Please try using the convertor attached below. This will allow you to convert directly to phpBB3 instead of having to go through phpBB2 first. See the
Convert How To for instructions on how to use the convertor.
The convertor will convert most of the data from your PunBB 1.4.x board, except for permissions. I do not plan on converting permissions as it is simply easier if the user assigns permissions after the conversion instead of having me try to guess what permissions are deemed necessary. Therefore, you won't see any forums until you actually assign permissions. If you encounter any other problems, please let me know.
- Passwords should work after converting, but there is always the possibility that they won't work for some users.
- You may want to enable thumbnail creation in phpBB in the ACP => Attachment settings prior to running the converter, otherwise the full-sized images from the attachments extension (if you have it enabled) will be displayed in phpBB.
Known problems
- The [img] bbcode in signatures is parsed after conversion even if it's not allowed in PunBB.
Change log
0.0.4 (3/25/2013)
- Attachments and private messages from official extensions are now converted.
- The quote bbcode wasn't being parsed when quotation marks were missing around the username.
0.0.3 (3/7/2013)
- Fixed a few issues with incorrect field names and a call to a missing function in phpbb_check_username_collisions().
- Updated the authentication plugin to support passwords for PunBB 1.2.x where a salt was not used.
0.0.2 (1/27/2013)
- Post reports are now converted.
- Ban lists are now converted, but may contain errors.
- Addressed some security oversights which allowed HTML to pass through in multiple fields.
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