Author: Andreas
Extension Description:
Sends e-mails reminder to users that are inactive for a certain amount of time (set by admin).
Extension Version:
Features: EXT sends e-mail reminders to users that are inactive for a certain amount of time. If user will not wake up after the 3d reminder user will be enabled for (auto) purging. After 3 reminders the ext stops sending reminders to user and admin will be able to delete that user.
Also user can self delete his account (with or without the approval of the administrator)
- List of inactive users and their reminders status
- Automatically send reminders to inactive users
- Two different templates depending on user's status
- Define by admin interval of days to consider a user as "sleeper"
- Define by admin how many reminders (mails) per day to send
- Option to include user's/forums top active topics in mail
- Exclude/Include forums for the e-mail reminder.
- Option to self delete for a user. (with or without admins approval)
- Ignore users. List of users that the ext should not send reminders
- Admin is able to send reminders to individual inactive users
Demo URL: Not available.
Demo Username: Not available.
Demo Password: Not available.
Extension Download: ...
How to install:
- In your
create directoryandreask
and there create directoryium
- Download zip file and extract content of
- Go to
ACP- >Customise->Extensions
and enable theInactive User Manager
This template is for
inactive users
Code: Select all
Subject: Was there a problem?
We see that you have registered at : {REG_DATE}
But since then there have been no activity.
In case you have lost your credentials you can retrieve them from the following link.
If you never received the activation e-mail then please click on the following link to send a new activation mail.
Else, you can always contact the administrator of the forum {ADMIN_MAIL}.
We hope that we will see you again soon.
Code: Select all
Subject: We've missed you!
We see that your last visit on our forum {SITENAME}, was on "{LAST_VISIT}".
It's been a while, and we would like you to know that we hope to see you again soon!
In case you have forgot your credentials you can always retrieve them using the following link.
Else, you can always contact the administrator of the forum on this e-mail "{ADMIN_MAIL}".
Hope to see you back again.
If anyone is willing to help (morally or by any other mean he/she is welcome and I thank him/her for that.)
Please note that this has nothing to do with this.