[BETA] phpBB3-Knowledgebase

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Re: [BETA] phpBB3-Knowledgebase

Post by Jessica »

Thanks again!!

I have another issue...>_<

My article count is 5, when I really have 4 articles created. I would have five if I had not deleted the example category with the example article. But I did, and it still says 5 when it should be 4. How do I fix this? I suppose it's a bug?
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Re: [BETA] phpBB3-Knowledgebase

Post by mladiucitelj »

Sounds like it. Sorry, can't help you here. I hope mod author will react.
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Re: [BETA] phpBB3-Knowledgebase

Post by pertneer »

Jessica wrote:Thanks again!!

I have another issue...>_<

My article count is 5, when I really have 4 articles created. I would have five if I had not deleted the example category with the example article. But I did, and it still says 5 when it should be 4. How do I fix this? I suppose it's a bug?
I will look into this and get back with you as soon as I can.
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Re: [BETA] phpBB3-Knowledgebase

Post by Jessica »

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Re: [BETA] phpBB3-Knowledgebase

Post by pertneer »

I cannot reproduce this issue, so I have a couple of questions for you.
  • Was this a fresh install?
  • Are you using Version 1.0.7RC1?
If it was not a fresh install, go to the database and see how many articles are present in there. If I remember right there was an issue in an earlier version that did not properly delete all the article data relating to the article count. If the number of articles is correct with what you have visible on the board then you can just adjust the 'user_articles' field in the 'users' table to reflect the correct number. If adding and deleting a new article is still not showing the correct number let me know and I will dig deeper.
Let me know what you find.
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Re: [BETA] phpBB3-Knowledgebase

Post by Jessica »

pertneer wrote:Jessica,
I cannot reproduce this issue, so I have a couple of questions for you.
  • Was this a fresh install?
  • Are you using Version 1.0.7RC1?
If it was not a fresh install, go to the database and see how many articles are present in there. If I remember right there was an issue in an earlier version that did not properly delete all the article data relating to the article count. If the number of articles is correct with what you have visible on the board then you can just adjust the 'user_articles' field in the 'users' table to reflect the correct number. If adding and deleting a new article is still not showing the correct number let me know and I will dig deeper.
Let me know what you find.
Yes to both points. Didn't upgrade from anything, directly installed the latest version.

EDIT: I fixed the "bug" by editing the user_articles field. Thanks for your help :)
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Re: [BETA] phpBB3-Knowledgebase

Post by pertneer »

Thanks for the reply. I will look into why this is happening.
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Re: [BETA] phpBB3-Knowledgebase

Post by Jessica »

I don't know what happened and whether or not it was the result of the article count change (changing it back did nothing though), but all of the sudden the category I created vanished (not deleted, just not showing) and under "Latest Article" it says "No articles have been created yet!" when I know I've created 4. The KB index says "This club has no Message Boards" (that message is supposed to be for another mod, so I'm supposing it's a language conflict). When I go directly to the category I created (http://chenschool.elementfx.com/phpBB3/kb.php?c=2) it says I don't have permission, but I have all the permissions set up correctly. :/

EDIT: Resetting database.

EDIT: Imported saved SQL files. That did nothing -_-

EDIT: Fixed it, so far. Still have the article count problem - before importing the sql (which had the four articles) I had 1 article. I deleted the category that came with the mod along with the article but the 1 remained

EDIT: Take that back. It seems like editing the article count in user_articles makes the category I created disappear. Now I have to start all over again

EDIT: Okay I give up on importing SQL files and editing the field user_articles. Those just ruin it. I just decided to reset database - again - and edit the "Your First Category" into the category I had before and editing the example article. Now I just have the problem of the "Knowledge Base Statistics" total articles being completely off

EDIT: So in conclusion, now all I need to fix is the Total articles under KB stats. I'm afraid of editing the database now though, because it says there are no categories when I edited the user_articles field, as I mentioned before.
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Re: [BETA] phpBB3-Knowledgebase

Post by Jessica »

Suggestion: Resynchronize KB stats - KB stats in KB and article count in mini profile (put in Mod Maintenance, maybe)

Possible bug
  • Editing user_articles field causes the message that there are no categories in the KB to appear
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Re: [BETA] phpBB3-Knowledgebase

Post by Jessica »

bump. still have the issue on the total article count being off (I commented out the code that gives the count temporarily)
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Re: [BETA] phpBB3-Knowledgebase

Post by pertneer »

Jessica wrote:Suggestion: Resynchronize KB stats - KB stats in KB and article count in mini profile (put in Mod Maintenance, maybe)

Possible bug
  • Editing user_articles field causes the message that there are no categories in the KB to appear
I like this idea, I will looking to getting it done. Thanks for the heads up of the count error.
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Re: [BETA] phpBB3-Knowledgebase

Post by Jessica »

Thanks, hope you get it done soon
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Re: [BETA] phpBB3-Knowledgebase

Post by pertneer »

Here are some changes that I have been working on. I have not tested this on a new install so be very careful. Let me know if this fixes your article counts correctly. The item in green are the additions to each of the effected files.

https://github.com/pertneer/phpBB3-Know ... c898515150
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Re: [BETA] phpBB3-Knowledgebase

Post by Jessica »

Well, my article count is correct; it's the total article count that's not correct, and I don't know how to fix that...it says 9; it's supposed to be 5.
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Re: [BETA] phpBB3-Knowledgebase

Post by pertneer »

Where is this displayed, In the Knowledge base statistics or another location.
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