- Extension Title: Quick Title Edition
- Extension Author: ABDev < N/A > N/A
- Extension Author: PastisD < N/A > N/A
- Extension Author: geolim4 < N/A > http://geolim4.com/
- Extension Author: Zoddo < N/A > N/A
- Extension Author: ErnadoO < Erwan NADER > https://www.phpbb-services.com
- Extension Codename: The "Big Boss" Edition
- Extension Description: This extension aims to create topic attributes, which can be applied by the administrators, the moderators and/or the topics authors.
Attributes can be under the form of a short text, like [Solved by X on Y], or under the form of an image, like .
The %mod% argument sends the username who applied the attribute.
The %date% argument sends the date, when the attribute has been applied to the topic title. - GitHub Repository: https://github.com/ErnadoO/qte
- Bug Tracker: https://github.com/ErnadoO/qte/issues
- Download link: click here
The ingredients that made the success of the version for phpBB 3.0.x will be present and improved. New features will appear in order to increase the possibilities offered by the extension.