I have the same problem in my environment. I will fix it as soon as possible.fanmail wrote:Menu Options not working: http://mphpbb3.flexplat.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=19 (smartphone)
Hi fanmail,rickey29 wrote:I have the same problem in my environment. I will fix it as soon as possible.fanmail wrote:Menu Options not working: http://mphpbb3.flexplat.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=19 (smartphone)
Hi Kupullka,Kupullka wrote:Good afternoon! Very good mod. Only there is one mistake. On the main theme does not appear where there are unread messages? So it should be?
Hi fanmail,
Hi Fanmail,fanmail wrote:Would it be possible to increase thread readability a little bit please?
Alternate post background color, avatar, thicker separator between posts?
Code: Select all
if ( !defined('IN_PHPBB') )
function m_get_detection($data)
$device_list = array(
// Apple iOS
'iPad' => array(
'Apple iPad',
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
'iPhone' => array(
'Apple iPhone',
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
'iPod' => array(
'Apple iPod',
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
// Kindle Fire
'Kindle Fire' => array(
'Kindle Fire',
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
'Kindle/' => array(
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
// Android
'Android*Mobile' => array(
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
'Android' => array(
'Android Honeycomb',
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
// Chrome
'Chrome/' => array(
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
// Macintosh
'Macintosh' => array(
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
// Firefox
'Firefox/' => array(
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
// Windows Phone
'Windows Phone' => array(
'Windows Phone',
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
// Windows Mobile
'Windows CE' => array(
'Windows Mobile',
'jQuery Mobile C-grade',
// Internet Explorer
'MSIE ' => array(
'Internet Explorer',
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
// Opera Mobile
'Opera Mobi*Version/' => array(
'Opera Mobile',
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
// Opera Mini
'Opera Mini/' => array(
'Opera Mini',
'jQuery Mobile B-grade',
// Opera
'Opera*Version/' => array(
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
// Palm WebOS
'webOS/*AppleWebKit' => array(
'Palm WebOS',
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
'TouchPad/' => array(
'Palm WebOS Pad',
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
// Meego
'MeeGo' => array(
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
// BlackBerry
'BlackBerry*AppleWebKit*Version/' => array(
'BlackBerry Smartphone',
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
'PlayBook*AppleWebKit' => array(
'BlackBerry Playbook',
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
'BlackBerry*/*MIDP' => array(
'BlackBerry Feature Phone',
'jQuery Mobile C-grade',
// Safari
'Safari' => array(
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
// Nokia Symbian
'Symbian/' => array(
'Nokia Symbian',
'jQuery Mobile B-grade',
// Google
'googlebot-mobile' => array(
'Google Mobile Bot',
'jQuery Mobile A-grade',
'googlebot' => array(
'Google Bot',
// Microsoft
'bingbot' => array(
'Microsoft Bing',
// Yahoo!
'Yahoo! Slurp' => array(
'Yahoo! Slurp',
// application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
$accept_list = array(
'application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml' => array(
'jQuery Mobile C-grade',
if ( !empty($data['user_agent']) )
foreach ( $device_list as $key => $value )
if ( preg_match('#' . str_replace('\*', '.*?', preg_quote($key, '#')) . '#i', $data['user_agent']) )
return $value;
if ( !empty($data['accept']) )
foreach ( $accept_list as $key => $value )
if ( preg_match('#' . str_replace('\*', '.*?', preg_quote($key, '#')) . '#i', $data['accept']) )
return $value;
if ( !empty($data['profile']) )
return array('unrecognized', 'jQuery Mobile C-grade', 'feature-phone');
if ( empty($data['user_agent']) )
return array('', '', 'desktop');
return array('unrecognized', 'unrecognized', 'unrecognized');
function m_get_redirection($data)
list($device_platform, $device_grade, $device_system) = m_get_detection($data);
if ( $device_system == 'desktop' || $device_system == 'bot' )
return array($device_platform, $device_grade, $device_system, 'desktop', '');
else if ( $device_system == 'mobile-bot' )
return array($device_platform, $device_grade, $device_system, 'mobile', '');
if ( !empty($data['redirection']) )
if ( $data['redirection'] == 'mobile' )
return array($device_platform, $device_grade, $device_system, 'mobile', 'mobile');
else if ( $data['redirection'] == 'desktop' )
return array($device_platform, $device_grade, $device_system, 'desktop', 'desktop');
if ( !empty($data['cookie']) )
if ( $data['cookie'] == 'mobile' )
return array($device_platform, $device_grade, $device_system, 'mobile', 'mobile');
else if ( $data['cookie'] == 'desktop' )
return array($device_platform, $device_grade, $device_system, 'desktop', 'desktop');
return array($device_platform, $device_grade, $device_system, 'mobile', '');