Looking for support for a Forum that is not getting any help

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Pilots N Paws Canada
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Looking for support for a Forum that is not getting any help

Post by Pilots N Paws Canada »

I have a forum I run for a non profit animal rescue group that is presently with Forumatic. After a lot of requests for answers to questions and not receiving any responses, I need to find help moving it and getting ongoing maintenance as I don't have the skills in phpBB to do that. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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Re: Looking for support for a Forum that is not getting any help

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

there really isn't any "ongoing maintenance" needed usually.

to move from your current host to a new one, only basic web skills are needed.
you need to know how to use ftp and how to make database backups and restores.

this might help:
https://www.phpbb.com/support/docs/en/3 ... or-domain/

as for finding a new host. you can search for one here:

you don't need a huge server or a dedicated server etc. just a normal shared hosting account with the basics.

when you get the backups from forumatic you will have a copy of your files and a database backup file.

that is all you need to transfer to a new host and install your board.

future updates will be a simple 5 minute job , installing extensions and/or styles, if you need or want them, will be a 5 minute job etc.

good luck,
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Re: Looking for support for a Forum that is not getting any help

Post by KevC »

Might help if you explain what the problem is in case we know how to fix it.
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Re: Looking for support for a Forum that is not getting any help

Post by 3Di »

There was already a discussion about forumatic's installations and how to "convert", since it seems that those boards are running (at least at those times, about six months ago) on a slightly modified phpBB 3.0.x version. All of this being said, since I can't find the link now, a simple search in the Support Fora should throw some result.
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Pilots N Paws Canada
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Re: Looking for support for a Forum that is not getting any help

Post by Pilots N Paws Canada »

forumatic refer to their modified phpBB as a 'special' one so not sure what will happen when/if I can transfer it to another host. I am really limited technically on phpBB forgive me. There are things I see that are not possible to change without an upgrade in their plans which I am hesitant to do when I am not getting any response from them on things as it is. for example my header. I am using the PROSILVER style.
The header has html that I can't clear even to get a default style let alone figure out how to load a better one.

I will look back on the requests that are still outstanding with Forumatic so you can see what other things have not been addressed if I stay with them.

Ideally I think if I can learn, having the Forum on a host without Forumatic might be a good idea. I am just concerned what could get broken when I do that with my lack of knowledge.

Thank you all for your comments.
Pilots N Paws Canada
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Re: Looking for support for a Forum that is not getting any help

Post by Pilots N Paws Canada »

"when you get the backups from forumatic you will have a copy of your files and a database backup file.

that is all you need to transfer to a new host and install your board."

future updates will be a simple 5 minute job , installing extensions and/or styles, if you need or want them, will be a 5 minute job etc.

good luck,
That will be part of the problem I suspect. I can't get them to respond to any messages so getting my backups is looking hopeless.

Any other suggestions?
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Re: Looking for support for a Forum that is not getting any help

Post by Andreas Andersen »

Gotta love hosts that dont reply.. Never skimp on hosting!
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Re: Looking for support for a Forum that is not getting any help

Post by Marshalrusty »


If you send me a private message with your information and issue, I will personally make sure it is rectified.

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