[CDB] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by MattF »

Татьяна5 wrote:After disabling the extension in the tooltips of bbkode shown language variables
Maybe automatically hide added bbkodes when extension is disabled?
That's not really how this works. This ext is adding several custom bbcodes to your board for you. Enabled or disabled or deleted, those bbcodes are now part of your board. If you remove this ext you need to decide to delete, keep or edit the custom bbcodes it added on your own.

By disabling or deleting this ext, you lose the features it adds to those custom bbcodes, including multi-lingual support, in which case you will need to edit them with your own help lines if you intend to keep this ext disabled or deleted.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by Татьяна5 »

From the perspective of an ordinary user word 'ABBC3_SHADOW_HELPLINE' looks like a bug, isn't it?
If you don't like 'display_on_posting = 0' in the bbcodes table, maybe you replace language variables to words in the board language (when deleting extension)?
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by david63 »

Татьяна5 wrote:... maybe you replace language variables to words in the board language (when deleting extension)?
There is the problem that when you delete an extension then the language, along with all other, files don't exist any more.
Remember: You only know what you know and - you don't know what you don't know!

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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by MattF »

david63 wrote:
Татьяна5 wrote:... maybe you replace language variables to words in the board language (when deleting extension)?
There is the problem that when you delete an extension then the language, along with all other, files don't exist any more.
Right, and as I mentioned above, then you go into the custom bbcodes and decide what to keep or delete, and also edit them, typing in your own help lines in whatever language you want to use.

This extension must not alter any bbcodes when disabled/deleted because it has no way of knowing if some of those bbcodes may have been altered by the admin, and we would not want to over-write/destroy their custom bbcodes.

So we must leave them alone, and let the admin decide what to do with them via the custom bbcodes editor.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by wintstar »

wintstar wrote:Installed Advanced BBCode Box Version: 3.1.0-b2
Conflict with Board3 Portal Extension.
If I want to edit the modules Welcome- and owned block of the Board3 Portal Extension in the ACP I get this error message. Both modules use the BBcode editor.

Board3 Portal Demo => click here
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Twig_Error_Loader' with message 'Unable to find template "../theme/abbc3.min.css" (looked into: ./../ext/board3/portal/adm/style, ./../adm/style) in "@vse_abbc3/event/acp_overall_header_head_append.html" at line 2.' in C:\xampp\htdocs\area\phpBBext\vendor\twig\twig\lib\Twig\Loader\Filesystem.php:202 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\area\phpBBext\phpbb\template\twig\loader.php(106): Twig_Loader_Filesystem->findTemplate('../theme/abbc3....') #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\area\phpBBext\vendor\twig\twig\lib\Twig\Loader\Filesystem.php(138): phpbb\template\twig\loader->findTemplate('../theme/abbc3....') #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\area\phpBBext\phpbb\template\twig\environment.php(188): Twig_Loader_Filesystem->getCacheKey('../theme/abbc3....') #3 C:\xampp\htdocs\area\phpBBext\cache\twig\ca\90\328cbf5240549fe858b287c7367a.php(27): phpbb\template\twig\environment->findTemplate('../theme/abbc3....') #4 C:\xampp\htdocs\area\phpBBext\vendor\twig\twig\lib\Twig\Template.php(264): __TwigTemplate_ca90328cbf5240549fe858b287c73 in C:\xampp\htdocs\area\phpBBext\vendor\twig\twig\lib\Twig\Loader\Filesystem.php on line 202
I have found the error. I had, since I've installed several styles, copied the folder "all" to prosilver and delete this folder "all".
After I added the original folder "all" back to styles , the error was corrected.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by leschek »

It seems that there is small issue with color swatch on page with settings for other extensions (in ACP) - the color swatch is on the side of text area for board announcements.


Also when I disabled and enabled the extension (ABBCB 3.1) it duplicated BBCodes on pages with other extensions settings in ACP. I was able to fix it by purging the cache, but I guess it should do it itself or there should be note that admin have to purge cache - maybe this is phpBB 3.1 core problem.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by david63 »

Enabling and/or disabling an extension automatically purges the cache
Remember: You only know what you know and - you don't know what you don't know!

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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by leschek »

Well, I'm not so sure, because I can replicate it on my 3.1.0-RC2 board with ABBCB 3.1.0-b2. I have to manually purge the cache to fix it.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by MattF »

leschek wrote:It seems that there is small issue with color swatch on page with settings for other extensions (in ACP) - the color swatch is on the side of text area for board announcements.


Also when I disabled and enabled the extension (ABBCB 3.1) it duplicated BBCodes on pages with other extensions settings in ACP. I was able to fix it by purging the cache, but I guess it should do it itself or there should be note that admin have to purge cache - maybe this is phpBB 3.1 core problem.
No issue with colors in ACP. that is how it is designed in the ACP.

never ever experienced your second issue.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by leschek »

VSE wrote:No issue with colors in ACP. that is how it is designed in the ACP.
It just looks a bit strange. I mean wouldn't be nicer to have colors aligned with the top of BBCodes? Now it's aligned with text area and there is empty space on the side of BBCodes.
VSE wrote:never ever experienced your second issue.
I updated to phpBB 3.1 RC3, tried to disable and delete data of extension and after enabling it again I still have the problem. It's not big problem as I use it only on testing board and I know how to "fix" if.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by Going4Quests »

I am totally new to this extension so i have a little question: How can you set up an image for a custom BB-Code you add?
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by Raul [ThE KuKa] »

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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by Going4Quests »

Erm can I report a little glitch here? :P


This happens when editing your signature, the smilies are a bit misaligned. :P
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by Татьяна5 »

Bbcodes fade, spoil, BBvideo (all bbcodes which use javascript) don't work in the ajax preview
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by MattF »

Going4Quests wrote:Erm can I report a little glitch here? :P


This happens when editing your signature, the smilies are a bit misaligned. :P
This extension has nothing to do with smilies.
Formerly known as VSEMy ExtensionsPlease do not PM me for support.

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