I have obtained the un-modded vanilla copy of the metro style on your behalf. I opened the overall header and peered inside to find that this style does not have a FAQ nor a Members list by default.
I did however note that it is based on prosilver default style, and the header info would be the same as far as the links are concerned unless you manually created your own with different code in it.
Here it goes as follows.
Open your /styles/metro_purple/template/
overall_header.html (file name in blue)
For the FAQ removal or locking
Code: Select all
<li class="icon-faq"><a href="{U_FAQ}" title="{L_FAQ_EXPLAIN}">{L_FAQ}</a></li>
To completely remove it, just delete that bit of code.
To just lock it so it doesn't show you can do this after finding it.
Replace with:
Code: Select all
<!-- Note to your future self: The above if statement and endif are to lock this code to hide it but perhaps still for future possible use. To use, remove the statements and this note. -->
<li class="icon-faq"><a href="{U_FAQ}" title="{L_FAQ_EXPLAIN}">{L_FAQ}</a></li>
<!-- ENDIF -->
To remove or lock the member list..
Code: Select all
<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_MEMBERLIST --><li class="icon-members"><a href="{U_MEMBERLIST}" title="{L_MEMBERLIST_EXPLAIN}">{L_MEMBERLIST}</a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
To completely remove it, as above so below, just remove that bit of code.
Again, just to lock it you can...
Replace with:
Code: Select all
<!-- Note to your future self: The above if statement and endif are to lock this code to hide it but perhaps still for future possible use. To use, remove the statements and this note. -->
<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_MEMBERLIST --><li class="icon-members"><a href="{U_MEMBERLIST}" title="{L_MEMBERLIST_EXPLAIN}">{L_MEMBERLIST}</a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
You can make the note to self say whatever you want of course but it's useful if you do comment out or lock up some code for later use. I always like to give that as an alternative option because you might think now, "Hey I want this bit out of here", but then later change your mind and wish you had kept it there or locked it.
Though you could always pop open a fresh copy of the prosilver style overall_header.html and take that bit of code and use it to replace the ones you removed if you did change your mind later on.
I hope this helps you.