[ABD] Local URL To Text

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Re: [BETA] Local URL To Text

Post by valdos »

Thank you. Cool extension

Not working link to a post, if it has the appearance of


instead of

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Re: [BETA] Local URL To Text

Post by Galixte de EzCom »

valdos wrote:Thank you. Cool extension

Not working link to a post, if it has the appearance of


instead of



this link type works for me on my board.
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Re: [BETA] Local URL To Text

Post by PMVanDomelen »

What if you just did it Like this?

It's just a link to the top of this page, but without the use of an extension.

I only learned of the existance of php a year ago, and been moderately involved in the last 5 months.... if I can figure this out, you (the end user) should be able to handle it no problem.

So unless you avoid underscores like the plague, it makes life a darn lot easier than installing literally anything from Github.
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Re: [BETA] Local URL To Text

Post by HiFiKabin »

Yes of course you can do it that way, but this very good Extension gives more detail and requires no user input (which is always a good thing when it comes to most users)
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Re: [BETA] Local URL To Text

Post by PMVanDomelen »

HiFiKabin wrote:Yes of course you can do it that way, but this very good Extension gives more detail and requires no user input (which is always a good thing when it comes to most users)
Let's be completely honest, the "detail" that is given just depends on the data input by the user. The only difference between my link, and the demo picture is the underscore. Both versions of the link can be and would be labeled the exact same way. If I wanted to link to "Patricks Totally Awesome Website".... I don't care what method I'm using to create the link, it's going to still be called "Patricks Totally Awesome Website" with the same URL attached to it.

Secondly: everything requires some sort of user input, including this text box I'm writing in now. So the claim of "requires no user input" is erroneous.

Don't get me wrong, I completely understand that there are users out there that see those code buttons at the top and they say "Oh, those are nopecodes that are usually used on the I'll never use those forum at screwthat.com" I will also agree that as simple as it may seem to you and I, some people don't want to learn these simple codes, nor will they ever try...... but there should be an appendix somewhere stating that your extension isn't the only way to do this, and that it is geared towards those who are used to the typical Microsoft hyperlink.

I'm not menaing to make waves, so I truely hope you aren't taking it that way. In the Safety world we have a saying: Make everything Idiot proof, and they'll make a better idiot. I'm just trying to provide healthy conversation and help educate those that are curious and might want to learn something new.

I'll stop bugging you now ;) Thank you for listening.... 'er, reading.
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Re: [BETA] Local URL To Text

Post by Volksdevil »

.....And the SEO benefit. If a user posts a URL without using bbcode, then that's useless for SEO (Internal linking). If a user does use bbcode but posts the link as 'Click Here', then that also has no SEO benefit (Internal linking).

The point of this extension is that it takes forum titles, topic titles etc from stright posted URL's and makes internal linking much more SEO friendly. Of course Internal linking isn't as SEO rich as External linking but there is still some benefit if your forum titles, topic titles etc are using correct wording.
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Re: [BETA] Local URL To Text

Post by rrbailey89 »

Any update on this?
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Re: [ABD] Local URL To Text

Post by Paul »

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Re: [BETA] Local URL To Text

Post by ___Martin »

Kharaz wrote:Would it be possible to make it work for the profile fields in "viewtopic" too? I'm managing a Pen-and-Paper board where users can put the url to their character-topic in a custom profile field and it would be awesome, if the url would be something like "character xyz" instead of "viewtopic.php?f=11&p=1329". :oops:

Image <--- Image
Thanks for your suggestion, I will look into this.
See: https://github.com/Mar-tin-G/LocalUrlToText/issues/8

koraldon wrote:Great extension
Just one request - can you update to include automatic version check, per https://wiki.phpbb.com/Extension_meta_data
Thanks :)
Yes, this extension will include version check information. I had to change my GitHub username because it contained a hyphen as last character, which is not supported by all DNS resolvers. :?
But now the version check URL is fixed and will work with the next release.

valdos wrote:Thank you. Cool extension

Not working link to a post, if it has the appearance of


instead of

Thanks, I will look into this.
See: https://github.com/Mar-tin-G/LocalUrlToText/issues/7
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Re: [BETA] Local URL To Text

Post by ___Martin »

Version 1.1.0-beta1 released. :)

Please feel free to download and test the new version:
https://github.com/Mar-tin-G/LocalUrlTo ... -beta1.zip
Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Volksdevil wrote:Ah this looks great, but It's a shame it won't work when External Links - URL Manager viewtopic.php?f=456&t=2270671 is installed.
Should now work with External Links extension (or similar extensions that modify the phpBB generated URLs).

valdos wrote:Not working link to a post, if it has the appearance of
Fixed - links that contain the post number only as #pXXX should work now.

Kharaz wrote:Would it be possible to make it work for the profile fields in "viewtopic" too?
Yes - added local URL replacement for Custom profile fields.
Please note: only Custom profile fields of type "URL (Link)" are considered.

Also added support for the official Pages extension.
Links to pages from this extension may be replaced now as well.
Link to a page: http://yourboard/app.php/page/pageurlroute or http://yourboard/page/pageurlroute
Replacement: Page title
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Re: [BETA] Local URL To Text

Post by Volksdevil »

That's a heck of an update mate, well done :) and thanks.

I'll test as soon as I can.
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Re: [BETA] Local URL To Text

Post by HiFiKabin »

Excellent. Working well
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Re: [BETA] Local URL To Text

Post by koraldon »

Thanks for the new version - will update over the weekend :)
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Re: [BETA] Local URL To Text

Post by bitsss »

When the release candidate is coming?
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Re: [BETA] Local URL To Text

Post by mike2003 »

Bad working witn non-english in setting (UTF8 may be problem)
was 3 letters - change to ??????

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