="{result.URL}">{result.TITLE}</a></li><!-- END result -->
<!-- ELSE -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- INCLUDE overall_footer.html -->
timezone "client communication"
, which bring up reasonable results. Latest update to this post: 2012-09-04.