HiFiKabin wrote:Yes of course you can do it that way, but this very good Extension gives more detail and requires no user input (which is always a good thing when it comes to most users)
Let's be completely honest, the "detail" that is given just depends on the data input by the user. The only difference between my link, and the demo picture is the
underscore. Both versions of the link can be and would be labeled the exact same way. If I wanted to link to "Patricks Totally Awesome Website".... I don't care what method I'm using to create the link, it's going to still be called "Patricks Totally Awesome Website" with the same URL attached to it.
Secondly: everything requires
some sort of user input, including this text box I'm writing in now. So the claim of
"requires no user input" is erroneous.
Don't get me wrong, I completely understand that there are users out there that see those code buttons at the top and they say "Oh, those are nopecodes that are usually used on the I'll never use those forum at screwthat.com" I will also agree that as simple as it may seem to you and I, some people don't want to learn these simple codes, nor will they ever try...... but there should be an appendix somewhere stating that your extension isn't the only way to do this, and that it is geared towards those who are used to the typical Microsoft hyperlink.
I'm not menaing to make waves, so I truely hope you aren't taking it that way. In the Safety world we have a saying: Make everything Idiot proof, and they'll make a better idiot. I'm just trying to provide healthy conversation and help educate those that are curious and might want to learn something new.
I'll stop bugging you now

Thank you for listening.... 'er, reading.