Extension Name: User Online Time
Author: Wolfsblvt
Extension Description: Keeps track of user total and average online time. Adds it to the user profile.
Extension Version: 1.1.1
- PHP: >= 5.4.0
Current Features
- Tracks online time of users (total and per day)
- Calculates online time from configuration of 'load_online_time' for "who is online?" list
- Shows it in easy to read format in member profile
- Online time not visible on invisible users profile, except you can see invisibles
- Permission to view online time
- Permission to hide online time (bound to core permission "Can hide online status")
- UCP option to hide online time
- Permission to see even hidden online times (bound to core permission "Can view hidden online users")
- Full subsilver2 support
- None
Demo URL: -
Extension Download: wolfsblvt.onlinetime.zip
More Information:
I've seen this feature in another board system, so I wanted to include it to phpBB. First as a very easy extension, nothing big, like you see it now. It keeps track of user online time, but before you ask: It starts counting from the first enable of this extension. There is no chance to get the correct online time for the past.
What I thought it would be cool, it uses the timespan how long you are visible in the "who is online?" list, but with a few exceptions. The online list shows you as online for X minutes until you are gone. This extension just counts the time if you do another action in this time frame.
There are permissions included and used in this extension.
If you have any corrections or improvements for my code, I would be very glad. Extension developing seems to be difficult

Bug reports in this thread or on github.
(Oh, and my english is not the best. If you have suggestions for translations or want to add another translation language, just use this thread too, or make a pull request)