[RC] Map BBCode

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Re: [RC] Map BBCode

Post by keith10456 »

Good job... Keep up the good work!
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Re: [RC] Map BBCode

Post by Zverik »

keith10456, thanks!
leschek wrote:Looks like nice update. I didn't try it yet (only the previous version), but I would like to ask if would be possible to make your MOD compatible with phpBB Gallery and if user who is posting map would be able to choose zoom level of map?
It looks like the Gallery mod is compatible with MapBBCode mod. I could not add an image to the gallery (its UI is very unintuitive), but MapBBCode works well with the Gallery installed, their changes to phpBB files do not overlap.

Usually default zoom level chosen by the library is good enough. But a user can override it by adding a parameter to the opening tag of the bbcode: [map=4], where "4" is a zoom level, usually in a range of 12-15.
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Re: [RC] Map BBCode

Post by leschek »

Thanks for reply,
Zverik wrote:It looks like the Gallery mod is compatible with MapBBCode mod. I could not add an image to the gallery (its UI is very unintuitive), but MapBBCode works well with the Gallery installed, their changes to phpBB files do not overlap.
They don't affect each other, but map BBCode doesn't work in a picture description. It doesn't render map and it seems like Gallery doesn't know that [map][/map] is BBCode. When you are in "post mode" It shows buttons for other custom BBCodes, but not for map BBCode.
Zverik wrote:Usually default zoom level chosen by the library is good enough. But a user can override it by adding a parameter to the opening tag of the bbcode: [map=4], where "4" is a zoom level, usually in a range of 12-15.
Thank you, it's nice trick.
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Re: [RC] Map BBCode

Post by risuiar »

Nice work! exactly what i need. Is this working on the last 3.1.3 version?
Its possible to have a ext version? AutoMod is no longer working.
Thank you!
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Re: [RC] Map BBCode

Post by ALX™ »

Why don't work with Mozilla Firefox? With Chrome it's Ok... but with firefox it don't open the map window when I press the map tag! :?


Don't work and with Opera
Forgive me for my bad english :oops:

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