Japanese smilies translation

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Japanese smilies translation

Post by CarolC1 »

I am looking for a Japanese smiley pack which includes the names of the emotions in Japanese (not English). When you upload the smilies, you have to create the code, like :lol: and since the smilies are for Japanese speakers the codes should also be in Japanese, so it will show in the little balloon when you hover.

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Lumpy Burgertushie
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Re: Japanese smilies translation

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

I just did a quick google search and there doesn't really seem to be any japanese smilies like the english ones.

japanese smilies are just the actual characters typed on the keyboard without any images.

I would assume that LOL etc. in japanese, would be a lot of japanese writing to try and fit in a hover balloon.

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