Lumpy Burgertushie wrote: oddly enough, the stock phpbb notification system does exactly that.
Yes, I know!

But was initially sucked-in to the idea of receiving 'immediate' notifications going ding-dong-buzz-dang-whoop etc - new smartphone, new toy - like a baby's noisy toy. The Novelty eventually wore off.
It started last year, when a very busy discussion group e-listserv I had been hosting on my server had started to increase in traffic load (part of it caused by increased mobile use, people using the list-serv like another twitter). I advised the members that after 10 years, the e-listserv was way past its use-by date, and I no longer would be hosting it, and it had to go the way of the dinosaur, transistor radios, VCRs, broadsheet newspapers and wind-up clocks. Many members went ballistic. (Tho' to be fair, some went yippee ...About time!)
I had to gently bully the more stubborn membership into transferring from an e-list to a web-based forum, by giving the ultimatum -- make the switch, or find some other host for their &*^!^ list-serv. It was difficult to get some die-hards to make the switch, and some would not transfer without a special mobile "app".
So I had to spend time helping them use the forums through basic mobile services. Repeating it over and over. Getting ding-dong-whoop-buzzes on my own smartphone so I could tell them how to do it on theirs etc...
Part of that solution was installing "Boardwatch". After a couple of weeks of nearly everyone having full on notifications (including me), people started switching themselves back to the basic notification settings
Human Nature seems to tend towards the majority always having to learn the
"hard way" before they are willing to accept change
what ever happened to the idea that if you want to keep up with a bulletin board ( or any website) that you simply visit there to see what is going on?
Exactly, forums, blogs, news/discussion websites etc are often designed for largish articles for reading at length - not simple SMS or twitter messages. If all you want is quick short-text immediate messages, then use Twitter, reddit, tumblr or similar for your group, not Forums.
Years ago, I would go outside and pick up the morning newspaper to read over a lazy weekend breakfast table, to catch up with what was going on in the world, in more depth and detail than 'headline speak' snippets ... over time, I have found this has become web-surfing my bookmarked favourite sites instead