[Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by Holger »

Thank you for your hard work on this shibulijack! :)
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by Smix »

really nice work ;-)
  • Please use the latest version of Bootstrap (currently 2.3.1 and it looks like you are using 2.0.something) :!:
  • What's the easiest way to replace the packed Bootstrap with customized Bootstrap package?
    I'm using a special package without icons and own colors
  • How is this package licenced?
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by Raul [ThE KuKa] »

Smix wrote:Hello,
really nice work ;-)
  • Please use the latest version of Bootstrap (currently 2.3.1 and it looks like you are using 2.0.something) :!:
  • What's the easiest way to replace the packed Bootstrap with customized Bootstrap package?
    I'm using a special package without icons and own colors
  • How is this package licenced?

My site (phpBB-Es) use BootEs style, based in Bootstrap and proBoot style... :oops:

It's necesary copyright style? To proBoot or Bootstrap...? :oops:
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by nextgen »

Raul [ThE KuKa] wrote:It's necesary copyright style? To proBoot or Bootstrap...? :oops:
The license you need to include is the bootstrap due to which the style is based on that framework.. :)
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by Raul [ThE KuKa] »

Thanks ;)
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by Smix »

No ... IMHO the problem is wider ... Let the shibulijack answer at first please ;-)

edit : @nextgen : it looks that it can be your problem too ...
Last edited by Smix on Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by tanveer2k12 »

is this the only css3, html5 theme? I've been looking for a while now for some thing modern for phones
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by shibulijack »

Smix wrote:Hello,
really nice work ;-)
  • Please use the latest version of Bootstrap (currently 2.3.1 and it looks like you are using 2.0.something) :!:
  • What's the easiest way to replace the packed Bootstrap with customized Bootstrap package?
    I'm using a special package without icons and own colors
  • How is this package licenced?
  • I am sticking with the customized v.2.0.3 for now. However, I plan on migrating to the latest version soon.
  • The packed Bootstrap is already customized. If you wish to replace it, simply replace the bootstrap.css found in theme folder and refresh the theme via ACP.
  • The package is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (same as Bootstrap)
And thank you! :)
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by shibulijack »

Raul [ThE KuKa] wrote:
Smix wrote:Hello,
really nice work ;-)
  • Please use the latest version of Bootstrap (currently 2.3.1 and it looks like you are using 2.0.something) :!:
  • What's the easiest way to replace the packed Bootstrap with customized Bootstrap package?
    I'm using a special package without icons and own colors
  • How is this package licenced?

My site (phpBB-Es) use BootEs style, based in Bootstrap and proBoot style... :oops:

It's necesary copyright style? To proBoot or Bootstrap...? :oops:
I don't quite understand your question.
proBoot is completely open source, just like the Bootstrap.
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by Smix »

thank you :-) I've forget to refresh the style in ACP :oops: :-D That was my problem.

Anyway about the licencing - I'm not 100% sure, but is it possible to make a package of code which is licenced under Apache Licence version 2 (Bootstrap) together with GPL v2 licenced code (proSilver based template) :?: ... As far as I know, Apache Licence v2 is not compatible with GPL v2 ...
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by shibulijack »

Smix wrote:Hello,
thank you :-) I've forget to refresh the style in ACP :oops: :-D That was my problem.

Anyway about the licencing - I'm not 100% sure, but is it possible to make a package of code which is licenced under Apache Licence version 2 (Bootstrap) together with GPL v2 licenced code (proSilver based template) :?: ... As far as I know, Apache Licence v2 is not compatible with GPL v2 ...
Glad I could help.
I don't have a clear idea on the licence issue. Never thought it would be a problem since both are open source projects. But apparently, Apache v.2 is incompatible with GPL 2.0. :|

Update: Word on the web is that Bootstrap 3.0 will be migrated to MIT Licence [https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap/issues/2054] which is compatible with GPL 2.0. So I hope there's nothing to worry about.
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by nextgen »

Thanks Smix,

I'm already investigating the matter. :)
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by Astarnim »


The style is really hilarious. At first glance, I was intrigued and then I said to myself: I must have it! :)

But it involves two questions. Is it safe to use a style to phpBB 3.0.11? And one of the main things is that it is compatible with [RC] phpBB Social Network 0.7.2?

Thank you



Styl je opravdu povedený. Na první pohled mě zaujal a hned jsem si řekl: Musím ho mít! :)

Ale obnaší to dvě otázky. Je bezpečné používat styl na phpBB 3.0.11? A jedna z hlavních věcí je, zda je kompatibilní s [RC] phpBB Social Network 0.7.2?

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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by k0nsl »


I've done some testing for a couple of days now and I've actually surprised how well it works. No problems at my end using 3.0.11, none that I have been able to encounter.

Astarnim wrote:Hello,

The style is really hilarious. At first glance, I was intrigued and then I said to myself: I must have it! :)

But it involves two questions. Is it safe to use a style to phpBB 3.0.11? And one of the main things is that it is compatible with [RC] phpBB Social Network 0.7.2?

Thank you



Styl je opravdu povedený. Na první pohled mě zaujal a hned jsem si řekl: Musím ho mít! :)

Ale obnaší to dvě otázky. Je bezpečné používat styl na phpBB 3.0.11? A jedna z hlavních věcí je, zda je kompatibilní s [RC] phpBB Social Network 0.7.2?

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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by shibulijack »

Astarnim wrote:Hello,

The style is really hilarious. At first glance, I was intrigued and then I said to myself: I must have it! :)

But it involves two questions. Is it safe to use a style to phpBB 3.0.11? And one of the main things is that it is compatible with [RC] phpBB Social Network 0.7.2?

Thank you
What's so hilarious? :x
Since I refactored the code specifically for 3.0.11, it is safe to use. And as far as I know, theme compatibility for phpBB Social Network is not mandatory.

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