Group colour specification, why does specifying a colour also set font-weight=bold?

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Group colour specification, why does specifying a colour also set font-weight=bold?

Post by P_I »

If a Group is assigned a colour (under ACP, Manage groups, Group wide settings, Group colour) when group members are displayed, they are displayed with class="username-coloured" which sets font-weight=bold. In most group cases is this probably desirable styling.

One group that probably doesn't need the emphasis is the Bots group, which by default display as Google [Bot]. Shouldn't colour be enough to distinguish a group member without also resorting to using a bold font. Or at least shouldn't this be optional via ACP?

I can workaround the problem by assigning no Group colour to the Bots group, but then members of the group are not distinguished.

Perhaps a future enhancement would allow the ACP Group wide settings to specify both Group colour as well as a check box to specify bold weight or not. Is it worth opening an Improvement bug ticket for this?
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Re: Group colour specification, why does specifying a colour also set font-weight=bold?

Post by Brf »

Opinions about Styles are not really bugs. You are free to change the style of your personal board however you like.
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Re: Group colour specification, why does specifying a colour also set font-weight=bold?

Post by P_I »

Brf wrote:Opinions about Styles are not really bugs.
Don't I know it. :lol: They are "religious" arguments like Mac vs. PC, Windows vs. Linux, et al.

Just curious why ACP setting exists to change Group colour, but not font weight. And what mechanism exists to provide feedback to developers for consideration of future enhancement in this area. Per the direction/philosophy of phpBB 3.1, our preference it to run the core software as released and not make board specific changes to the software.
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Re: Group colour specification, why does specifying a colour also set font-weight=bold?

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

this is something that apparently only you would want. the developers could not possibly be expected to cover every possilbe little tweak that someone might want for their board.

for style changes, you can create a child style that only has the files needed for that specific change. then install that style.
or, you can request an extension to add this option to the admin panel.

or, you could probably just ignore this since it is doubtful that any of your members will ever even think about it one way or the other.

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Re: Group colour specification, why does specifying a colour also set font-weight=bold?

Post by Brf »

I have seen mods for changing the style of individual groups. I am assuming there will be extensions to do that too. In any case, if you think it belongs in the core, area51 is the place to make future feature requests.

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