mikeablah wrote:Definitely love this style and will go premium when you get it out. Simply a beautiful, yet somewhat simple theme.
Thank you! Really appreciate your feedback.
..777.. wrote:This style is exactly what I want for my forum. If it works with extensions then I will definitely be deploying your premium version as soon as its done.
Thank you for your hard work!
Thank you very much! Just be sure, to enter your email adress here, so you get a notification email, when the premium version is ready:
Vanea'Moldoveanu wrote:beta on site is for phpBB 3.0 not to 3.1.6 please check.. ComBoot-phpBB-3.0.zip
That`s not the correct file. I guess not even the right github repo.
Please enter your github name at the top and you will be added to the beta team:
Afterwards you can download the comboot version for 3.1 (