[CDB] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by MattF »

nuxtovios wrote:Will be there any replacement for the bbcode tab, tabs? they where very useful
Nope. They are history. They were "malformed" BBCodes and are not supported by the native BBCode engine so they are gone. That does not mean you can't create your own custom bbcode that does the same thing, but backwards compatibility with the old ones can not be continued into phpBB 3.1. (I'll take another look at saving it, just in case though)
Profo wrote:Is [ed2k] going to be definitely removed or is it going to be replaced with a newer/different one?
That is gone too.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by vsabah »

Wonderful extension! Thanks...
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by MattF »

Updated to Beta 2 to support phpBB 3.1.0-RC2
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by chriket »

I tried and it works fine on my install.:) Nice work.


- can we add our own button icons for added bbcodes, and how?

- the command for align should offer separate buttons for center / left / right / justified so there is no code editing required: the purpose of BBcodes and of such a nice extension is to save time when making posts :)

- the lack of a BBcode for tables is terrible: it's one of the most wanted functions for any community needing to present clear data: technical and scientific forums but as well games forums or anything that requires to organize data layouts: a simple list of hotels with city and prices is much better in a table.
(IMHO a forum that would be able to natively manage tables would be a winner for many many groups of users).). :D

- in my opinion and the opinion of the 20ish people who tried my beta install to decide what we'll do with our various forums, this extension should focus first on layout, document organization, and typographical features before adding fancy stuff. I like NFO ASCII art... but is that really essential? And glowing text is fun but is it more important than having separate buttons for alignment? 8-)

- the font menu: it's based on the fonts installed on the system of the user so it could be very confusing because what a user does will actually not be visible/understood by other users who don't have the same fonts. Wouldn't it be better to only offer the basic fonts available everywhere (or easily replaced)?
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by MattF »

chriket wrote:- can we add our own button icons for added bbcodes, and how?
Yes, just drop GIF icons named the same as the bbcode into the images folder.
chriket wrote:- the command for align should offer separate buttons for center / left / right / justified so there is no code editing required: the purpose of BBcodes and of such a nice extension is to save time when making posts :)

- the lack of a BBcode for tables is terrible: it's one of the most wanted functions for any community needing to present clear data: technical and scientific forums but as well games forums or anything that requires to organize data layouts: a simple list of hotels with city and prices is much better in a table.
(IMHO a forum that would be able to natively manage tables would be a winner for many many groups of users).). :D

- in my opinion and the opinion of the 20ish people who tried my beta install to decide what we'll do with our various forums, this extension should focus first on layout, document organization, and typographical features before adding fancy stuff. I like NFO ASCII art... but is that really essential? And glowing text is fun but is it more important than having separate buttons for alignment? 8-)

- the font menu: it's based on the fonts installed on the system of the user so it could be very confusing because what a user does will actually not be visible/understood by other users who don't have the same fonts. Wouldn't it be better to only offer the basic fonts available everywhere (or easily replaced)?
As for all that, a couple things:
1. This is a port of an existing MOD with 80,000 downloads, so it has been a pretty successful MOD offering the BBCodes you see here.

2. A handful of those BBCodes (like tables) had to be removed because the whole point of this version is to be compliant with the core BBCode system. The old MOD essentially bulldozed the core BBCode system with its own more hacky system. For future-proofing this version, we have to use the same BBCode system as phpBB, which meant dropping all the "mal-formed" bbcodes of the old MOD that do not work as custom bbcodes, which included the table bbcode. That's not to say board admin's can't create their own table bbcodes, but this extension is only going to be released with BBCodes that are backwards compatible with the previous MOD versions BBCodes, so no table bbcode is included.

3. So the main point of this extension is to both add a nice facelift and a bunch of new BBCodes, and also be a survival kit for users of the old MOD version. Because when a board updates from 3.0 to 3.1, the old MOD version will not update, and that will be devastating for all existing posts that used its bbcodes. THis extension allows those old bbcodes in posts to work in phpBB 3.1. But also future proofs them as best as possible for when phpBB updates to a WYSIWYG type editor.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by FoFa »

Love it. Thanks a lot.
Formly ForumsFaciles :wink:
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by cprgolds »

Works GREAT in my testing with RC2. No problems whatsoever.

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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by leschek »

VSE wrote:THis extension allows those old bbcodes in posts to work in phpBB 3.1.
Is this mean, that my tables from 3.0 will be OK in 3.1 even if there will not be table BBCode?
I hope someone eventually will make table extension compatible with 3.0 BBCode.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by MattF »

leschek wrote:
VSE wrote:THis extension allows those old bbcodes in posts to work in phpBB 3.1.
Is this mean, that my tables from 3.0 will be OK in 3.1 even if there will not be table BBCode?
I hope someone eventually will make table extension compatible with 3.0 BBCode.
It means that old table bbcodes will break.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by leschek »

Thank you.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by watisnf.nl »

Very interesting and helpful extension, it even works in the ACP which is really helpful for me. I played a bit with this extension to make the Dutch translation which you can find here ;)

Keep up the good work!
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by wintstar »

Installed Advanced BBCode Box Version: 3.1.0-b2
Conflict with Board3 Portal Extension.
If I want to edit the modules Welcome- and owned block of the Board3 Portal Extension in the ACP I get this error message. Both modules use the BBcode editor.

Board3 Portal Demo => click here
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Twig_Error_Loader' with message 'Unable to find template "../theme/abbc3.min.css" (looked into: ./../ext/board3/portal/adm/style, ./../adm/style) in "@vse_abbc3/event/acp_overall_header_head_append.html" at line 2.' in C:\xampp\htdocs\area\phpBBext\vendor\twig\twig\lib\Twig\Loader\Filesystem.php:202 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\area\phpBBext\phpbb\template\twig\loader.php(106): Twig_Loader_Filesystem->findTemplate('../theme/abbc3....') #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\area\phpBBext\vendor\twig\twig\lib\Twig\Loader\Filesystem.php(138): phpbb\template\twig\loader->findTemplate('../theme/abbc3....') #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\area\phpBBext\phpbb\template\twig\environment.php(188): Twig_Loader_Filesystem->getCacheKey('../theme/abbc3....') #3 C:\xampp\htdocs\area\phpBBext\cache\twig\ca\90\328cbf5240549fe858b287c7367a.php(27): phpbb\template\twig\environment->findTemplate('../theme/abbc3....') #4 C:\xampp\htdocs\area\phpBBext\vendor\twig\twig\lib\Twig\Template.php(264): __TwigTemplate_ca90328cbf5240549fe858b287c73 in C:\xampp\htdocs\area\phpBBext\vendor\twig\twig\lib\Twig\Loader\Filesystem.php on line 202
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by MattF »

Not really sure what you got going wrong there with your board as I have been using ABBC3 with Board3 Portal with no problems here (although, since Board3 does not use the posting_buttons template html file, ABBC3 does not show up in Board3, but it does not block it from working).

For me it is working or at least compatible with every extension that uses BBcodes in the ACP.

If it works with the Contact page settings, then ABBC3 is working as expected in the ACP.

You could ask the authors of the Portal to use the posting_buttons template instead of their own, so other extensions like ABBC3 can work in their extension as it does in the rest of the ACP.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by wintstar »

Thanks for Info.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by Татьяна5 »

After disabling the extension in the tooltips of bbkode shown language variables
Maybe automatically hide added bbkodes when extension is disabled?
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