E107 to phpBB

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E107 to phpBB

Post by Bacon_ »

Hey guys, got my forum on E107 0.7.26 and was wondering the best method to convert to phpBB 3.1.x. The most tried and tested methods and get the best results, thanks!
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Lumpy Burgertushie
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Re: E107 to phpBB

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

I did not know that e107 was even still around.
I googled for their site, found it, searched on it for information about phpbb and found a link to the site of the person that is developing the phpbb plugin:

it is for 3.0 and there doesn't seem to be anything for 3.1

don't know about a convertor. depends on exactly what forum software your e107 is using. there is no e107 forum software. they use plugins to create a forum using things like vanilla or phpbb etc.


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