[RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Oyabun1 »

«THÖMÅS®©» wrote:I would have to create several million ranks to accommodate the many various different custom ranks
"several million ranks"? unless you are going to work full time for the next 20 years just on assigning ranks you need to revise your objective.

In any case, what you are requesting is nothing to do with this MOD and isn't close to what this MOD is intended to do. You should look at the built in custom profile fields. The Textarea type allows text to be entered. There is also a MOD that allows BBCodes to be used with them.
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by «THÖMÅS®©» »

Are you talking about the XDATA fields as they are no good...

If not, please point me to the correct mod that you are referring to...
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by ridharezzag »

i just wanna say thanksssssssssssssss a lot this mod is great :idea: we really need this on phpBB this just made my forum great thanks bro it works fine :D on my subsilver2 3.0.12 i had to do it manual but was easy
i have a suggestion if possible can you make the tow ranks work by time i mean .. if i give rank number 3 to a member it will be possible for me to choose for how long this rank will appear under his name for ex: 1or 3 or 10 or 20 days or 1 month or for ever

i think this will be very helpful sometimes some member we need to give them a medallion for there good comments but we want it to appear only for 3 days and than it disappears automatically if this possible pls if not its okay its stile great 8-)
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Oyabun1 »

«THÖMÅS®©» wrote:Are you talking about the XDATA fields as they are no good...
No, because they are for phpBB2, not phpBB3. When I said custom profile fields I meant custom profile fields.
«THÖMÅS®©» wrote:If not, please point me to the correct mod that you are referring to...
Let's see, a MOD for BBCodes in custom profile fields, maybe a search for bbcode custom profile field, and what a surpise: https://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/sear ... _titleonly :roll:
ridharezzag wrote:i have a suggestion if possible can you make the tow ranks work by time
I've thought about that before. Simple idea but quite complex to implement, and doing it in a way which would limit the load on the board is also important. Still under consideration.
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by «THÖMÅS®©» »

The way it is being displayed is not how I would like it. I said how I wanted it in one of my screenshots on the thread I linked to in the previous page, though it is a step in the right direction.

The text "Custom Title" is unwanted, I would like the text input to be displayed on its own and the ability to add ranks which I will add the multi-ranks mod for tonight.



Here I am showing you what I am after, but not sure how, can I add some code to "viewtopic.php" or "viewtopic_body.html" to achieve a result like this?

Oyabun1, please be less cryptic with your answers, and state in plain English how or what I need to do to get the results in the screenshots I have posted.

Here is what it looks like at the moment:

I would like the text to be bold, under the rank image and any character with the ability to use HTML such as colors and without the "profile field" name in it to the left in black. This is likely to be the only custom text field I will want so please tell me how to do it...

I look forward to your response.


As you can see from the image below, I have made progress... How do I make the text bigger and HTML compliant so I can use HTML...?



Even more progress:

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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by mungbean »

Yea so I installed this and nothing works.

I can choose the additional ranks when editing a users ranks, but they never show up.

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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Oyabun1 »

You probably didn't make the appropriate edits to whichever style you are using.
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by mungbean »

I used the automod, and I can change the settings for users but nothing shows up on the forum:


It just defaults to, and only shows, their first selected rank.

I am using subsilver2. The admin side of things seems to work but nothing shows up on the forum.

What should I check?

I have users who are just normal users that get a rank based on post count, and I have users with just a special rank.

But I want to add 'donator' and 'VIP' ranks to certain users as well.
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by mungbean »

So what am I doing wrong?
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by mungbean »

I worked it out. The auto install doesn't actually install it completely.
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by Goztow »

Did you purge cache?

Check the manual changes to see if the changes for subsilver have been done. i wouldn't be surprize if automod only does the prosilver changes.
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by mungbean »

Yes of course I purged the cache.

I found out after the automod install I still had to do some manual php editing.

I have customised it to work how I need it to.

Should work great :)
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by GreenDroid »

What i did wrong? i cleared the cache too but it seems to show only one rank ... :(

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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by mungbean »

You need to go into the file viewtopic_body.html and add the code manually.

Code: Select all

						<!-- IF postrow.RANK_IMG -->
			<!-- ENDIF -->
						<!-- IF postrow.RANK2_TITLE -->
			<!-- ENDIF -->
			<!-- IF postrow.RANK2_IMG -->
			<!-- ENDIF -->
			<!-- IF postrow.RANK3_TITLE -->
			<!-- ENDIF -->
			<!-- IF postrow.RANK3_IMG -->
			<!-- ENDIF -->	
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Re: [RC]Multiple ranks (not linked to usergroups) - 1.01

Post by mungbean »

In the download, read the page 'install_multiple_ranks' in the zip.

It tells you where you need to add the code.

The auto install through automod doesn't do everything you need it to.
Last edited by mungbean on Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

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