[Convert] Fail convert SMF2.0RC2 to phpBB3.9

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Lumpy Burgertushie
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Re: [Convert] Fail convert SMF2.0RC2 to phpBB3.9

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

nocomp wrote:ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thxx a lot!!
works much better this way :)
i ve been able to backup and convert in a breeze :)
thxx a lot!
so everythime you want to install a mod, you need to go through /intall dir ?
no, this has nothing to do with installing MODs. this is only about doing a conversion.

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Re: [Convert] Fail convert SMF2.0RC2 to phpBB3.9

Post by Phlaer »

I do not understand why people are not working to offer mod??? The first trouble, what modes does not find its way to the old forum.How?I'm sorry for bad english
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Re: [Convert] Fail convert SMF2.0RC2 to phpBB3.9

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

Phlaer wrote:I do not understand why people are not working to offer mod??? The first trouble, what modes does not find its way to the old forum.How?I'm sorry for bad english
please try again. what you said in english does not make any sense.

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Re: [Convert] Fail convert SMF2.0RC2 to phpBB3.9

Post by Dzonny »

Heya there.

I'm trying to convert one of my SMF 2.0.5 forums to phpbb, and I'm getting this error:
Fatal conversion error

functions_smf20.php [ 740 ]
Colliding usernames were found on your old board. In order to complete the conversion please delete or rename these users so that there is only one user on your old board for each clean username.
I have no idea what does this mean though. I have about 30.000 members in the SMF database that I'm converting, so i can't check every single member from it.
Any suggestions?
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Re: [Convert] Fail convert SMF2.0RC2 to phpBB3.9

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

it means you have multiple users with the same names in your old board.

you will have to find those and delete the one of them or rename one of them.

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Re: [Convert] Fail convert SMF2.0RC2 to phpBB3.9

Post by Dzonny »

How do you mean that, SMF does not allow to have two users with the same username, i don't know how could i have such users then? :s
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Re: [Convert] Fail convert SMF2.0RC2 to phpBB3.9

Post by Dzonny »

Also I have no users listed anywhere on that page, as I can see that others with the same error had.

My forum is on serbian language, so there is quite speciall characters in usernames like ć,š,č,ž etc, don't know if these utf-8 characters can cause errors like this? :roll:
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Re: [Convert] Fail convert SMF2.0RC2 to phpBB3.9

Post by Dzonny »

Any suggestions please?
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Re: [Convert] Fail convert SMF2.0RC2 to phpBB3.9

Post by Nimitz1061 »

It's not terribly humorous, but I can confirm this logic flaw.

phpbb3 has two fields it appears to use for authentication id tokens - username and username_clean.

It has NO fields to hold the users true name.

The logical thing might have been to add a field for the true name and use the existing fields for the users handle.

ddonzal wrote:Still no answer to my previous posts, but in the end I did successfully make it through the conversion process. It was a combination of several factors completed through trial and error with the help of other threads.

Either way, after successfully converting from SMF to phpBB, I'm noticing that the converter may have inserted the data into the wrong field for login purposes. Here's an example:

Info from SMF db:
member_name = neo
real_name = Thomas Anderson

After converting, here's the data in the phpBB db:
username = Thomas Anderson
username_clean = thomas anderson
login_name = neo

So when Mr. Anderson wants to jump on SMF, he used 'neo' to login. After converting and trying to login to phpBB, he can't login as 'neo' but can login as 'Thomas Anderson' instead. Shouldn't the member_name from SMF be inserted into username in phpBB? Now Mr. Anderson is a sharp guy and figured it out without having to ask for help. But in a community with 10,000s of members, many people will not and will either hit up the moderators for help or start creating gobs of new users.

Clearly I'm using this as a humorous example, but this is actually what is happening while testing the successful conversion. Our users can't login to phpBB with their username from SMF but CAN if they use their real name.

Has anyone else noticed this? Did I do something wrong during the conversion process or is this what is supposed to happen? Any way I can make the SMF member_name be pulled into the phpBB username during the conversion without breaking anything else?

Any other thoughts are appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
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Re: [Convert] Fail convert SMF2.0RC2 to phpBB3.9

Post by Nimitz1061 »

Indeed your reference to :

Code: Select all

array('login_name', 'members.member_name', 'smf_set_encoding'),

holds the key to some resolution of this issue.

What I've found is that the array is constructed as follows:

Code: Select all

array('ltarget field in phpbb3 db', 'source field from smf db', 'encoding management switch'),

Once this is clear, adjustments are fairly straightforward in terms of the data transfer itself.

Mapping is still rather complicated by the need to understand functionality on either end.

The lines around your original reference are:

Code: Select all

				array('username',				'members.real_name',				'smf_set_encoding'), // recode to utf8 with default lang
				array('username_clean',		'members.real_name',				array('function1' => 'smf_set_encoding', 'function2' => 'utf8_clean_string')),
				array('login_name',			'members.member_name',				'smf_set_encoding'),

What I have found so far is that changing the content going to username_clean to members_member_name allows login to the cart to work correctly when using the previous SMF member handle as the login id.

Once that is working however, you still cannot log into the admin control panel, because for some reason you must have the a user id which is identical to the admin login id.

Oh joy.

I suspect that this means both username and username clean must be identical (other than the obvious lowercasing in the username_clean field) OR that the login_name must be identical to whichever is used to handle authentication. More work ahead.....

ddonzal wrote:OK... so I did a clean install of phpBB3, and you're correct. There's no login_name. So I looked in the funtions_smf20.php file and found:

Code: Select all

// Add login_name field to users table if NOT exists
function smf_add_login_field()
	global $db, $table_prefix;

	$drop_sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' DROP login_name, DROP user_passwd_salt';
	$create_login_name_sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' ADD login_name VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT \'\' NOT NULL';
	$create_salt_sql =  'ALTER TABLE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' ADD user_passwd_salt VARCHAR( 5 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT \'\' NOT NULL';


And in convert_smf20.php file and found:

Code: Select all

array('login_name', 'members.member_name', 'smf_set_encoding'),

So it's the converter. Either way, it's in there and it's using the wrong data. What now?

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Re: [Convert] Fail convert SMF2.0RC2 to phpBB3.9

Post by Ventic »

Hello i tried to convert to phpbb from smf 2.0.5 although since i got about 175mb database,the convertor stucked while converting posts,and after it i got 500 internal error.
Any sollution?

It actually stucks at 45k posts from 290k which i got.
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Re: [Convert] Fail convert SMF2.0RC2 to phpBB3.9

Post by WEBCodeur »

Hi all and thx for the work,
Sorry for my english, i'm french, SMF 2.0.6
After the first testing, i've an 500 error at this step smf_convert_authentication('start'); :
After the second test and wait more of 15min, i've passed the URL &last=5&language=fr to &last=6&language=fr and the conversion finish well but some sub-forums are no presents.
Now, is a new test and leave the server work but i'm not sure about the issue...

Why this step are so long plz ?
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Re: [Convert] Fail convert SMF2.0RC2 to phpBB3.9

Post by blogger419 »

So I've tried this converter twice now an I am not sure what's going on. It appears to convert the users, passwords, and posts just fine. However, the attachments appear not to work. All I get is a white box that says "Attachments" and then lists the names of the attachments but does not display them. I have run the convert_links.php script as mentioned in earlier threads. I am wondering if I am supposed to specify the SMF attachments directory in ACP instead of "files" as is currently the default upload directory. I've attached a screen shot of what it looks like. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: I just noticed that my "Files" folder is empty. Is phpBB3 supposed to import all of my SMF attatchments into its own directory? Or is it supposed to some how read from my SMF attachment folder?

Thank You.
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Re: [Convert] Fail convert SMF2.0RC2 to phpBB3.9

Post by blogger419 »

Is there anyone supporting this anymore?
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Re: [Convert] Fail convert SMF2.0RC2 to phpBB3.9

Post by ashkir »

Having trouble with this :(

Code: Select all

SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 3 [1064]


UPDATE phpbb_forums SET left_id = left_id + 2, right_id = right_id + 2 WHERE left_id > 


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/dbal.php
LINE: 757
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/mysqli.php
LINE: 182
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/convertors/functions_smf20.php
LINE: 1003
CALL: dbal_mysqli->sql_query()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php(1003) : eval()'d code
CALL: smf_insert_forums()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 1003
CALL: eval()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 203
CALL: install_convert->convert_data()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/index.php
LINE: 326
CALL: install_convert->main()

FILE: [ROOT]/install/index.php
LINE: 203
CALL: module->load()

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