Hello friend. I've updated your extension language file for english. This update will help the problems posted above. When you have time, please add this update to your extension package. Best regards.
Code: Select all
$lang = array_merge($lang, [
'ACP_IMG_FROM_POSTS' => 'Images from posts',
'ACP_IMG_POSTS' => 'Display Settings',
'ACP_IMG_POSTS_EXPLAIN' => 'Configure the image display settings',
'ACP_IMG_POSTS_DESCRIPTION' => 'Here you can customize display of images posted in forum.',
'LAST_IMAGES_ATACHMENT' => 'Recent Posts',
'IMAGES_PLACE_TYPE' => 'Place display',
'IMAGES_IGNORE_FORUM' => 'Ignored forums',
'IMAGES_IGNORE_TOPIC' => 'Ignored topics',
'IMAGES_ATTACHMENT_ALL' => 'Images from other forums',
'IMAGES_ATTACHMENT_ALL_EXPLAIN' => 'Display images on this forum from other forums?',
'IMAGES_IGNORE_TOPIC_EXPLAIN' => 'Comma separated topic ID to exclude certain topics from display',
'IMAGES_BOTTOM_TYPE' => 'Displayed at the bottom of the board index page',
'IMAGES_TOP_INVERT' => 'Display unit in top of forum',
'IMAGES_TOP_INVERT_EXPLAIN' => 'Display the thumbnail block on the top of page?',
'IMAGES_CAROUSEL_TYPE' => 'Scroll images',
'IMAGES_CAROUSEL_TYPE_EXPLAIN' => 'Ability to scroll images by clicking on appropriate buttons.',
'IMAGES_COUNT_IMG_MIN' => 'Image minimum',
'IMAGES_COUNT_IMG_MIN_EXPLAIN' => 'Minimum number of images for display',
'IMAGES_COUNT_IMG' => 'Image maximum',
'IMAGES_SIZE_IMG' => 'Image width maximum',
'IMAGES_PLACE_TYPE_OFF' => 'Turned off',
'IMAGES_PLACE_TYPE_INDEX' => 'On index page',
'IMAGES_PLACE_TYPE_VIEW' => 'In list of topics',
'IMAGES_PLACE_TYPE_ALL' => 'Both: On index page/In list of topics',
'IMAGES_SETTINGS' => 'Thumbnail settings',
'IMAGES_NEW_PATH' => 'Path for storing thumbnails',
'IMAGES_NEW_PATH_EXPLAIN' => '<span class="error">Thumbnails folder should have permissions of CHMOD: 777</span>',
'IMAGES_HEIGHT_WIDTH' => 'Create a square thumbnail?',
'FIRST_IMAGES_TOPIC' => 'Display in Topic List',
'FIRST_IMAGES_TOPIC_ON' => 'Enable Images in Topic List?',
'FIRST_IMAGES_FLOAT' => 'Display the thumbnail on the left?',
'WATERMARKS' => 'Watermarks',
'WATERMARKS_EXPLAIN' => 'Enter the text that will be generated for the watermark, or leave it blank if the watermark is not needed.',
'IMAGES_ATACHMENT' => 'Image Type',
'IMAGES_ATACHMENT_EXPLAIN' => 'To show thumbnails for attachments, select Attachments. To show thumbnails for [img] tags, select [img] Images. To show both, select All. <span class="error">(not recommended, as it will significantly increase the load)</span>',
'ACP_IMG_MANAGE_POSTS' => 'Manage Thumbnails',
'ACP_IMG_MANAGE_POSTS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can delete all or unused thumbnails, as well as configure the automatic deletion of the thumbnails cache.',
'CLEAR_CACHE' => 'Clear the thumbnail cache',
'CLEAR_ALL_SUCCESS' => 'The thumbnails cache has been successfully cleared',
'CLEAR_OLD_SUCCESS' => 'Unused thumbnails have been successfully removed',
'CLEAR_OLD' => 'Remove unused thumbnails',
'CLEAR_ALL' => 'Remove all thumbnails',
'CLEAR_ALL_ERROR' => 'Unable to clear the thumbnails cache (thumbnail folder may not exist)',
'CLEAR_ALL_EMPTY' => 'Thumbnails cache is empty',
'CLEAR_OLD_ERROR' => 'Failed to remove unused thumbnails',
'NO_IMAGES_TO DELETE' => 'Abandoned or unused thumbnails found',
'CLEAR_CACHE_BY_CRON' => 'Configure automatic thumbnail deletion using CRON',
'CRON_SET' => 'Enable automatic thumbnail deletion',
'CRON_PRUNE' => 'Frequency of job',
'CREATE_THUMBS' => 'Checking and creating thumbnails',
'FORUMS_EXPLAIN' => 'Select a forum for which to create thumbnails',
'NUM_THUMBS' => 'The number of messages being processed',
'NUM_THUMBS_EXPLAIN' => 'Select the desired number of messages to process',
'THUMB_CREATED' => '<strong>Total checked thumbnails: % d created:% d</strong><br />The following thumbnails were created<br />%s',
'THUMB_NOT_NEED_CREATE' => '<strong>Total checked thumbnails: %d</strong>. Thumbnails queued for creation not found',
'NOT_FORUM_SELECTED' => 'You must select the forum, please try again.',
'IMAGES_MODE_IMG' => '[img] Images',
'IMAGES_MODE_ATT' => 'Attachments',
'IMAGES_PHPBB_GALLERY' => 'Images from Gallery',
'IMAGES_PHPBB_GALLERY_EXPLAIN' => 'If enabled, images from the Gallery Extension will be available for thumbnails. <a href="https://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/mod/phpbb_gallery/">«phpBB Gallery 3.1 Extension»</a><br />This is optional, and not required in your installation.',
'LOG_IMG_FROM_POSTS_CONFIG' => '<strong>Images from posts</strong> settings applied',
'LOG_CLEAR_IMG_CACHE' => '<strong>Images from posts</strong> cleared thumbnails cache',