[BETA]Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator Software

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[BETA]Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator Software

Post by Edward572 »

Modification Name: Q&A Registration Spambot Countermeasures Software
Author: Edward572

Modification Description:: Program randomly generates a strong Q&A for spam bot countermeasures
Modification Version::

Requirements: Computer running Vista/Win 7/Win 8 with Microsoft Net Framework 4.0 or Greater

Features: Generates a variety of usable Q&A


Demo URL: Forum Thread
Demo Username: None
Demo Password: None

Modification Download:

Download - RegSpamKiller 400KB Full Windows Install v1.1.4.50

Version Releases:

v1.1.3.00 - v1.1.4.50 - Released: 02/Feb/2015 - 22:27:00 PM EST
v1.1.2.00 - v1.1.3.00 - Released: 13Nov2014 21:28:16 PM EST
v1.1.1.50 - v1.1.2.00 - Released: 23/08/2014 11:44 AM EST
v1.0.2.01 - v1.1.1.50 - Released: 25FE14 18:30 PM EST
v1.0.1.10 - v1.0.2.00 - Released: 19 December 2013 PM EST
v1.0.0.4 - v1.0.1.9 Not released BETA Testing, Major Overhaul
v1.0.0.3 Forward and Reverse Questions
v1.0.0.2 Increased strength of Q&A
v1.0.0.1 Initial Release

Coming Soon!
PLEASE COMMENT IF YOU TRY IT, SO Everyone knows it's good Software
Last edited by Edward572 on Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:41 am, edited 82 times in total.
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Re: Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator

Post by 5hocK »

Isn't this the same type of question that may have been beaten?
Oyabun1 wrote:There were numerous posts relating to the last major round of spam attacks that strongly suggested at least one spambot can now parse questions to a limited extent. Questions like "what are the first, middle, or last 3 characters in some random string" no longer seem to be effective.
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Re: Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator

Post by Edward572 »

Thanks for pointing that out, not sarcasm but your correct.

Yes questions can be beaten, but the more you have the harder it is to beat the board in my experience. If you backup daily, weekly or monthly, it is happens, restore forum db, delete old questions. Use software to quickly replace Q&A with newly generated Questions and Answers.

No way in my experience for a perfect solution, but this make it quick and easy to fixed a board that was attacked. THE KEY IS BACKUP REGULARLY, then you don't need to delete users or post, just go back to before it happened, change questions and backup again, delete all old backups that are after the attack.

Again if a lot of users change questions quickly with software, it could be done once a month before the attack begins. This will make it harder to get all that data especially if everyone have 10 or more questions to defeat, change regularly is minutes instead of hours.

I have 5 forums and 3 of mine got attack last Friday, the 3 only had 5 questions, the 2 boards had a ridiculous amount of questions like 10-20 questions they forums did not get breached.

In the end it`s your call... Thanks for the comment, Cheers ED

PS: Software is random for entire question, example it may as for only first character or maybe second or third or fourth or fifth for the beginning and same for the last, and the data is also random. If they can write something that can read 20 different questions, I will use 50 questions, and change them monthly, hell weekly it take 1-2 minutes to change 10-12 questions. I WISH THEM LUCK!!!
Last edited by Edward572 on Tue Nov 26, 2013 7:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator

Post by AmigoJack »

Edward572 wrote:vb2012
.NET 4.5 as a requirement, so Windows users need to have this framework installed and other OS users rely on emulators which hopefully also emulate that framework. For a code so easy it probably could have been written in JS which would execute on every platform. Why don't you provide the source at least?
Edward572 wrote:generates a question and the answer
You mention it nowhere, but I assume it's all in English? Only?
Edward572 wrote:no worries free of virus and spyware
I prefer to know instead of just believing.
  • "The problem is probably not my English but you do not want to understand correctly. ... We will not come anybody anyway, nevertheless, it's best to shit this." Affin, 2018-11-20
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Re: Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator

Post by Oyabun1 »

AmigoJack wrote:
Edward572 wrote:no worries free of virus and spyware
I prefer to know instead of just believing.
Indeed. Most of the spyware and trojans I have encountered makes similar false claims.

I would strongly caution users against using software which is not pear reviewed, is from an unknown user, and/or from an untrusted site.
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Re: Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator

Post by Edward572 »

AmigoJack wrote:
Edward572 wrote:vb2012
.NET 4.5 as a requirement, so Windows users need to have this framework installed and other OS users rely on emulators which hopefully also emulate that framework. For a code so easy it probably could have been written in JS which would execute on every platform. Why don't you provide the source at least?
Edward572 wrote:generates a question and the answer
You mention it nowhere, but I assume it's all in English? Only?
Edward572 wrote:no worries free of virus and spyware
I prefer to know instead of just believing.
Sorry me bad, I have VB6.0, VS2010, and VS2012, this was Written in VB2010, don't like 2012, do you really this the code is necessary, but just for you I will post it below, re-write if you like, I don`t care, it just to make it easier for the users of this forum, its very simple, wrote is less then 30 minutes.

FEEL FREE to re-Write and Distribute

Code: Select all

Public Class Form1

    Public r1, r2, q1, q2 As Single
    Public Quest, Answer, FA1, FA2, qu1, qu2 As String
    Private Property cool As String

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        r2 = Int(Rnd(1) * 50)

        For x = 1 To r2
            cool = ""
            For t = 1 To 24
                r1 = Int(Rnd(1) * 77)
                cool = cool + Chr(r1 + 48)
            Next t
            ' TextBox1.Text = cool
        Next x

        q1 = Int(Rnd(1) * 4) + 1
        q2 = Int(Rnd(1) * 4) + 1

        If q1 = 1 Then qu1 = "one"
        If q1 = 2 Then qu1 = "two"
        If q1 = 3 Then qu1 = "three"
        If q1 = 4 Then qu1 = "four"
        If q1 = 5 Then qu1 = "five"

        If q2 = 1 Then qu2 = "one"
        If q2 = 2 Then qu2 = "two"
        If q2 = 3 Then qu2 = "three"
        If q2 = 4 Then qu2 = "four"
        If q2 = 5 Then qu2 = "five"

        Quest = "With the exception of the last character (:), what are the first " & qu1 & " characters and last " & qu2 & " characters of " & cool

        FA1 = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(cool, q1)
        FA2 = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(cool, q2)

        Answer = FA1 & FA2
        TextBox1.Text = Quest
        TextBox2.Text = Answer

    End Sub
End Class
Hope this makes you happy, again thanks for your comments.
Last edited by Edward572 on Tue Nov 26, 2013 8:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator

Post by Edward572 »

Oyabun1 wrote:
AmigoJack wrote:
Edward572 wrote:no worries free of virus and spyware
I prefer to know instead of just believing.
Indeed. Most of the spyware and trojans I have encountered makes similar false claims.

I would strongly caution users against using software which is not pear reviewed, is from an unknown user, and/or from an untrusted site.
No Biggy for me, I made it for me, just thought I share it, if your scared of a member since 2005, lets see that's almost 9 years...

Ya not spending that for free no profit software, sorry everyone I download and let NIS2014 check it and it does not know for sure what it is, but I keep running it and downloading it, so maybe it will after a few days it will be trusted slightly more. Anyway the source code is posted above, less then a page.

I get everyone is worried, it`s good software, just need a few testers and for them to comment on there experience. Anyhow need to go to bed now, its 03:48am and I getting sleepy.
C H I C K E N S, LOL Just Kidding, have a good one all
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Re: Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator

Post by AmigoJack »

In case you want to have a more versatile (question text and amount of question/answer pairs can be adjusted) and platform independant generator, save this as .HTML and run it in your favorite internet browser:

Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="ltr" lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"><head>
	<title>Q&A generator</title>
	<style type="text/css">
		h3 { margin-bottom: 0; font-size: 100% }
		p { margin-top: 0 }
		input[name=lang] { width: 80% }
		input[name=amount] { width: 3em }
	<script type="text/javascript">
	// <![CDATA[
		// Create question and answer
		function getPair() {
			// How many characters to copy from left and right
			var aCopy= new Array( 0, 0 ), aNumber= Array( 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five' );
			for( var iCopy= 0; iCopy< aCopy.length; iCopy++ ) {
				aCopy[iCopy]= Math.floor( Math.random()* 5 );

			// Random characters string to print
			var sSource= '', sChar;
			for( var iSource= 0; iSource< 24; iSource++ ) {
				do {
					sChar= String.fromCharCode( Math.floor( Math.random()* 77 )+ 48 );
				} while( sChar== '?' );
				sSource+= sChar;

			// Render question and answer
			var sQuest= document.getElementById( 'lang' ).value;
			sQuest= sQuest.replace( /%1/, aNumber[aCopy[0]] ).replace( /%2/, aNumber[aCopy[1]] ).replace( /%3/, sSource );
			var sAnswer= sSource.substr( 0, aCopy[0]+ 1 )+ sSource.substr( sSource.length- aCopy[1]- 1 );

			return new Array( sQuest, sAnswer );

		// Create HTML elements
		function printPair( iHowOften ) {
			if( !iHowOften ) iHowOften= parseInt( document.getElementById( 'amount' ).value );
			var aToCreate= new Array( 'h3', 'code' );
			var eBody= document.getElementsByTagName( 'body' )[0];
			var aElement, iCount, iElement, eNew;

			// Clean existing renderings
			for( iCount= 0; iCount< aToCreate.length; iCount++ ) {
				aElement= document.getElementsByTagName( aToCreate[iCount] );
				do {
					for( iElement= 0; iElement< aElement.length; iElement++ ) {
						eBody.removeChild( aElement[iElement] );
					aElement= document.getElementsByTagName( aToCreate[iCount] );
				} while( aElement.length );

			// Multiple pairs
			var aPair;
			for( iCount= 0; iCount< iHowOften; iCount++ ) {
				aPair= getPair();
				for( iElement= 0; iElement< aToCreate.length; iElement++ ) {
					eNew= document.createElement( aToCreate[iElement] );
					eNew.appendChild( document.createTextNode( aPair[iElement] ) );
					eBody.appendChild( eNew );
	// ]]>
		<label>Based on <a href="https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?p=13472036#p13472036"><em>Edward572</em> in <em>Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator</em></a>, JS version by <em>AmigoJack</em>, 2013-11-26.</label>

		<br/><label for="lang">Localized question:</label>
		<input id="lang" name="lang" value="With the exception of the question mark, what are the first %1 characters combined with the last %2 characters of %3?" />

		<br/><label for="lang">How many question/answer pairs:</label>
		<input id="amount" name="amount" value="5" />

		<input type="submit" value="Generate" onclick="printPair(); return false" />
  • "The problem is probably not my English but you do not want to understand correctly. ... We will not come anybody anyway, nevertheless, it's best to shit this." Affin, 2018-11-20
  • "But this shit is not here for you. You can follow with your. Maybe the question, instead, was for you, who know, so you shoved us how you are." axe70, 2020-10-10
  • "My reaction is not to everyone, especially to you." Raptiye, 2021-02-28
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Re: Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator

Post by Edward572 »

AmigoJack wrote:In case you want to have a more versatile (question text and amount of question/answer pairs can be adjusted) and platform independant generator, save this as .HTML and run it in your favorite internet browser:

Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="ltr" lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb"><head>
	<title>Q&A generator</title>
	<style type="text/css">
		h3 { margin-bottom: 0; font-size: 100% }
		p { margin-top: 0 }
		input[name=lang] { width: 80% }
		input[name=amount] { width: 3em }
	<script type="text/javascript">
	// <![CDATA[
		// Create question and answer
		function getPair() {
			// How many characters to copy from left and right
			var aCopy= new Array( 0, 0 ), aNumber= Array( 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five' );
			for( var iCopy= 0; iCopy< aCopy.length; iCopy++ ) {
				aCopy[iCopy]= Math.floor( Math.random()* 5 );

			// Random characters string to print
			var sSource= '', sChar;
			for( var iSource= 0; iSource< 24; iSource++ ) {
				do {
					sChar= String.fromCharCode( Math.floor( Math.random()* 77 )+ 48 );
				} while( sChar== '?' );
				sSource+= sChar;

			// Render question and answer
			var sQuest= document.getElementById( 'lang' ).value;
			sQuest= sQuest.replace( /%1/, aNumber[aCopy[0]] ).replace( /%2/, aNumber[aCopy[1]] ).replace( /%3/, sSource );
			var sAnswer= sSource.substr( 0, aCopy[0]+ 1 )+ sSource.substr( sSource.length- aCopy[1]- 1 );

			return new Array( sQuest, sAnswer );

		// Create HTML elements
		function printPair( iHowOften ) {
			if( !iHowOften ) iHowOften= parseInt( document.getElementById( 'amount' ).value );
			var aToCreate= new Array( 'h3', 'code' );
			var eBody= document.getElementsByTagName( 'body' )[0];
			var aElement, iCount, iElement, eNew;

			// Clean existing renderings
			for( iCount= 0; iCount< aToCreate.length; iCount++ ) {
				aElement= document.getElementsByTagName( aToCreate[iCount] );
				do {
					for( iElement= 0; iElement< aElement.length; iElement++ ) {
						eBody.removeChild( aElement[iElement] );
					aElement= document.getElementsByTagName( aToCreate[iCount] );
				} while( aElement.length );

			// Multiple pairs
			var aPair;
			for( iCount= 0; iCount< iHowOften; iCount++ ) {
				aPair= getPair();
				for( iElement= 0; iElement< aToCreate.length; iElement++ ) {
					eNew= document.createElement( aToCreate[iElement] );
					eNew.appendChild( document.createTextNode( aPair[iElement] ) );
					eBody.appendChild( eNew );
	// ]]>
		<label>Based on <a href="https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?p=13472036#p13472036"><em>Edward572</em> in <em>Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator</em></a>, JS version by <em>AmigoJack</em>, 2013-11-26.</label>

		<br/><label for="lang">Localized question:</label>
		<input id="lang" name="lang" value="With the exception of the question mark, what are the first %1 characters combined with the last %2 characters of %3?" />

		<br/><label for="lang">How many question/answer pairs:</label>
		<input id="amount" name="amount" value="5" />

		<input type="submit" value="Generate" onclick="printPair(); return false" />
Cool thanks, will try on old machine tomorrow, later today lol

Thanks Again
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Re: Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator

Post by stevemaury »

I applaud your initiative, but this will be easily broken. Because it is so formulaic, it does not matter how long or how random the strings are. The bot needs four pieces of info, all contained right there on the registration page:

1. The string itself

2. The character excepted

3. The number assigned first characters

4. The number assigned last characters

Bingo, solved. Doesn't matter how often you change it.

It would probably work for awhile, but if it came into common use, game over.
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Re: Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator

Post by Edward572 »

Ok, the string is generated different for each output, 24 different characters each time.

Then it randomly decides how many charaters front then rear then adds them together.

So the bot reads "two" say for the first answer character, then it reads say "three" for the last then the bot will add them together and be used as the answer.

Assuming the bot knows your using Q&A in the first place. Well if that is the case then nothing cant stop anything.

Oh let's not forget if you have like 20 questions that the board randomly picks for registration, seems like to much randomness.

Not sure... Your Opinion...
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Re: Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator

Post by stevemaury »

Of course Bots know if you are using Q&A. It doesn't matter how many "questions" you have. It could be a trillion. But for each bot trying to register, there will only be one question, and everything needed to answer it is right there. Bots know what numbers are and they know what characters are and they know what first and last mean and they know what except means.

ANY Q&A that relies on entering designated charcters from a string will be broken, and many already have been.
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Re: Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator

Post by stevemaury »

I am going to try once more to give an example of a Q&A that will not be easily solved. I have done this before, and am reluctant for obvious reasons to give too many more, but maybe this will give you the idea.

Q: You have all the little pigs, all the musketeers, and all of snow whites dwarves in a room with you. The total
number of critters in the room is?

A: 14
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Re: Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator

Post by Edward572 »

I get what your saying, I will change how it asks... example below...


"With exception of the (:), what is the first XXXtwoXXX characters and the last XthreeXXX character of 9$&fGDIEeeHJKLxx ?"

Then change up the XXXXtwoXX to twoXXXX or XtwoXXXX or XXXXX2XXX or X2XXtwoXXX just randomly adjust we're the text goes.

Now bot has to figure out in XXXXtwoXXXX, we're the number is, again this will change every time you generate a Q&A.

Version , lol

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Re: Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator

Post by stevemaury »

No. It just has to look at the number nearest "last" and the one nearest "first" and done.
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