Like many other boards, we have a specific forum or topic put aside for Jokes, another for videos, etc. Also like many other boards, we have people coming in and posting jokes in the politics section--ok that was a bad example, LOL--or in the "how to" section, posting videos in the "Recommended Reading" section, you get the idea. Most times, this is because the user is new and maybe not used to forum heirarchies yet. Obviously, we try to help them along, and in time, experienced users get it down, and help the next ones to come along.
However, in the meantime, new users' mis placed posts have to be manually moved or deleted, placing the onus squarely on the admin and mod staff, and as we all know a tired mod staff is a cranky mod staff. Never good for building community. My solution:
During the posting process, add some "phrase filters" and "word filters" to the mix that will gently give the poster reminders where a post may belong. For example:
Code: Select all
if (stripos($data['post_text'],'joke') !== false)
trigger_error('Jokes don't go here! Try again in our Joke forum! You can find it <a href="xxxxx">HERE!</a> We can't wait to read it!')
Code: Select all
if (!stripos($data['post_text'],'Contest Submission') !== false)
trigger_error('This is our contest forum--you need to start your post with "Contest Submission" in order for it to be accepted! Hit the back button and try again!')
You get the idea. My question is, where is the best place to set up this routine? posting.php? message_parser.php? Someplace else I'm not looking? In most of my hacks, Ive tried not to dig too deeply into phpbb3 functions, but I suspect this one will require it.
What do you think?