Having read this topic and lots of other similar topics here, and also topics on how to get new members to join your forum, i believe an app for mobile users would be greatly beneficial to any forum,
I have, like many other users of phpbb , had difficulty in getting new users to even view the board let alone sign up to the forum,
I have asked lots of questions of friends and other folks i have met and talked to, about the reasons why they dont bother with forums at all,
And the number one reason has always been “ if i have to sign in to the forum, then i cant be bothered” !
With no2 being, “i can do that on facebook”
In these days of mobile phone users, it would seem a mobile app for you forum is pretty much a must have thing,
But how many of us can afford to have an app written just for our forum alone, (and then double the cost if you want both iphone and android apps) ?
It would be great if an app for phpbb could be developed that could quite easily be customised for each owners forum, either by phpbb itself or a group of knowledgeable users, and i suspect that many users here would be willing to pay a reasonable sum for the use of such an app,
Its Probably not easily (if at all) done thing though,
But without such an app that enables forum users to simply tap on an app to access the forum with one tap, and to get notifications sent directly to their phone for new posts etc, then i fear that the days of forums, and also phpbb is limited, with more and more forums falling by the wayside, as just more victims of Facebooks domination of the scene.
and i dont think anyone would like to see that happen
posted more in hope than expectation