Ranks, Logos, Buttons or any other graphics requests!

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Re: Ranks, Logos, Buttons or any other graphics requests!

Post by PlanetStyles.net »

Hi :)

If you click the following link: http://www.colorizeit.com/styles/phpbb- ... fM3h6as4gO , you should be able to download a full 'colorized' set of those buttons.

Scroll all the way down to the "download" link at the bottom of the page, choosing any additional language buttons you want re-coloured on the way. :)

Then just open up the download, browse to the imageset/en/ folder and copy the images you wish to use. :)
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Re: Ranks, Logos, Buttons or any other graphics requests!

Post by e_angel »

Christian 2.0 wrote:Hi :)

If you click the following link: http://www.colorizeit.com/styles/phpbb- ... fM3h6as4gO , you should be able to download a full 'colorized' set of those buttons.

Scroll all the way down to the "download" link at the bottom of the page, choosing any additional language buttons you want re-coloured on the way. :)

Then just open up the download, browse to the imageset/en/ folder and copy the images you wish to use. :)

Very nice :):) Thank you :):)
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Re: Ranks, Logos, Buttons or any other graphics requests!

Post by Jessica »

I don't if this is possible...but

You know the blue prosilver forum border? I want it slightly modified to have a santa hat hanging in the left corner. I've seen some phpBB forums with that and I have no idea how to get it...so I don't know if you're supposed to replace something ...? Or can someone tell me how they got the Santa hat?
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Re: Ranks, Logos, Buttons or any other graphics requests!

Post by PlanetStyles.net »

Jessica wrote:I don't if this is possible...but

You know the blue prosilver forum border? I want it slightly modified to have a santa hat hanging in the left corner. I've seen some phpBB forums with that and I have no idea how to get it...so I don't know if you're supposed to replace something ...? Or can someone tell me how they got the Santa hat?
What's the link to your forum Jessica? :)
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Re: Ranks, Logos, Buttons or any other graphics requests!

Post by Jessica »

Christian 2.0 wrote:
Jessica wrote:I don't if this is possible...but

You know the blue prosilver forum border? I want it slightly modified to have a santa hat hanging in the left corner. I've seen some phpBB forums with that and I have no idea how to get it...so I don't know if you're supposed to replace something ...? Or can someone tell me how they got the Santa hat?
What's the link to your forum Jessica? :)
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Re: Ranks, Logos, Buttons or any other graphics requests!

Post by PlanetStyles.net »

Cool. :)

Open up overall_header.html


Code: Select all

<div class="headerbar">
Before, add:

Code: Select all

<div style="position: absolute; margin: -5px 0 0 -25px ">
    <img src="http://cdn1.iconfinder.com/data/icons/silent_night_icons/64/cornerhat.png">
Probably a wise idea to download that image, upload it to your server and link to it directly. Save using up Iconfinder's bandwidth. :)
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Re: Ranks, Logos, Buttons or any other graphics requests!

Post by Jessica »

Thanks so much!!

How do I do it for the corners of the categories?
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Re: Ranks, Logos, Buttons or any other graphics requests!

Post by PlanetStyles.net »

Basically the same gig.

In forumlist_body.html, find:

Code: Select all

<div class="forabg">
Before, add:

Code: Select all

<div style="position: absolute; margin: -2px 0 0 -10px;">
        <img src="http://cdn1.iconfinder.com/data/icons/silent_night_icons/32/santacornerhat.png">
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Re: Ranks, Logos, Buttons or any other graphics requests!

Post by Joshua Hawkins88 »

Can someone help me out with a Super Admin star rank? Would like it be gold color.
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Re: Ranks, Logos, Buttons or any other graphics requests!

Post by PlanetStyles.net »

Joshua Hawkins88 wrote:Can someone help me out with a Super Admin star rank? Would like it be gold color.
Hey Josh :)

Do you have any examples of ranks you like, that you'd like your super admin to be based on? :)
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Re: Ranks, Logos, Buttons or any other graphics requests!

Post by Joshua Hawkins88 »

I actually want something similar to this,I was thinking of gold but rather it be like a blue looking.
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Re: Ranks, Logos, Buttons or any other graphics requests!

Post by Mickroz »

can someone make me some prosilver button like quote saying "thanks" and "bedankt" with on the place of the quote sign this thumb in prosilver colors only the size of the quote sign.

and the same size buttons, saying "thanks" and "bedankt" with the thumb from the picture above on the right side of the text, again prosilver styled.

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Re: Ranks, Logos, Buttons or any other graphics requests!

Post by daveb86 »

Can someone please create me a banner and a matching logo that matches the prosilver theme

Looking for something simple yet professional with the following text / sub text

Colours to match standard Prosilver theme
Size regular banner / logo - designers discretion

Main Text: PC Solutionz
Sub Text: Your Number One choice for PC Support


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Re: Ranks, Logos, Buttons or any other graphics requests!

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

prosilver already has the correct colors etc. that you are asking for, you just need to replace the phpbb logo with one of your own that is about the same size and put your site name and description in the admin panel and you will have what you want.
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Re: Ranks, Logos, Buttons or any other graphics requests!

Post by daveb86 »

Lumpy Burgertushie wrote:prosilver already has the correct colors etc. that you are asking for, you just need to replace the phpbb logo with one of your own that is about the same size and put your site name and description in the admin panel and you will have what you want.
The reason im asking for a Banner and a logo is because at the moment im just using the actual text which is set through the board settings and ive set the site logo to "No Image".

So i want a banner as per the above specifications in my inital post and a matching Logo to use on the "Facebook Page" ive created for the forum / website.

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